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Triplets Attack: Game Over Daddy

Chapter 33
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Triplets’ Attack: Game Over Daddy Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Addicted To Her

Elizabeth gritted her teeth and calmed herself down. Then she began to clean up Matthew’s room.

She put the books on the desk back onto the bookshelf and the magazines on the floor back into the magazine

rack. Next, she made his bed and hung all the cleaned laundry in the walk-in closet.

Later on, the room became spotless. Seeing the minimalist room become clean and tidy, she thought the room

looked even colder now than before.

After having a cry, she felt her entire body was more relaxed now. There’s indeed no use being too tense,

Sometimes, it’s good to ory it out. Then, Elizabeth went downstairs. She thought he was in the living room, but he

was not there.

Also, he had only taken a few sips of the hangover remedy. Seeing that, she brought the bowl into the kitchen,

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washed it, and put it back in the cupboard.

She was a principled woman. Since she had signed the IOU, then she would definitely pay back her debt. Before

leaving, she sent him a message: Mr. Hilton, I’ve tidied up the room. I’ll come over at six o’clock tomorrow night to

make dinner. Meanwhile, Matthew was smoking a

cigarette on the rooftop while enjoying the cool breeze. He watched her get into the silver Carter and drive away

slowly from the yard, Only after the

gate closed did he regain his senses and raised a hand to his lips. He could still feel the sweet taste of her in his

mouth. Moreover, he seemed to be addicted to her sweetness now.

His eyes darkened slightly, and his expression became even colder after he took a long drag of the cigarette and

exhaled the smoke. The next day was a Saturday, so the three children did not have to go to school. Thus, Elizabeth

took them to the hospital

with her. Cody brought a lunchbox with her, as she had prepared some nutritious food for Jessica and Pearl. When

they arrived at the hospital, Elizabeth was carrying fruits and milk while the three children were all holding small

gifts they wanted to give to Pearl. Abby asked, “When is Pearl coming back to class? She used to be my best

friend!” Pearl used to be in the same kindergarten with them and was even in the same class as Abby when they

were in the lower grades. They were so close to each other that even though they

went to school together every day, they still had to talk on the phone after school. Arthur responded, “Pearl’s sick.

So, she’ll come back to school when she’s recovered.”

Antony nodded slightly. “You can give her the doll later. She’ll feel as if you’re accompanying her in the hospital.”

Abby’s big eyes flickered. Even though she

knew Pearl was sick, she did not understand why Pearl had to stay in the hospital for so long. Abby had fallen ill

before. However, she had only stayed in the hospital for a few days at most, while Pearl seemed to have been in

the hospital for two years.

When they arrived at the ward, Pearl smiled happily when saw the three children. Elizabeth put the fruits and milk

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on the table as Jessica got up and took the lunchbox from Cody.

“Ms. Elliott, thank you for making us delicious food every time you come. Cody smiled upon hearing those words.

“Don’t mention it. You and Lizzy are good friends, after all. How is Pearl?”

Hearing Cody’s words, Jessica sighed as she looked at Pearl, who was happy to be surrounded by the three children.

“Still waiting for the bone marrow. The

surgery can be done as soon as there is a match.” Cody nodded. “I’ll go feed Pearl some soup. She’s just too thin,

and this soup is very nourishing.” With that, Cody joined the three children by Pearl’s side and fed Pearl the soup.

Then, Elizabeth and Jessica went to the rest area with the lunchbox. Jessica started to eat while Elizabeth, who was

sitting opposite her, held a cup of hot water in her hand. Looking at the parents in the hospital,

Elizabeth shook her head helplessly. The greatest blessing in life is that one’s whole family is healthy. Every time I

come here and see these scenes, I just feel so upset. I wish nobody ever gets sick in this world. no

Suddenly, the incident that happened last night flashed through her mind. She had almost slept with Matthew

yesterday. He was so tall and muscular that she could neither push nor resist him. With such long limbs, the

moment he pressed down on her, she could only let him get his way. Hence, she asked Jessica, “Jess, I want to buy

some self-defense tools. Do you know which ones are the most useful?”