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Trapped in His Love Obsession novel

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92

Currently, kissing has becLivia’s daily meal. Of course, she can’t refuse, can’t bargain either. But she seems

to be enjoying it. The proof is the loud pounding of her chest as if it was about to jump out, even though she

looks like she’s clenching her fists.

What's more, Damian will never miss good morning kisses in the room. It has already becsuch as

mandatory breakfast.

When she left the room, Damian pulled Livia’'s hand so that she walked parallel to her down the hand.

“Honey, can | go out this weekend?” She chooses to ask when the situation is conducive because Damian always

looks excited after the good morning kiss.

“Hmm?” An answer that asks for an explanation.

Livia knows how to interpret it now. So, finally, it seemed that Assistant Brown's skills had rubbed off on her a

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bit. But why to this day, she is still ignorant of interpreting the feelings of master Damian is still a mystery. “I

want to take my employees on vacation as well as Maya.” An excellent weekend without Damian, that’s the main

point. “Who's Maya?”

She'd already told him about Maya.

“She’s a maid in the back house.”...

Cto the dinner table. Mr. Matt has pulled Damian's chair, and he is sitting there. Damian took the sandwich

in front of him to Livia’s mouth. The girl took a bite and took it with both hands.

“You can go. Cback before six o'clock.”

Livia’s face lit up with joy. This is the best thing that happened this morning. “Okay, thank you.” She also pointed

to the sandwich in her hand. “Thanks for this one too.”

“Eat, honey.” She was bringing Damian’s plate closer.

Only three people ate breakfast this morning. Sophia was only a bystander while swallowing her food. Since

Jenny started her apprenticeship, she never had breakfast together anymore. She has no time. She can be late if

she has to wait until Damian comes out of the room.

As a result, she always had breakfast at the kitchen table before everyone else woke up.

“I'm leaving then.” Damian kissed Livia’s head, then entered the car.

Livia frowned at how Damian's attitude could be so natural when he did anything, Even for the new thing he did.

Livia turned to Assistant Brown, who nodded his head, then got in the car. The car drove away, leaving Livia, who

was still watching from a distance.


“Yes, Young Master.”

“Who is Maya from the back house?”

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“Maya is a maid in your clothing department. She has been friends with the young lady since the first tthe

young lady entered this house. Aren't you happy that she’s with the lady?”

Brown was still driving the car quietly. Just glanced in the mirror for a moment.

“Make sure about her background. If she becfriends with Livia without any intentions, let her.”

Damian remembered that Maya's nhad appeared in Livia’'s conversation several times. It seemed that the

woman had beca friend that his wife liked quite a bit. He just wanted to check if that woman was a really

sincere friend or for sreason,

“Okay, Young master.”

‘Even now, | have to check the maid’s background who is close to the lady.’

“Did the young lady accept Leela as the driver?” Brown changed the subject because it seemed that her reaction

when they met did not look annoyed. Or she didn’t suspect him about the driver's idea? “Huh! Of course, after |

threatened to lock her up at home, she laughed happily and thankedfor giving her a driver.” ‘Sorry, Young

lady, this is my attempt to lighten my workload. Hopefully, you won't know that the driver idea cfrom me.’