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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 619
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Chapter 619 Plagiarism

Upon returning to her office, Amelia put all her focus on work and came up with three drafts for her

client. When her spine began to hurt, she shuffled a little in her seat and took a break by browsing the

internet, only to come across a shocking news article.

Author Tiffany Winters, whose best-selling has been made into a film, is suspected of plagiarizing

three fantasy s: Snowdrop Spirit, I’m Looking for Mommy, and Don’t Call My Name Late at Night.

Amelia read the entire made-up story but couldn’t find a single name attached to it. Even so, the

netizens had already been divided into three groups in the comments section: Tiffany’s loyal fans,

internet trolls who seemed to be helping the mastermind fan the flames, and those who knew nothing

but just wanted to enjoy the show.

After going through the comments briefly, Amelia closed the article, took out her phone, and walked out

of the design department with Jolin in tow.

“What’s wrong, Mrs. Clinton?” Jolin asked, concerned.

Amelia raised her phone in the air. “Are you good with computers, Jolin?”

The latter nodded. “Mr. Clinton once got me to hack into a rival company’s system and steal a bunch of

their information.”

“Good. I need you to find out who’s behind the article accusing Tiffany of plagiarism.”

“I understand, Mrs. Clinton. I’ll look into it right away,” Jolin replied sternly. “I just came across that

article too, and it’s clearly made-up. Whoever wrote it couldn’t even come up with any evidence of

plagiarism. They’re obviously trying to slander Ms. Winters just because her ’s gotten a film

adaptation, but I won’t let them succeed. Mr. Clinton’s invested in the film.”

“You can go ahead. I have to use the bathroom.”

“It’s no hurry. I’ll wait for you.”

Amelia entered the bathroom and dialed Tiffany’s number but couldn’t get through.

When the woman still couldn’t reach her best friend after five attempts, she began to worry.

She then dropped the call and walked out of the bathroom. “Jolin, I need to drop by Tiff’s place. She’s

not picking up my calls. I’m worried about her.”

“I’ll take you there, Mrs. Clinton.”

Amelia nodded.

After requesting the day off from Eduardo, she left in a hurry, not caring what her coworkers might think

of her for taking so many days off work.

Jolin swiftly drove her to Tiffany’s apartment block.

Amelia then found the elevator, pressed a button, and ran toward the door to Tiffany’s apartment as

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soon as she arrived on the right floor.

But despite pressing the doorbell and calling Tiffany on the phone countlessly, there was no answer.

“Tiff! Are you in there? Open up!” yelled Amelia.

Yet, no one came to the door.

“Calm down, Mrs. Clinton,” Jolin consoled. “I can unlock the door if that’s what you want.”

“Do it.” Amelia didn’t care about anything else at this point. All she wanted was too see Tiffany. What

am I going to do if something’s happened to her?

Jolin took out a long and thin needle. After inserting it into the keyhole and giving it the needle a few

twists, the door finally opened.

Amelia gazed at her in amazement before barging into the Tiffany’s home.

She hastily searched every room, but her friend was nowhere to be found, and the phone calls

remained unanswered.

“If she’s not picking up, how about you try calling Mr. Hisson? They might be with each other now,”

Jolin suggested.

“You’re right!” Amelia slapped her own forehead in frustration. “I totally forgot about him.”

She then dialed Derrick’s number, but just like Tiffany, the man didn’t pick up despite multiple attempts

to reach him.

Now, Amelia was truly starting to grow frantic.

“Let’s drop by his office.”

The two headed downstairs and returned to the car. “Go faster, Jolin,” Amelia instructed while putting

on her seatbelt.

Jolin picked up the pace, and they arrived at Derrick’s company building in half an hour.

Amelia unbuckled her seatbelt and hopped off the vehicle, only to be dumbfounded at the sight of a

swarm of reporters and television hosts crowding around the entrance of the building.

“I’ll help you get in there, Mrs. Clinton,” assured Jolin.

“But there are so many people. Are you sure we’d be able to get in?” Amelia asked with concern.

Jolin nodded.

“But you may have to use a disguise. These reporters and TV hosts have really sharp eyes. Some of

them might even recognize you as a member of the Clintons, so we’ll have to be careful,” she said

while opening the car door and retrieving a white hat.

“Put this on, Mrs. Clinton.”

Amelia took the hat and covered all of her hair with it. “Let’s go.”

With Jolin in the lead, they both headed in the direction of the crowd.

“Who are you two? Have you also come looking for the best-selling author, Tiffany Winters?” asked a

few journalists who immediately surrounded the two women.

“Sorry, but we don’t know who Tiffany Winters is. We’re here to discuss a project with Mr. Hisson.

Please step aside, or I’ll press charges against you for obstruction,” warned Jolin as she glanced at

every reporter. “I know your names now. You’re from the Metropolis Daily, you’re from the People’s

Daily, and you’re working for entertainment news. If anything happens to us because of your mindless

gossip, I’m going to sue each and every one of you.”

The reporters were visibly afraid. Moreover, Amelia wasn’t the one they were looking for, so there was

no need for them to keep latching onto her. They’d only end up in court if they did.

But just as Jolin continued to shield Amelia and was about to enter the building, someone suddenly

shouted, “That woman in the hat is Amelia Winters! She’s the wife of Oscar Clinton, and she’s also

Tiffany Winter’s best friend!”

That got everyone’s attention, and all the reporters huddled over.

“Are you really Mrs. Clinton? What do you have to say about Tiffany Winters having plagiarized the

work of others for her ? We’ve been told that Mr. Clinton’s also invested in its upcoming film

adaptation; is that true? Were you both long aware of these plagiarism accusations?”

The journalists seemed as though they were completely prepared for this, and the one behind them

must have deliberately revealed Amelia’s identity.

Jolin did her best to keep Amelia safe, but it soon proved difficult as the journalists continued to crowd

around them and bombard them with questions.

Finally, Jolin took a gun out of her bag and fired a bullet into the sky, instantly shutting all the reporters


“Go on in, Mrs. Clinton.”

Amelia quickly walked into the building. Given how skilled these journalists were at bending the truth,

she had a feeling that tomorrow’s headlines would be on how Mrs. Amelia Clinton’s bodyguard had

threatened them with a gun. This isn’t going to look good to the public.

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Clinton,” said Jolin as she entered the building too. “We’re authorized to carry

weapons, so it’s only natural that I have a gun with me. I wouldn’t do anything to cause Mr. Clinton


Amelia was relieved to hear that.

Then, the receptionist from the front desk walked toward them. “Can I help you, Miss?”

“I’m here to see Derrick. Is he here? I’ve tried calling him, but he never picked up.” Amelia went straight

to the point.

“Mr. Hisson is currently in a meeting. I believe you’ve come across the articles related to Tiffany

Winters’ plagiarism accusations. Tiffany is the best author we have, and she has a large audience.

These reporters are gathering here without any definite proof, and it looks like things will only escalate

further from here on,” the receptionist responded while glancing outside warily.

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“Could you help me give Derrick a call, Miss? I’d like to go up there,” Amelia requested gently.

“I’m sorry, Miss. I’d love to help, but Mr. Hisson’s specifically mentioned not to let anyone in as we’re

now dealing with a highly sensitive matter. I noticed you were struggling with those reporters in the

front, so I suggest you both leave through the back door.”

“My name is Amelia Winters. I’m Oscar Clinton’s wife and Tiffany’s best friend,” Amelia explained.

“Tiffany hasn’t picked up any of my calls, so I’m really worried that something might’ve happened to

her. I desperately need to know if she’s inside this building. Could you find out for me?”

The lady hurriedly made a phone call and returned after hanging up. “Tiffany isn’t here, and Mr.

Hisson’s still caught up with his meeting and can’t answer the phone right now. I’m really sorry, Ms.


Amelia frowned as her heart began to race. She couldn’t stop wondering what could have happened to


She whipped out her phone and tried to reach her friend again, but to no avail.

“Are you certain that she’s not here?”

“She’s not,” answered the receptionist who was doing her best to carry out her duties. “How about you

have a seat here? She could be deliberately not picking up the phone because of the reporters

harassing her.”

“It’s fine. I’ll be leaving now.”

With the journalists no longer daring to stand in their way, Amelia quickly left, and Jolin followed her


Amelia then began to drive around on the streets. “Should I tell Mr. Clinton about this? He’d be able to

get more people to look for her, including the police,” Jolin proposed.

“Not for now. I’m guessing Tiff must’ve gotten herself into something. That’s why she’s not picking up.”

After wandering aimlessly for about half an hour, Amelia’s phone suddenly rang, and she told Jolin to

take a look at the screen. It was Tiffany.

“Babe! Where are you? Could you come and pick me up at 33, East Road? Someone took all my

money, and I’m in a bit of a pinch right now,” a familiar voice rang out as soon as Amelia took the call.

“Wait right there. I’m on my way.”

After hanging up, Amelia turned the wheel and floored the gas pedal.

“What happened, Mrs. Clinton?”

“She’s on 33, East Road. I’m going to fetch her now.”

“Isn’t that the slum of the city? What is Ms. Winters doing there?”

Amelia simply shook her head in obliviousness.

As soon as they arrived, they found Tiffany, whose pants were covered in mud. Not only that, but her

shoes had turned completely black, and her hair was in slight disarray. She looked like a refugee at this
