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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 693
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Chapter 693 Go Fishing Together

Fiddling with her fingers, Kate gave Tiffany a contemptuous look. “Tiffany, all this while, I have resented

your family background. If you weren’t Oscar’s god-sister, I would never have agreed to you marrying

into this family. Instead of making your in-laws proud like the other daughters-in-law of prominent

families, you end up causing plenty of trouble for us. Do you think that Derrick isn’t busy enough? And

that you must make his life more difficult than it already is?”

Speechless, Tiffany had nothing to defend herself with.

Since Kate had decided that she was guilty, whatever she said would be useless. In fact, she might end

up infuriating the former further.

Kate picked up the ashtray on the table and flung it at Tiffany. With a loud bang, the tray hit the latter’s

body and covered her in ash before dropping to the ground.

“Are you mute? Why don’t you say something? Are you trying to challenge me, your mother-in-law?”

Kate taunted with a glare.

After squirming her lips, a wry smile emerged on Tiffany’s face.

Raising her head, she answered in defiance, “Mom, I paid off the gambling debt with my own money

and didn’t trouble Derrick at all. I’m sure I have not crossed the line by helping my own family that way.”

Given how Kate was becoming increasingly intimidating, Tiffany felt that she needed to stand up for

herself. Otherwise, she would end up suffering under the former’s thumb.

“Since you’re now married to Derrick, your assets are his assets too. Therefore, how can you squirrel

away money to save that disgraceful family of yours?” Kate mocked Tiffany with a curl of her lips.

Infuriated by the slight, Tiffany took a deep breath. “Mom, can you watch what you say?”

Kate retorted, “Did I say anything wrong? Isn’t your family a bunch of beggars waiting for handouts?”

Tiffany gritted her teeth and sneered, “Mom, isn’t it unbecoming of you, a lady of a prominent family, to

be calling others names?”

Just because I don’t bare my fangs, she thinks that I’m a pushover.

As her expression drastically changed, Kate rolled her eyes at Tiffany. “It hasn’t been that long ago

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since you got married, and your family has already caused so many problems by treating the Hissons

as a charity organization. Derrick has spent three million alone just to bail them out. Our family might

not need the money, but it doesn’t mean that you can take advantage of us, for the Hissons are no

fools at all.”

Tiffany took another deep breath. At the end of the day, the fault lay with her family still. Furthermore,

Derrick had to take a lot of time off work just to help her clean up the mess.

“Mom, I’ll pay back my brother’s gambling debt to Derrick. Also, I’ve used my own money this time.

Since you don’t like me using the family’s money, I’ll definitely not touch any of Derrick’s. Even though

I’m not as rich as the Hissons, my pay still allows me to fork out three to four million,” Tiffany


“After this, I’m sure you’re going to play the victim in front of Derrick, accusing me of making your life

difficult again. Isn’t that right?” Kate scoffed.

Due to the extreme proportions that Kate’s bullying had reached, Tiffany’s head throbbed in anger.

Having to defend herself from Kate’s attacks every day, she no longer had time to write.

“Mom, what is it that you want?”

Before Kate could say reply, Terrence came down the stairs and cleared his throat on purpose.

Tiffany hurried over and helped him to the couch. She then asked, “Granddad, do you want anything to


“Just make me a cup of coffee. I have a craving for it.”

Tiffany nodded. “Granddad, please wait a moment. I’ll prepare it for you right away.”

After Tiffany left for the kitchen, Terrence shot Kate a glance, as if to let her know that he had seen

through her.

“Are you bullying Tiffany again?” Terrence asked.

Kate replied with a smile, “Dad, of course not. I’m just educating her on how to be a good daughter-in-

law in a prominent family. Since no one wants to see her disgrace Derrick, I’m doing this for her own


Terrence nodded.

After giving the matter some thought, he reminded her, “It’s fine if you want to guide her but don’t

overdo it. If she ends up leaving, you’ll just make Derrick harbor resentment for you.”

Lowering her gaze to hide the raging emotion inside, Kate acknowledged, “I understand, Dad.”

Emerging from the kitchen with a pot of coffee, Tiffany poured a cup before serving it to Terrence.

“Granddad, your coffee.”

Upon receiving it and giving it a sip, Terrence’s eyes lit up. “This coffee is really good. It was bitter at

first, but once you swallow it, you can taste its faint fragrance. Given how good this tastes, it’s clear that

you have learned the art of brewing before. Tiffany, from whom did you learn it?”

“Previously, Amelia and I took lessons from a professional. She did so because Mrs. Clinton loved to

drink coffee, while I went along just to accompany her. However, after a few classes, I took a greater

interest and learned the art of brewing from our teacher. Little did I expect to use my skills here today,”

Tiffany explained respectfully.

Terrence gave Tiffany a look of admiration as if was rare to find someone who was really good at

brewing coffee.

After taking a sip, he asked, “Do you know how to play chess?”

“I played with Amelia when we were bored, but I’m certainly no match for your skills,” Tiffany replied


Terrence’s eyes brimmed with excitement. “Shall we play?”

“If you don’t mind my mediocre skills, I would be happy to do so. Nonetheless, do show me mercy

during the game,” Tiffany agreed with a grin.

After ordering the chess board to be brought over, Terrence started playing with Tiffany.

Initially, he just wanted to while away the time, but halfway through the game, he began to grow serious

and gave Tiffany a thoughtful glance. “You’re really good. In fact, you might have surpassed me

anytime now.”

“You flatter me, Granddad. I’m sure you’re just holding back so that I won’t be humiliated.”

Smiling faintly, Terrence didn’t comment and grew more focused on his game.

After five games, Tiffany won two, while Terrence won the other three. Stroking his chin as if he had a

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beard, Terrence remarked, “It’s no mean feat for you to defeat me twice. There’s nothing more I can

teach you. In fact, your skills will surpass mine with just a little more practice.”

“Grandad, you’re overestimating me. If it wasn’t because you let me win, I would have been thrashed

within five minutes with my lousy skills, let alone winning two games.” Tiffany showered Terrence with

so many compliments that he felt as if he was on cloud nine.

Terrence laughed in response. “I like how steady you are. Now that you’re a member of the Hissons,

you can dispense with the formalities. When you’re free, you should come fishing with me. How about


Tiffany’s lips twitched at the thought of a fashionable thirty-year-old like her going fishing. The image

conjured up in her mind was so perfect that she didn’t dare believe it.

“What’s wrong? Do you not like fishing?” Terrence asked.

Tiffany regained her senses and replied, “It’s not that. Since I have never fished before, I’m worried that

I would just bring you bad luck.”

“You won’t. Just come with me to meet a few old men. I want to introduce you to them,” Terrence

replied with a smile.

While both of them were chatting jovially, Kate felt as if she had been left out.

Rolling her eyes at Tiffany, she decided to put Tiffany out of her sight and naturally out of her mind.

“Dad, I’m going out for coffee with my friends.”

After Kate was gone, Tiffany smiled awkwardly at Terrence.

“Granddad, if there’s nothing else, I’ll head up first, for I have a few more chapters left to finish on an

urgent script for the director.”

“Go on then.” Terrence didn’t get in her way.

As Tiffany ascended the stairs, Terrence sat on the couch and thoughtfully watched her silhouette

disappear into the bedroom.

Cracking a smile, Terrence remarked, “I didn’t expect her to be so interesting and sociable. I assumed

she would be someone rigid after being holed up at home writing scripts all day. Not only does she

know how to make coffee but plays chess too. It looks like Derrick has found himself a gem of a


Sipping his coffee, Terrence looked at the finished game on the chess board before rearranging the

pieces and playing against himself.