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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 427
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Chapter 427 Tolerating It Out of Love 

“You probably heard a lot about me from Brian, right?” Camila nodded. “Yeah. He told me your mother was set up

to leave her marriage with nothing but the clothes on her back. Also, both of you promised to follow your mother.

Despite the promise you made, you remained back at the Nolan Residence in the end. For that reason, he has

always resented you.” 

Silas smiled as he looked at her. “What do you think?” 

She studied him. Although he was smiling, his smile had turned considerably cooler for some reason. Thus, she

considered her words carefully before saying, “Do you have some sort of predicament that you cannot speak


In response, he questioned, “Don’t you think that I just couldn’t bring myself to throw away all the wealth and

glory?” Holding his hand, she said slowly, “It doesn’t feel like that. Besides, you’re very tolerant toward Brian. If you

really didn’t care for him, you wouldn’t have asked me to treat his illness, let alone help him out from the shadows.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Moreover, didn’t Brian suffer a slash wound on his arm last time? After that, you arrived extremely early the next

morning, and your eyes were completely bloodshot-you clearly didn’t get a wink of sleep all night. More

importantly, you helped Brian carry some of the stuff when we were returning from doing some grocery shopping.

That showed that you knew about the wound on his arm beforehand. If I put two and two together… You were with

Brian that night. Also, there’s a high possibility that you were involved in a fight too! A brother that is willing to get

into a fight for his younger brother… Would a brother like that abandon his family for the sake of wealth and


This time around, his smile came from his heart. That’s my Camila, alright! “It’s a pity but… Brian will never


Mulling over it for a while, she said, “That’s not it, either. Back then, he was just a young boy. Therefore, it was a

devastating blow to him. You were the evil elder brother who abandoned him and his mother. With such a strong

preconceived impression fixed in his head, it’s natural that he would immediately think negatively when it comes to

matters related to you. On the other hand, I’m an outsider. Putting aside the fact that I’ve known you for such a

long time and have a better understanding of who you are… If I may be blunt, it doesn’t matter even if you did do

something to them. It wouldn’t affect the feelings I have for you. I will always find an excuse or create a reason for

why you had to do what you did. After all, one’s heart will always be partial toward somebody, and mine is partial

toward you!” ‘One’s heart will always be partial toward somebody, and mine is partial toward you! Those words

were so comforting. Silas had been both angry and depressed tonight. Even so, he felt wave after wave of

heartwarming feelings washing over him. Camila was never one to straightforwardly express her emotions. Thus, it

was even more 


awkward for her to express her love in words. Just like her son, she is difficult and awkward on the outside. Even if I

kissed her, she immediately looks very uncomfortable. But, when I’m at my lowest, she gives me strength. From

the subconscious actions of both mother and son tonight, as well as the words she just uttered… even if she never

said a single loving word, I can tell that she loves me! It’s because she loves me that she is so forgiving and

indulgent! Then, he kissed her lightly on her forehead. “Thank you, Camila!” Reaching out, he hugged her close.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Perhaps, you are right. I’ve never told him anything. So, he might not know what I’m thinking about. I didn’t want

him to know about all the darkness in this world. I simply wanted him to live brightly and happily. At the very least,

he didn’t need to be like me. Before I met you, I was no more than a walking corpse-I didn’t have much aspirations

nor visions of the future. The only thought in my head was to kill Lara and Edward.” Upon hearing that, she looked

at him in surprise. Subconsciously hugging her tighter, he said, “Don’t be afraid of me, please! I didn’t dare to tell

you because I was afraid that you’d be scared of me and leave me!” Camila lightly patted him on his back. “Don’t

worry. When I agreed to be your girlfriend, I knew we’d face all sorts of troubles in the future. Besides, Brian told

me about this a long time ago.” For some reason, Silas felt extremely touched. “I will protect you. At first, I didn’t

want to drag you into this, but my plans couldn’t keep up with the changes that kept cropping up. I hopelessly fell in

love with you, and Brian became somebody like me…” “What’s wrong with your current relationship with Brian?

Besides, it’s not like you’re cold toward everybody. An eye for an eye; you have to show the person, who has hurt

you repeatedly, that you’re not a pushover. They won’t be able to understand unless they’ve had a taste of their

own medicine! If you tolerated your mother being harassed in that manner, I’d be more suspicious of you. Also,

everyone is a first-timer, so there’s no saying who should give way to whom!”