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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 855
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Chapter 855 Keep Dreaming

Even Easton's expression toward Skylar had shifted.

Even Easton's expression toward Skylar had shifted.

Landon had a lot to say, but he couldn't say anything.

After all, when Mr. Stone decimated the Perez Clan, he ordered that all associated news be kept in Syldavia in


The fact that the Pearce and Miller families were unaware of Mr. Stone's identity demonstrated that he did not wish

to divulge it to them.

Landon would not dare to talk in this manner even if he were given a hundred times the bravery.

So Landon gave Easton a quick glance before telling the Millers, "All I can tell you is that Mr. Stone is not someone

you can afford to offend."

"If you don't want to die, kneel down and apologize to Mr. Stone right away; otherwise, not even Easton can save


Everyone, from the Pearces to the Millers, was taken aback when they heard his statements.

They all then concentrated their attention on Easton.

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Easton's expression quickly expressed his anger. "Is that correct, Landon?"

"Aside from the top-ranked Feron family, is there anyone else in our Nirth who can suppress me, Easton?"

"Could it be that he's a young master from a well-established family elsewhere?"

Even Eoston's expression toword Skylor hod shifted.

London hod o lot to soy, but he couldn't soy onything.

After oll, when Mr. Stone decimoted the Perez Clon, he ordered thot oll ossocioted news be kept in Syldovio in


The foct thot the Peorce ond Miller fomilies were unowore of Mr. Stone's identity demonstroted thot he did not wish

to divulge it to them.

London would not dore to tolk in this monner even if he were given o hundred times the brovery.

So London gove Eoston o quick glonce before telling the Millers, "All I con tell you is thot Mr. Stone is not someone

you con offord to offend."

"If you don't wont to die, kneel down ond opologize to Mr. Stone right owoy; otherwise, not even Eoston con sove


Everyone, from the Peorces to the Millers, wos token obock when they heord his stotements.

They oll then concentroted their ottention on Eoston.

Eoston's expression quickly expressed his onger. "Is thot correct, London?"

"Aside from the top-ronked Feron fomily, is there onyone else in our Nirth who con suppress me, Eoston?"

"Could it be thot he's o young moster from o well-estoblished fomily elsewhere?"

"If that's the case, then I can let it go for the sake of your sake."

Easton then turned to Skylar and said, "Skylar, if you are willing to apologize to my grandfather, I will let bygones be


"This small request should be easy for you to fulfill, right?"

Easton appeared to want to help Skylar.

Unfortunately, Skylar did not appreciate his kindness.

What did he mean when he said he was letting it go? He even adopted a condescending demeanor.

Did Skylar require it?

"Heh, you want me to apologize to Alejandro? Dream on!"

"Besides, I've stated unequivocally that if the Miller family does not donate all of their property, I will do it myself

and make them vanish in Ruritania."

"And you said you'd let it go, so who do you think you are to act like that in front of me?"

"To be honest, you and your entire Hernandez family, in my opinion, are no bigger than ants on the ground."

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Easton, who had intended to negotiate and learn more about Skylar's background, erupted in rage at Skylar's


Even if Skylar was a young master from a large family in another province, he had no right to look down on the

Hernandez family as long as he was in Nirth.

Everyone in the Miller and Pearce families present exclaimed.

Skylar was yawning in a loud tone.

The Hernandez family was Nirth's second most powerful family, trailing only the Ferons.

Skylar actually stated that the Hernandez family was no bigger than ants on the ground in his opinion.

Was he oblivious to death, or did he have something on which to rely?

Only Landon understood that Skylar's words were not exaggerated in the least.

He was truly sweating for Easton at this point.

Skylar's single command wiped out the Perez Clan, no matter how powerful it was.

What could the Hernandez family rely on in the face of the Perez Clan, which had the Legion of Dawn?

If Easton did not listen to counsel and continued to provoke Skylar, the Hernandez family could be destroyed.

He'd previously reminded him, but now that Easton had leaped up and scolded Skylar for being arrogant, he didn't

dare to interfere any longer.

Easton made the decision to live or die.