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Touch Me While I Taste You

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11

Araba HRT

Gwen placed her elbow on the desk and Het her chin on her open palm while releasing a sigh. “I would

so do Mr. Baydi f he’d just asked. I man look at that sad, miseralle, Spy balls old man with the tamper ola

bulldog. I’m telling you, he’d be a good lay.”

Mr. Boyd was one of those teachers that always woke up on the wrong side of the bed on Thornings. His

face has always illustrated a man of annoyance wha scomed at any moving figure whether animal or not.

The only indication that the man ever smiled in his life were the laugh lines infixed on his round face.

Gwen’s head whirls to face me and her blue cyes twinkle. This definitely counted is one of the curses of

having the same class with her. We were on fourth period and Gwen had successfully annoyed Every

teacher possible.

“He only turned forty-five last week,” I gave her a ‘what the fuck’ look. That’s bot old.” I pointed out, pulled

out the

ali.1 pointed out, mille rust the matelook from my bag and placed it on

Gwen rolled her eyes and smacked her Tips. “Five more year ofty, That’s like haliwy b il. He’s ald.” She

shrug and smiled dreamily when Mr. Boyd slams the classroom door shu.

The sound reverberates through the four walls of the class, managing to throw a tom poster of a map

that had beei hanging on for dear life by a single thumbtack. It must feel so relieved right now.

Il See, told you he still has it.” Gwen fake shivers and sighs faintly.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Without sparing her a glance, I flipped m y notebook and began filling in the tiny white holes with my

pencil and murmur blandly. “Yeah, he still has a wife.”

Gwen huffs. “Mood killer.”

“I assume that is everyone?” Mr. Boyd’s dark blue eyes inspect the entire classroom until they stopped

on an empty desk and chair further in the corner all the way at the back of the class.

nce all the way the back of the clas… The blue turns the color of the conly sky when a storm is nearing

“Ouere is missing?” His jaw ticked in irritation when the door he just closed,

I don’t bother to look Inowing who Mr. Bayd’s cold stare snapped to, “Haiden you’ve already used up all

your excusess o don‘t even bother. Have a seat and close my dang door.” The gruffness and anger i n

Mr. Boyd’s voice could surely bend steel,

“Winking boy is here!” Gwen chleps softly beside me and this time I don’t hold back the rolling of my


“Drop it.” I snapped faintly, annoyed that she would bring it up at the worse possible time. She giggled

and throw her palm over her mouth to muffle the sound when Mr. Boyd sent her a steeling glare,

Sadly my eyes decided to betray me once again and I found myself staring at Haiden. He didn’t bother to

close the door which only fed Mr. Boyd’s irritation more

Haiden’s eyes were unmoving, cold and dead as he strides over to the back. So


imited to know why he had such cold

dumiling yes. That is until i Teinbered what transpired between us i n the hallway. The littlepek of interest

dkd when I quickly blew it out.

Howving he had to pass beside me. I Froze, tearing my eyes away from the intimidating lary. I was not

afraid of Haider. Still, he didn’t have to try much t a intimidate someone. His mere height and size did that

for him.

The tiny and thin barely visible hairs on my pale arms stood up and goosebumps surfaces on my skin as

the scent of cigarettes and mint hit me I lift my eyes, tongue-tied when Haiden’s eyes fall on m e. My

mouth runs dry and something flashes within the depths of his eyes.

My limbs all of a sudden turned languid and as though not having the strength to hold the pencil between

my fingers anymore, it falls out of my hand and rolls down to the floor. Haiden’s eyes lear

“We don’t we all day Cross.” Mr. Boyd sury’s with fury rolling in h ones


Even with an angry Bicherheiting furious arrows his way, Haliden didn’t

EO Care. His cool and colletrd manner only add to his ‘bud boy’ chuon. Only that it wasn’t a chamn, well

for me that is. It was more so as an annoyance

When he is beside me his boots step atop the pencil and he halts. My heart jerks in my chest. Why was I

so nervous all of a sudden? Was it that I was partly scared that he’d embarrass me in front of the entire


My palm press on the back of my notebook as Haiden removes his foot off the pencil and crouches

down. I looked at the front, my face impassive as I swallowed. My pulse race when I felt him place the

pencil on my hand.

“You dropped this.” His voice held a fleck of mirth

I quickly grasp it murmuring a quick

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

med ta he eine monde, Nuw that veryone is here and —- His eyes hardening vaze ilikkovce la Halden

hesaps. “We can finally start.

Genleans closer to me, nurmuring softly as to not let Mr. Boyd’s anger shapi o her. “Ian watching you

closely Rivera.

I definitely knew what she was implying a t. She wanted answers. Answers I wasn’t sure I could give. Not

when I myself didn’t know what was going on. Yesterday Haiden and I were more like Strangers and I

was certain that he didn’t even know I had been his neighbor for years. What changed?

“Majority of you are behind in this class, “Mr. Boyd’s eyes flick over to Halden and Sent him a sharp

pointed look that was not even in the slightest subtle. “Which is

His blue w in the room. “LostIVE, High Copy In Whethink, swhat one feels. You can’t write a piece if it

doesn’t move you, make you feel. When it doex-” Fora shocking kod Mr. Bayds lips tilted into a smile, as

though falling a good memory in his bead.”

Then that’s pood poetry.”

He clears his throat and palys a handfula fpapers and starts to distribute them around. Gwen grans

beside me and I bit my lip to stifle the prgle that wanted to come out. “This is to help you get a better

understanding of poetry. I want you to read each plece carefully. Take notes because your assignment is

to write your very own plece on any human emotion.” He slides the paper on my desk..

“It’s due tomorrow at 8am sharp. Late entries will get their marks deducted.” He grumbles out. Everyone

groaned. Philip, a plump dark-haired boy whines. “Sir it’s only the first day.”

Hint of course Mr. Hayd ignored him like the fly that had been crawling on his check a second and

Oh and one more thing. It’s ten percento f your term grade.”

Gwen grumbles. “I change my mind, he won’t be a good lay after all.”