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Trapped in His Love Obsession novel

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64

Damian pulled the blanket up to Livia’s shoulder, giving a soft kiss on his wife's forehead, who was already


He rubbed her head gently. “Sleep well. You have suffered so much in this house. Now it’s my turn to repay


One more peck on the cheek, and the girl blinked slowly but didn’t wake up. One more peck before he got out of


“Young master.” Brown was already standing outside the door, and he handed him a glass of cold water. Damian

brought his glass and drank it after sitting in the living room. The rest of last night's party was finished. Apart

from the servants of this house, the servant that Mr. Matt brought also helped so that everyone could cback

normal like this house didn’t just host a party. It's tnow, three in the morning. Not midnight, but still too early

to be awake.

“Call them!”

“Okay, Young master.”

‘Alright, where do we start with this revenge.? Just the thought of Livia wearing an apron last night made me

angry. Especially if | look at the past story, | might destroy the whole house out of anger.”

Damian finished the cold water in his glass. It wasn’t long before Brown appeared again, followed by the rest of

the family minus Livia. Of course, she is sleeping after being tired of serving Damian.

That boy, what's his name? Well, he can survive tonight for loving Livia because his relationship with his sister so

far is good. But....”

They were all sitting on the long sofa, neatly lined up. Lisa pulled on her mother’s clothes, and her face already

looked very scared. Apart from her mother, she is the one who is blacklisted and often behaves as she pleases

on Livia. Her crimes may be as thick as the company’s financial statements.

Bob and David looked confused. David is actually sleepy. All the way down the stairs, he yawned. Maybe he

wasn't scared himself here. “Why are you afraid? | just want to chat with my wife’s family. With my wife's parents

and younger siblings.” Damian's voice sounded very cheerful like it didn’t mean anything.

Chatting in a position like this at this hour has been called the day of execution.

Brown is still standing beside Damian’s seat, unmoved. He will only be a witness.

“What do you want to talk about, Mr. Damian?” Livia’s stepmother dared to speak. But stopped when her

husband's hand touched hers. Holding her back from saying anything again.

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The main rule when dealing with Damian is to listen to him, be quiet, and keep your head down. This even

applies to company officials. Livia’'s father realized that the position as Damian's father-in-law did not belong to

him and valued nothing.

He who had sold his daughter to save the company did not deserve any respect from his son-in-law.

“I just wanted to chat, so just answer my questions like we're having a casual chat. Don’t be such a tense

mother-in-law. That's what | want to do to the family that my wife loves.” The aura of tension melted slightly.

“But don’t go round and round.”

Instantly all returned their hands. Even David was starting to feel that this early morning chat wasn’t okay.

“Giveyour cellphone!” Damian pointed at David.

Although confused as to why he had to hand over his cellphone, he pointed to his room. Says if the cellphone is

in the room.

“Hurry up and get it!” Damian moved his head, pointing to the room. “Fast!”

David rushed to his room.

‘If you have a little star on your cellphone, you're dome. So | won't let you go that easily even though you're nice

to Livia. And Livia loves you.

David appeared, half running down the stairs.

“Why are your steps so noisy? What if you disturb Livia’s sleep?” Damian was annoyed, even though he hadn't

seen David's cellphone.

“Sorry, Mister.” David slowed his steps and handed him the cellphone he was holding.

‘Ahh, so the star couple's sticker was only given toby Livia, right.” Damian’s face immediately flushed with


He threw David's cellphone into his lap, and David's stutter caught him.

“Go sleep there! You're not old enough. | don’t want to disturb the minors.”

“Huh?” Not only David but everyone was confused.

“Young master, please act a little mature. They are scared now. Why are you even laughing like this?”

Brown took action. “I will escort Mr. David to the room. Please follow me.”

“What? Why?’ David seems hard to leave his parents and Lisa because it looks like it won't be that easy to


“Go to sleep. Your phone has saved you.”

David saw Damian confused, especially with Brown's words just now. Then take turns looking at his parents.

Actually, he wanted to stay, but Brown's hand had pulled him up the stairs, and Assistant Brown followed him to

the room’s front door.

Even opened the door for him.

“Sorry, but what about my parents and Sis Lisa?” Next, David touched the arm of Assistant Brown. When the

Assistant looked displeased when touched, David immediately withdrew his hand.

“Cin, if | may give you a suggestion. You should sleep in peace and not have to leave the room again. Good

night.” Brown had already bowed his head and was about to leave. He has turned around now.

“Wait! They will be fine, right?” David begged for an answer.

“Indeed, what will happen to them? You were listening if the young master just wanted to chat.”

David was already holding the doorknob when he saw Assistant Brown's smile. His smile was scary, he thought.

“Okay.good night.” Hurrying to close the door, not wanting to hear the man at the door say goodnight.

Brown was already standing beside his master’s chair again, and he looked at the three people sitting on the

long sofa. They seemed very comfortable. Especially the two women. They hold each other. Depend on

themselves or give each other strength.

Damian had said too much for its size, interspersed with sighs. The three of them, although a little stammered,

still answered.

“If only you were a little nice to the young lady, things wouldn't last this long.”

“I'm sorry. Mr. Damian, |, as a father, can not be fair to my children.” Livia's father nodded deeply. He didn’t

know what words to choose to satisfy the man in front of him.

Of course, he had to admit His mistake. All this time, he had looked at Livia in one eye. He insisted on keeping

the daughter he used to love. But can’t really give her the love of a true father. “Good, father-in-law knows what

mistakes have been made. So | don’t have to bother telling you your mistakes.” Damian answered sarcastically.

He really wants to punish them. Damian clenched his fists in anger.

“Mom never forced Livia, Mr. Damian. On the contrary, she herself really wanted to help the maids do the

housework.” Lisa's sentence stopped when Damian’s sharp eyes fell on her.

“Shut up!”

The girl trembled.

“How old are you? Is Livia your sister? It's best to be polite from now on with your sister.”

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Lisa even shed tears because she was afraid.

“Do you wantto cancel all your and commercial contracts?” The two women were getting scared.

“Huh! Do you think you can enter the world of entertainers because of your abilities?”

“I'm sorry. Mr. Damian. I'm sorry.” The mother replaces her daughter, apologizing. Lisa was unable to utter a

word because of fear.

“Uhh, how annoying.” The air was too tight to breathe.

“Forgive us, Mr. Damian.” They apologized over and over again.

“Why are you apologizing to me?”

The three of them fell silent. True, their fault was on Livia. Their biggest mistake was that they didn’t know that

in the end, Livia would be able to get the support of this influential person. All regrets rain down on themselves.

Why can they mistreat Livia? But their consciousness is not pure because they feel guilty but because they are

afraid of Damian. Damian got up from his seat. Turned to Brown. “Brown, make sure they properly apologize to

Livia. I'm going to bed now.”

“Okay y, Young master. Good night, have a good rest.” Brown lowered his head until Damian disappeared.

‘What a hassle now. Where should | start with this?’ Brown sat on the chair that Damian had sat in earlier. “Sorry

for getting you up so early.”

No one dared to answer, and all fell silent.

“Tomorrow morning, start being nice to the young lady.” Everyone was still waiting for the continuation. “Just

that, behave like a family.” They thought Brown's sentence was finished. But a faint smile suddenly appeared.

And the following sentence made them nervous, dumb biting their lips.

“Actually, the Young Master would like to see you apologize and pardon by kneeling before the young lady. But |

think it must be very embarrassing for the young lady. What do you think?

“The young lady will definitely feel uncomfortable. Moreover, you are her father.

“And you, Miss Lisa, it doesn’t seem too much of a problem because your age is indeed younger than Miss Livia.

But still, definitely, it does not make it comfortable. But, of course, | can’t force you either. But it looks like you

can see, the young master loves the young lady, so....” Brown's sentence hung. He deliberately looks at her.

Brown got up from his seat. “It seems it’s still too early, and we should go back to the room to sleep. Good

evening sir and madam. Good night, Miss Lisa. | hope you have a wonderful dream.”

He walked lightly to the living room prepared for him. As if he could not stop dropping deadly words.

He was serious. He seriously told them to kneel and beg Livia’s forgiveness. The three men were staring at each

other, thinking the sthing.