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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97 We’re Not That Close The interior design of the rooms appeared simple and reserved, but a professional could easily tell that

the cost to it was on the higher end. With three rooms and two living halls, this place was relatively

spacious. As soon as Camila entered the house, she said, “Mr. Nolan, please make yourself

comfortable. We will get dinner ready.” Upon expressing his approval, Silas took a seat on the couch,

but when he saw Landon was on the phone playing games, he urged, “Go and help out in the kitchen!”

Gritting his teeth, Landon said, “But Uncle Silas, I don’t know how.” “All the more reason to learn it!”

Ignoring Landon’s complaints, Silas drove him into the kitchen. With that, Silas and South were left in

the living room alone. In fact, Silas deliberately wanted some time alone with him and to ask him what

seemed to be the matter. However, South was just playing games on his phone, completely ignoring

him, not even sparing a glance. Sitting right opposite of South, Silas noticed that this little fellow’s hand

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reflexes were extraordinary! Kids nowadays are that skillful? he thought. Out of curiosity, he asked, “Do

you play games often?” Without lifting his head, South replied, “Yeah.” “How old were you when you

started playing?” “Can’t remember.” Drawing in a deep breath, Silas was sure that this little fellow had

something against him. “Are you not happy today?” “No.” Puzzled, Silas had no idea how to

communicate with this little guy. Usually, he wouldn’t get the cold shoulders from South, but today, his

reply was exceptionally . cold, short and brief. “Did I offend you or something?” Instead of guessing,

Silas thought he might as well ask him directly. “We’re not that close to begin with. How will you offend

me?” Struck by the words ‘not that close, Silas was breathless with anger. This brat, what’s got into

him? Letting out a sigh, he said, “I don’t know whether we are considered close, but I do treat you and

your mother as a friend.”

With a calm expression on his face, South didn’t utter another word. It wasn’t until his game ended did

he raise his head and gazed into Silas. “Did you arrange this house for us?” Lifting an eyebrow, Silas

was surprised by his quick-wittedness. “How did you know?” Casting a glance at him, South said,

“Otherwise, you won’t be here. My mommy will not simply invite people over for dinner.” With a sullen

expression, Silas questioned, “Isn’t Landon here?” “It’s different with Landon because we were friends

for many years. Besides, we’ve been through life and death together.” Gazing at Silas with disdain,

South’s expression clearly showed-unlike you! With that, Silas had a sudden realization-a teacher’s job

was indeed tough because he couldn’t even handle a single child. At this rate, Silas figured it was

necessary to turn this enemy into an ally by mentioning what he had done, though initially he never

intended to take the credit. “Your mom and I have been through life and death situations too!

Otherwise, why do you think you changed houses?” Squinting his eyes, South asked, “What do you

mean? You saved Mommy too?” With a grin, Silas was again impressed by how quick-witted he was.

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“Very clever!” “When?” “Just two days ago.” Gazing at the three people who were busy in the kitchen,

South saw his mommy joking about something, while Landon and Kate were seen laughing at her joke.

Then, he turned to look at Silas and asked with a stern voice, “Who did it?”

Astonished, Silas had always seen South as a child, but now, he realized that he could actually talk to

him like he was talking to a grownup man because South was rather matured for his age, and he

seemed to understand many things. “Don’t worry, I’ve made sure that person was punished. You’re still

young, so all you need to do now is focus on your studies. I’ll feel more at ease if you all moved to this

place.” Silas didn’t know which of his words had managed to touch South’s soft spot because from the

little guy’s expression, he no longer showed much hostility toward him.

“I’ve something I want to tell you. Find an excuse to take me out with you tomorrow, and don’t let

Mommy suspect anything!” said South, in his usual arrogant manner. “What do you want to tell me?”

Silas chuckled and thought South’s suggestion was kind of hilarious.