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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 153
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Chapter 153 A Good Cook “Did it take him an hour? But Jacob said he needed until 10 pm at least.” “Such an impressive

performance. Whose child was that?” “You should’ve seen the faces of those shareholders who tried to

stop the boy.”

Meanwhile, by the time the father and son arrived on Muse Peninsula, it was already six in the evening.

At this time, Camila was seen to be very busy with cooking, wishing she had more than two hands.

Nevertheless, she finally saw the meaning of cooking for the first time. Fortunately, I still had Kate to

help me in the morning, but when it came to the afternoon, I had to do it all myself because everyone

else was sleeping. The kitchen was in a mess as she had never been swamped with the preparation all

by herself. While her hair appeared to be unkempt, she didn’t even pay attention to the burn mark on

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her hand. After quickly cleaning up the kitchen, she hurriedly got changed just when the doorbell rang.

Then, she answered the door and was greeted by South and Silas with a bottle of red wine in his hand.

“You guys are fast! I didn’t know you’d bring some wine, so I bought some ahead” Camila said while

Silas could tell that she was still catching her breath. “Keep your wine. We’ll save it for next time.”

Perhaps our next dinner date is already planned ahead.

“Mom, look. This is what Uncle Silas bought you.” South handed a shoebox over to his mother, who

received it in surprise. “What’s this?” “It’s a pair of shoes. You need to stop wearing high heels at home.

It’s bad for your posture, plus you’re not short at all.” Silas’s words reminded her of the moment she

nearly fell down earlier in the morning. Well, that’s a ‘good way to lighten up a conversation! Camila

then smiled awkwardly and said, “Thank you. Please come in.” After changing into a pair of flip-flops,

Silas excitedly shared with Camila about what had happened. “South took less than five minutes to

solve a problem that our tech department had been spending hours on. He did an amazing job!”

However, Camila wasn’t surprised by that. “There is usually nothing he can’t sort out.” Upon hearing

her reply, Silas couldn’t help but wonder how she was able to teach her child so well, even though she

wasn’t with him most of the time. “It’s all thanks to the way you educated him!” “Well, I’m not going to

claim credit for this one because it was my senior who discovered his talent and subsequently found

him a tutor. Surprisingly, he’s improved a lot over time,” Camila answered. It’s that senior again?! Silas

felt a little jealous, as he had seemingly grown tired of hearing her mentioning him. “Yeah, your kid is

smart indeed.”

After that, they entered the dining area and were soon greeted by a table full of dishes, with some

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looking burnt while the others appearing bland. At the sight of that, Silas couldn’t help but chuckle,

certain that it was Camila who cooked them all. In the meantime, Camila awkwardly scratched her

head and said, “This is my first time

cooking. So, I don’t know how it’ll taste, but please… help yourself.” Silas nodded and sat down while

South came closer and looked at those dishes with his eyes lit up. “Mom, did you make all this?”

Camila nodded in response, whereupon her son complimented her, “You’re awesome, Mom!” Soon,

Camila raised her eyebrows at South. “Here is your little dish.” Despite, the havoc she had throughout

the afternoon, Camila still felt glad and accomplished for preparing every single dish on the table.

Meanwhile, Silas, who was sitting aside and watching them, was touched and moved by their

heartwarming interaction, feeling a strong sense of belonging. South is such a good boy, even knowing

how to make his mom happy. After that, Silas poured some red wine for the lady and himself. On the

other hand, as Camila watched the red wine worth six figures being poured into the wine glasses, she

felt a little awkward because she wasn’t sure whether the food would compliment the wine. Oh dear! Is

the wine going to be wasted if he is not satisfied with the meal?