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Trapped in His Love Obsession novel

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47


The glass shattered into tiny shards, scattering everywhere under the table, near the wall where it hit earlier.

The man Brown sent to watch Livia’s movement stood right where the glass floated. His hands trembled, but he

still didn’t budge from his spot.

Sending him to spy on Livia was the right thing. Brown had predicted all of this because Helena is definitely not

that easy to give up.

After the recording of the conversation was over, the blood in Damian’s body seemed to boil. The lava of anger

welled up all over his body. He threw away everything on his desk.

Brown was still standing beside him.

‘I really had been too good to her!” Damian’s mind is filled with disappointment. “Am | the only one who feels

that our relationship has been more human lately? But why am | the only one who feels that way? How can she

letgo so easily? Divorce? Don’t even dream about it!

Yes. Damian has made up his mind. Even if she dies, she won't be able to move a single step from his side.


“Yes, Young Master, do you wantto take care of Miss Helena?”

*Up to you.”

Damian doesn’t want to care about Helena anymore. He told her to plead and properly admit her guilt, but she

took this difficult step instead.

“What did Livia do after that?” back to Livia’s problem.

“Young lady returned to the shop. She didn’t cout again until | chere.” “Cclose. You've done well.

Brown, give him a bonus.”

“Okay, Young Master.”

Brown followed the bodyguard, who had been watching Livia all day, out of the room.

‘So this is how you feel, huh? Tormented? Even though I've been very good to you. Is your brain at the tip of a

fingernail that it can’t sense that | treat you differently? So all your good manners were just acting? Pleasing me

just to save your family?

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It seems Damian learn a surprising fact. He felt that Livia, who was always shy, would keep a little feeling to him

all this time. The smile and the unsynchronized look in her eyes managed to cheer him up and, at the same

time, make him oblivious to how Livia’s feeling.

“Young master.”

Brown appeared with two people in tow, carrying equipment for cleaning up broken glass. The two of them

immediately took care of their work. Then Brown approached Damian.

He saw Damian sleeping on the sofa.

“You should use a pillow, or your head will hurt.” Brown lifted Damian's head like a mother moving her child's

head to the pillow.

“Why should young master hold back like this?”

Damian muttered, touching his head. “What do you mean?” Damian still closed his eyes.

“Isn't Miss Livia your legal wife?”

Then? So what if she is his wife?

“Young Master, you don’t have to hold back like this. Even if this marriage took place for a reason, your feelings

now matter. Didn’t young master sign a contract that only you yourself can cancel? The young lady is bound to

live and die with you.” Brown was already sitting on the sofa beside Damian.

Damian was silent, parsing Brown's explanation.

Damian remembers his words at the beginning of his marriage. He told her not to dream of getting his love or

compassion. Instead, he married her just because he needed a maid. So, she has to do all her duty to pay all her

family’s debts.

Then, at that moment, the girl smiled and promised him as if she didn’t face anything dangerous. She said she

would do anything to repay his kindness to her family.

She's already tied to him with a rope called “family.”


A knock on the door made Brown get up from his seat. When he opened it, one of his staff was standing


“Sir, doctor Harry is waiting.”

“Let him in.”

“Yes, Sir.”

After doing general checks, Doctor Harry cleaned up his equipment. He glanced at Brown with a shrug, asking for

an explanation.

“What's wrong with your master?”

But, Brown didn’t budge.

“Why? Is this Helens’s problem?” Doctor Harry asked again. “Hey, why are you always talking about Ele? Can't |

move on?” Damian was groaning in annoyance.

Doctor Harry was surprised by Damian's words.

“Where did the words move on cfrom? It givesgoosebumps. Damian, what's wrong with you? When you

fell in love with Helen, you were like a child who had just fallen in love. Then, you were like a madman who

wanted to destroy the world when she left. Now that she’s back, you're so scary, and you even know the word

move on.” Doctor Harry shook his head vigorously. He puts his bag near his seat.

“| decide to let Ele go.” Damian's voice was soft but full of confidence.


Hearing what Damian had said just now, Doctor Harry was so confused, and he asked for Brown's answer.

“What's the matter with your master?”

“Young master is starting to like other women.” ‘Brown’s answer was like a hail of arrows shooting into his chest.

Is it possible? That was what Doctor Harry thought.

“Hey, are you kidding me?” Doctor Harry got up from the chair and grabbed Brown's arm. “Who's she? Don’t

beat around the bush.”

Harry knows Damian's behavior. It’s not that easy to turn his heart around, especially for love. He was the one

who knew best how Damian felt when he was dating Helena and abandoned by Helena.

“Livia Shelby.”

“Livia? Who is she?” Doctor Harry tries to remember the names of conglomerate children or celebrities who are

popular these days. But, no, it seems there is no such nin the social world.

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“Young master’s wife.” Again, Brown's answer turned Harry's world upside down.


Doctor Harry met Livia once when Damian called him and pretended to be sick the other day. “Hey, no kidding,

Brown, | will beat you up! She's clearly far from Damian's taste.” In fact, Harry becangry because he felt

that he was being played with both of them.

“Brown, take this crazy bastard away. He was givinga headache with his ramblings.”

Harry didn’t listen. Instead, he approached Damian, shifting the legs of the man who was still lying down. “Is it

true what Brown talked about?”


“Livia Shelby!” Harry was screaming indignantly. He was furious.

“She doesn’t like me.”

“What?! There is actually a girl who doesn’t like you? | want to kiss that cool sister-in-law’s hand.”

Damian kicked his leg hard, pushing Harry away from his face.

“Drag him out, Brown.”

“Okay. Young Master.”

“Hey, letgo, Brown. | want to hear more stories. All right, I'm out. Bring my bag. Get srest Damian,

don’t be too sad. If a girl doesn’t like you, it means you're just an ordinary person.”

The office door was open, and Doctor Harry walked away reluctantly.

Damian sighed a few times. His hands were tightly clenched. He had already made up his mind regarding Livia.

While outside the room, Harry had calmed down. He received the bag that Brown had brought. “Is Livia Shelby a

good girl? She was the woman Damian married to avenge Helena.” Doctor Harry stepped into the elevator,

followed by Brown beside him. He has been running with dignity as usual. “The young lady is a good girl.” They

stopped in front of the elevator. “I've confirmed the background.”

“I trust you, Brown. But, you really have to take care of Helena if Damian really lets her go.”

“I know.”

The elevator doors opened, Doctor Harry entered, and Brown bowed his head respectfully until the elevator

doors closed.