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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 600
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Chapter 600 Explain Yourself

Emboldened by Oscar and Julian’s involvement, Derrick’s investors who had been tentatively on the

fence began to express their confidence in the project. With the collective backing of the major players

involved, the word about the adaptation of Tiffany’s attracted another close to half a billion in

investment. With a production of such magnitude, the success of the adaptation seemed inevitable as

long as the significant elements of drama, marketing, and casting were met. With Oscar’s invisible but

omnipotent influence behind the scenes, the Hissons would not dare attempt a blatant interference.

Kate and Terrence had different reactions to the news of Tiffany’s success in securing Oscar and

Julian’s support.

Despite Kate’s anger, Terrence became thoughtful upon hearing the news as if comparing the value

that Tiffany and Crystal could bring to help the cause of the Hissons.

Tiffany’s ability to win over Oscar and Julian is conclusive proof of their relationship as god-siblings.

Aside from that, the fact that she and Amelia are best friends is enough to overshadow the fact of the

girl’s humble origins. With the backing of the Clintons behind her, the Hissons will benefit hugely if

Derrick marries her. Though the Halliwell family is also quite prestigious, they are based in Beshya. The

distance from Tayhaven makes an alliance with them more improbable and volatile.

“The girl has some tricks up her sleeve, it seems,” Terrence said meaningfully.

Kate felt a stab of fear in her heart as she turned to look at Terrence. “What do you mean, Dad?”

Terrence met her gaze. “I am perfectly aware of your feelings toward the girl, Kate. However, you have

seen with your own eyes how she reacted to the problem Derrick’s company was facing. Instead of

crying at the door for you to let her see him, she had instead made use of her contacts to help Derrick

break into another field. If this project of theirs is successful, he will already have one foot securely in

the entertainment industry. Need I remind you that his success also reflects the Hissons’ share in the

entertainment industry. Anyway, it is good for us to have Tiffany marry into our family. The girl knows

Oscar and Amelia, for God’s sake, and she’s a famous best-selling author! Even if I didn’t choose her

for my grandson, the point is that Derrick chose her too. You should at least respect his choice, if not


Kate was becoming more alarmed by the minute.

“Dad, that wasn’t what you said at the beginning. She has no prominent family members to speak of,

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she only has a bachelor’s degree, and her appearance is plain at best. She is not worthy of my son.

Besides, Crystal is head over heels for Derrick and has been waiting for him all these years. What will

happen to Crystal if you give Derrick and Tiffany your blessing?”

As Crystal was chosen by Kate, the former knew exactly what to say to gain the favor of the latter.

Tiffany, on the other hand, was not good-looking, nor was she skilled in pleasing her elders. Terrence’s

approval of the girl seemed to exacerbate Kate’s dislike for her.

“There are things you can’t consider superficially, Kate,” Terrence said sagely. “I think that Crystal isn’t

as pure as you make her out to be. Being away in Beshya all year round, how could you be sure that

she is suitable for Derrick?”

Kate’s eyes widened with shock as she looked at the old man in disbelief.

“Weren’t you full of praise for Crystal before, Dad? The Halliwell family is influential in Beshya. If we toy

with their daughter like this, I’m afraid it might offend them.”

Terrence motioned for his bodyguard behind him to retrieve something from the study who reemerged

seconds later and presented the old man with a leather pouch.

“Take a good look at the true nature of the daughter-in-law of your choice, Kate.” Terrence pointed to

the leather bag.

With a sense of foreboding that an unbearable truth lay within its folds, she did not dare touch it.

“What is this, Dad?”

“Why don’t you take a look and find out?”

After some hesitation, Kate picked up the leather bag and opened it gingerly. As she perused the

photos and the large stack of documents, her expression grew increasingly sour.

“What’s going on, Dad? How did you get these photos?” Kate could not believe that the daughter-in-law

of her choosing had been with so many men.

“After listening to your songs of praise for Crystal, I had someone follow her to see if she was as good

as you said,” Terrence said casually as he picked up the crutches in his hand. “It just so happened that

these photographs reached my hands yesterday. Given how interesting I thought they were, I’d thought

that you might find them to be as useful as they were to me.”

Kate’s cheeks were scalding as if she had been slapped several times across the face.

Despite the overwhelming evidence, she was still resolute in her disbelief. “These photos could have

been faked, Dad. Crystal has always behaved very well in front of us and has been nothing but filial to

you. I still think that she is the rightful wife of my son and the mother of his heir. She’s the most suitable

candidate, after all. There must be someone who wants to sabotage her chances of marrying Derrick.”

“Feel free to have the photographs authenticated if you don’t believe them.”

Kate clenched the photo in her hand tightly as her rage bubbled close to the surface.

“I still think that there has been a misunderstanding, Dad,” Kate attested stubbornly. “I’ll ask Crystal in

person, but two single people are free to explore their options in the absence of an engagement in this

day and age. It’s no big deal for Crystal to spend her time with other men.”

“I did not expect you to be so generous, Kate,” Terrence responded drily. “You’re insisting on Derrick

marrying this girl at the risk of him getting cheated on in the future. How kind of you to give the girl the

benefit of the doubt.”

“Dad, that’s not what I meant, I’m just trying to-”

“Anyway,” the old man interrupted, “do what you will. The evidence speaks more loudly than I ever

could. I don’t really care what people do before marriage, as long as they don’t get caught by the

media. As for what you decide to do as a mother, I’ll leave it up to you. It depends on how much you

love your son.” After speaking, Terrence got to his feet slowly. With one last look at Kate, he continued,

“I’m tired. Good night, Kate. You should get some rest.”

After Terrence disappeared upstairs, Kate remained on the chair as she stared blankly into space.

Even she did not know how long she had remained motionless before the decision to call Crystal

spurred her into action.

“Crystal,” Kate said as soon as the former picked up, “are you free tomorrow? I have something that

may be of interest to you.”

“I am, Mrs. Hisson,” Crystal replied. “What time would you like to meet? I’m having a party with my

friends in Tayhaven and will not be returning to Beshya tonight. Pick a place, and I’ll meet you there

tomorrow. How about that?”

Kate’s heart sank. “All right, then. I’ll send you the time and address soon.”

I can’t wait, Mrs. Hisson. Good night and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Good night.”

Kate was visibly distraught after hanging up the phone. As she stared at the girl in the incriminating

photographs, she felt sick to her stomach at the sight of the girl with whom she placed so much faith in

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being amorous with so many different men.

She had only four conditions for a daughter-in-law. She insisted that they remained unadulterated,

come from a good family, be of a pleasant temperament, and be blessed with beauty.

Having thought that Crystal was the perfect daughter-in-law, Kate did not expect the truth to slap her

across the face as hard as it did.

Even worse, Kate felt as if Crystal had humiliated her in front of Terrence. That was the biggest slap in

the face of all.

Due to the shame that kept her up all night, Kate’s fondness for Crystal decreased as the suspicion of

Crystal’s filial piety to her being an insincere act was beginning to set in.

Kate and Crystal arrived at their appointed place on the following day.

Crystal set down her bag and smiled at Kate. “I heard that the cuisine in this restaurant is as authentic

as it gets, Mrs. Hisson. Have you decided what to order yet?”

Kate slid the menu over. “You go first. We’ll chat when the food arrives.”

With Kate’s coldness made amply clear, a trace of doubt flashed in Crystal’s eyes. Though she did not

understand what had caused the change in the former, she decided to wait and see.

After placing the order for several dishes, all of which were Kate’s favorites, she slid the menu back to

the older woman.

What else would you like to try, Mrs. Hisson? Here, feel free to order anything you like.”

“No need,” Kate said blandly, “We’ve ordered enough for the both of us. I don’t have much of an

appetite today.”

Crystal handed the menu to the waiter before studying Kate carefully.

“Did I do something wrong, Mrs. Hisson?” Crystal said, addressing the elephant in the room.

Kate pretended to be confused. “Why would you say that?”

“I don’t know, Mrs. Hisson. You just seem a little cold today. I would like to know if I’ve done something

wrong so I can change. I think of you like my own mother, you know. It hurts living with the knowledge

that I’d disappointed you somehow.”

Kate looked at her for a moment before sighing faintly. She took out the leather bag from her purse and

pushed it in front of the younger woman.

“Have a look, Crystal,” Kate said. “I hope you can explain yourself.”