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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57 Sleeping for Too Long

Camila glanced sideways at Silas. “I see. So, you are a man who treats people differently according to

their social status, Mr. Nolan.”

Silas replied, “What? I only said that if you had revealed your identity from the start, we wouldn’t have

taken so many detours! That said, don’t you think I have pretty good foresight? Investing in you is the

same as hiring you under the Nolan Group!”

She was speechless. He managed to turn it around again.

On the other hand, he seemed to be in a good mood. His lips were curved in a constant smile as he

said, “Let’s go. I’ll send you back!” She refused his offer as usual. “No need; I’ll just get a taxi.” “There’s

a perfectly good car right here; why do you need to get a taxi?” Thus, she didn’t refuse again and got

into his car. “Thank you for today.” “Why are you thanking me? I only did what I should have done. By

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the way, how do you plan to settle this matter? Are you going to just forget it?” She took a deep breath.

“Yeah, she was completely and utterly shamed for her actions. Moreover, she was disqualified from the

competition. That’s enough.” “You sure are easy-going!” Camila’s gaze became distant. “I just don’t

want to see her anymore. My mother’s death anniversary is coming up soon. So, I’ll just think of it as a

means of accumulating good karma on behalf of my mother.” A flash of surprise flitted across Silas’s

face. Her mother has passed away? He was just about to console her when he received a phone call

from Jade saying that Old Man Nolan had yet to awaken from his sleep. After hanging up the call, he

anxiously looked over at Camila and asked, “Is it a problem if Old Man Nolan sleeps for too long?” She

was surprised by his question. “Too long? How long is too long?” He looked worried. “My sister said

that he has been sleeping since 9 PM last night and has not woken up yet. Can you go with me to

check up on him?”

Glancing at the time, she saw that it was past 11 AM by now. Thus, she hurriedly said, “Sure. Calm

down. I need to go back home and take some stuff before I can go over.” After that, the two of them

returned to the La Grande Maison to retrieve the black backpack she normally used before they

headed to the Nolan Residence. When they arrived at the Nolan Residence, they found many people

crowding inside Old Man Nolan’s room. Upon seeing Silas walking over with Camila in tow, everybody

automatically gave way

to them. On the other hand, Jade nearly cried tears of joy when she saw them. “Miss Brooklyn, Silas,

you’re here!” Silas expressionlessly asked, “Is Grandpa still asleep?” “Yes, I’ve been trying to wake him

up but to no avail. I’m afraid…” Jade didn’t finish her sentence, but everybody understood-if Old Man

Nolan fell unconscious once more, he would never open his eyes again. Hence, Camila took several

steps forward and placed her backpack down. Sitting by the bed, she pried open Old Man Nolan’s eyes

and took a look. Then, she took out the little wrist pillow and took his pulse. His pulse was weak and

unstable. After that, she took his blood pressure. His blood pressure was as high as 180. Thus, she

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frowned slightly. His blood pressure was too high. Previously, it was only 140. “How was Old Man

Nolan’s mood yesterday?” Jade anxiously answered, “He was fine and looked very happy.” Then,

Camila nodded. “What did Old Man Nolan eat last night?” A few of them exchanged glances with each

other. Then, a woman wearing a white blouse stepped forward. She looked like she was in her forties

and she still maintained a youthful-looking visage. Walking to the door, she shouted to the outside, “Lily,

come here!”

Following that, a young servant, who looked like she was in her twenties, rushed over and nervously

responded, “Madam.” The lady asked, “What did Old Man Nolan eat last night?” Camila frowned.

Madam? Could she be Lara Roberts, Silas’s stepmother? Then, she studied her calmly while sizing her

up. Well, she certainly is beautiful. No wonder Edward Nolan tried so hard to marry her.

Lily replied, “He ate a bowl of century egg congee with chicken, as well as two egg whites. Before he

slept, he also had a cup of milk. He didn’t eat anything else.” Then, Camila asked again, “Did he finish

everything? Were there leftovers?”

Silas immediately noticed the seriousness of the issue. Thus, he stepped forward and asked, “What’s

wrong? Do you suspect that there was a problem with the food?”