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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83 Filthy Thoughts

Aleena said nothing, but she was inwardly mulling over the woman’s words. Perhaps I’m too well-

mannered. I should just employ a more direct method. D*mn you, Robin, for failing to do such a trivial


After the fuss at the cocktail party, everyone looked at Camila and Kate differently. The most blatant

evidence was the fact that everyone seemed friendly with them, with increasingly more people handing

them business cards and even expressing their hopes of a collaboration if the opportunity arose in

future. Actually, everyone was of the same mind-these two ladies are Silas Nolan’s friends. After all, no

one dared to offend his friend. Kate was ecstatic. Never have I thought that my magazine and I would

become renowned in such a way one day. Meanwhile, no one dared to report the incident at the

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cocktail party on this night since Silas had spoken. When they were leaving, Silas offered to send them

back, but Camila declined. The two women then hailed a taxi home. Staring the upturned corners of

Kate’s mouth that just wouldn’t go down, Camila couldn’t resist saying, “Alright, just laugh if you want to

do so.” Kate laughed unceremoniously. “Ha ha… Don’t you think it was a blessing in disguise that I got

slapped? Many celebrities expressed their interest in collaborating with me today, so I think I don’t need

to worry for the next six months.” Camila burst into giggles. “Your success in taking advantage of

Silas’s influence today far exceeded my expectations.”

Grasping her hand, Kate declared solemnly, “I know you’re the person I should be thanking most. If it

weren’t for you, Silas Nolan wouldn’t have known me from a stranger on the street, much less be

friends with me. D*mn it, I’m Silas Nolan’s friend! I’ve decided to advertise your designs for free without

asking you for a single cent in the future.”

Camila shot her a glare. “You may want to do so, but I may not be interested.” Looking at her dubiously,

Kate asked, “Can’t you be a smidge more polite?” Camila clung to her shoulder. “Why should I?

Considering our relationship now, talking about money will only ruin our friendship!” Kate was rendered

speechless. Meanwhile, Silas went straight to Ruby Palace after leaving the cocktail party, having been

pestered endlessly by Alex and Hayden since the incident during the cocktail party came to their

knowledge through some unknown individual. Upon seeing him, everyone in the room hollered, “He’s

here, he’s here!” Silas was then forced onto the sofa. Knowing that he disliked women, none of the

women dared to go forward and tease him.

Since Alex was the master player here, he called out to a female guest relations officer (GRO),

“Serenity, hurry up and pour Mr. Nolan a glass of wine. I’m sure he didn’t get enough to drink at the

cocktail party earlier.” Flashing Silas a smile, Serenity Morris sensibly poured him a glass of wine

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before placing it on the table in front of him. “Here you go, Mr. Nolan.” Then, she returned to her post.

The GROs in Ruby Palace were all insightful ladies, so they usually wouldn’t go up to their clients

unless summoned upon noticing them talking. Silas took out a cigarette from the packet of cigarettes

and lit it with a snap of the lighter. Then, he leisurely took a puff, upon which a cloud of smoke

enveloped his devastatingly handsome face. “Hurry up and cut the b*llshit!” “What’s wrong? Are you in

a bad mood? But didn’t you save the damsel in distress?” Alex remarked with a chuckle. Likewise,

Hayden teased, “It’s probably because the damsel didn’t pledge herself to him.”

Silas shot them both a glare. “Is saving the damsel in distress just for the express purpose of having

the damsel pledge herself to me?” At this, Alex looked at Hayden. “If it’s not to have her pledge herself

to him, why did he save her?”

“So that she’ll pledge herself to him in the future,” Hayden tacitly answered with a chuckle. All at once,

Alex gave him a thumbs-up. “Absolutely brilliant!” Silas flicked his cigarette ash into the ashtray. “Stop

using your filthy thoughts to appraise my actions! What do you know?” Sneering, Alex urged Serenity,

“Quick, play a song to purify my filthy thoughts.”