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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 592
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Chapter 592 Trying To Hurt My Son

“What are you talking about?” Dominic yelled. “Don’t forget that Amelia’s been worried the entire time

when something happened to Spencer. You’re heartless to say this!”

Melanie, too, was starting to lose control over her emotions.

“What am I supposed to say but this? If she had listened and stayed away from the Hutton family, Mr.

Hutton would have treated Spencer by now. He wouldn’t be suffering like this. The doctor at

Saspiuburg said that our son’s condition is severe, but somehow, it’s fine here. Now you see it for

yourself. Our son’s in a coma. Is this fine? I’d say it’s because she hates the Winters family, and that’s

why she asked the doctor to hide his condition,” Melanie said before she began crying. “If anything

happens to Spencer, I won’t be able to live anymore!”

As Oscar hugged Amelia, he said, “Mom—”

Before he could finish his sentence, Melanie cut him off in a high-pitched voice, “Don’t call me Mom! I

can’t be that.”

Oscar’s expression turned solemn, and he uttered, “Mrs. Winter, I hope that you can calm down. If you

keep kicking a fuss like this, not only will you disrupt the people in the hospital, but you also wouldn’t be

helping out with your son’s condition. If you trust me, you can come with me to ask the doctor for more

details. If you don’t, then Amelia and I will stop getting involved in this. I won’t allow my woman to do

something that others won’t appreciate. She’s first and foremost my woman; then she’s the daughter

that your family doesn’t want to admit. I’m certain you know how to set your priorities.”

Oscar’s words were an obvious threat.

Dominic then whispered a few words to Melanie, talking about how he was afraid that she would

infuriate Oscar. If that were to happen, then things would become even tougher to deal with.

“Oscar, she’s just worried about her son. Don’t take her words to heart,” Dominic said to him.

It was only then Oscar’s expression turned less grim.

“Dad, take care of Mom. Oscar and I will be going to find out more details about Spencer,” Amelia

finally said.

“All right. Go ahead,” Dominic responded with a nod. “Amelia, your mother is just worried about your

brother, so don’t take her words to heart.”

“It’s fine, Dad. I know.”

Once Amelia and Oscar were gone, Dominic said, “Melanie, why do you have to act like this? You

know that Amelia was being nice, but you had to say something so hurtful? Aren’t you afraid of

upsetting her?”

Melanie then leaned against him with tearful eyes. Then, she gritted out, “She did this on purpose.

When we went to Saspiuburg for the checkup, the doctor told us that Spencer was in a bad state, but

the doctor here said he was fine. Do you really think that this is just a coincidence?”

Dominic frowned and fell silent. In the end, he quietly let out a sigh.

“Melanie, this is what we owe Amelia.”

“When have we owed her anything? It’s not as if we never provided her with clothes and food her entire

life. We were the ones to pay for her university tuition. We’ve already done everything for her. Her

biological parents didn’t want her, so we took her in. We were already kind to have raised her and given

her a home, but now, she’s here to hurt my son. She’s a monster!” Melanie sobbed.

“All right, let’s not talk about this anymore. Maybe this is just a misunderstanding.”

Melanie then lowered her head to wipe her tears, still feeling upset.

Meanwhile, Amelia and Oscar went into the doctor’s office.

“Dr. Sutton, please be honest with me. How is my brother? Didn’t you say that he’s recovering well with

the medication he’s taking? Why did this happen to him in just half a month’s time?” Amelia asked.

“Ms. Winters, please calm down. We’ve already begun looking into your brother’s case. However, I

suspect that someone has added a kind of medication that would speed up the aging of his kidney and

liver into his IV. His liver and kidney already had signs of hardening. Thus, he ended up suffering from a

shock this morning,” Troy Sutton explained grimly.

“Someone drugged him?” Amelia muttered under her breath. “Are you sure about that?”

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“We’ve sent him for a checkup, and we’ve also sent his infusion bottle for a test. We’ll have the

answers once we get the test results.” Troy then stood up and bowed to Amelia. “Mr. Clinton, Ms.

Winters, I’m really sorry to have let you down.”

“Dr. Sutton, we’ll leave this to you. I hope that you’ll be able to give us a proper explanation, or else

we’ll have to bring this to court. The Clintons will be hiring the best lawyer for this case, so you better

pray that my brother will turn out fine,” Amelia subtly threatened.

Troy paled and quickly said, “Ms. Winters, don’t worry. The hospital will surely cure your brother.”

The Clintons were rich and powerful, and they were not people that a mere doctor like him was capable

of offending.

Meanwhile, Robert came to the hospital for Spencer’s matter.

Amelia was on her way to bring food for her parents when Robert came over and bowed at the Winters

couple. “Mr. Winters, Mrs. Winters, I’m very sorry. A doctor’s neglect in my hospital has led to your

son’s incident. I’m the hospital chief, and I’ll be discounting your son’s medical fees on behalf of

Principal General Hospital. At the same time, we’ll be doing our best to treat him, so please be at


Melanie then looked at Robert and said, “Mr. Lancaster, I just want to know how my son is. He hasn’t

woken up until now! He’s the focus of our family. If anything happens to him, I don’t want to live


“Mrs. Winters, I understand how you feel. The hospital will be doing its best to treat him. Please be at

ease,” Robert patiently consoled.

Dominic then said, “Mr. Lancaster, we’ll leave this to you. We know that you’re only treating us this well

because of Oscar and Amelia. I’ve always known how good you are.”

Finally, the smile on Robert’s face turned more genuine.

“Mr. Winters, you’re too courteous. We’ll do our best to cure your son.”

“Thank you, Mr. Lancester.”

The two of them exchanged pleasantries for a short while.

Robert then asked Amelia and Oscar to head to his office.

“Oscar, Amelia, please take a seat. I have something I want to talk to you about.”

Amelia then sat down. Instinctively, she sensed that he was going to talk to them about Spencer.

“Mr. Lancaster, is there something wrong with my brother’s body?” she asked.

“Don’t panic, Amelia. Listen to me first,” Robert started. “We’ve given him a checkup, and we’ve found

traces of a medication that sped up his liver and kidney cancer. Right now, this medication is only

available overseas, and few use it. Even a healthy person would get mutated cells in their liver and

kidney after taking the medication, but the medication is meant to treat heart conditions. Therefore, it’s

a double-edged sword. Nevertheless, as it’s not a common drug, very few know about this. Even now,

we still have no idea why someone would give this to your brother.”

Robert had a solemn look on his face as he explained to them.

“Mr. Lancaster, now that the medication is in my brother, what will happen to him?” Amelia asked.

“Amelia, calm down. We’ll do our best to treat your brother.”

At that moment, Amelia felt utterly defeated. It was as if his words had taken out all the life in her.

“Mr. Lancaster, let’s call the cops,” Oscar abruptly said.

Instantly, Robert turned to look at Oscar in surprise.

“Oscar, I thought you would keep this private.”

Oscar’s lips curled, and he sneered, “I suddenly lost interest in dirtying my own hands.”

Robert furrowed his brows even more as confusion flooded his senses. This isn’t like Oscar at all.

“Mr. Lancaster, I’ll be counting on you. Please call the cops.”

By then, Robert had no choice but to agree to it.

After exiting the office, Oscar hugged Amelia and said, “Let me take you out for a walk. It’s stuffy in

here, and I don’t want you to overthink things.”

Amelia nodded.

Once the two left the hospital, they strolled to a nearby lake with beautiful scenery.

Yet, despite the picturesque view, Amelia could not bring herself to feel any happier.

“Oscar, say, is there anyone who would bear a grudge against a normal guy? Will that person spend so

much effort to get a newly-developed drug from overseas just to hurt him?” Amelia asked softly. By

then, she could somewhat guess that everything had happened because of her.

The Winters family had not done anything wrong. It had been many years. Although she still could not

figure out why the Winters family had been so heartless toward her, she no longer hated them as much

as before. When she realized that her brother might have been caught up in her matters, she could not

help but feel guilty.

“What are you trying to say? Are you telling me that you’re the reason that this happened?” Oscar

stated. “Silly woman, don’t overthink.”

Amelia let out a soft sigh.

“Oscar, I shouldn’t have gotten them involved in this. It’s been ten years since we’ve met. I should’ve

sent them off back then. The life they deserve is a quiet, peaceful life,” she then said with a frown.

“I’ll send someone to watch over them. As for the one who drugged him… There are surveillance

cameras everywhere in the hospital. We’ll be able to find out who the culprit is once we do a thorough

investigation,” Oscar reassured her. “I had Mr. Lancester call the cops because I didn’t want to involve

you in this.”

Just then, Amelia halted in her tracks and turned around to cup his cheeks. “Are you angry?”

Oscar stared at her.

“Yes, I’m angry.”

A bitter smile appeared on Amelia’s face. “They’re just worried about their son. Why do you have to be

mad at them?”

“Don’t forget that you’re their daughter too.” Oscar then wrapped his arm around her waist tightly. “If

they weren’t your family, I would’ve come up with many ways to deal with selfish, sexist elderly people

like them.”

Amelia then tiptoed to kiss him on his lips before muttering, “Don’t be mad anymore. I just need to do

what I should do. I won’t ask for anything more. Perhaps it’s fate that I can’t be family with the

Winterses. Saving my brother will be how I repay them for providing for me when I was younger.

Perhaps I would have become a homeless orphan if not for them.

Only with that reassurance then did Oscar’s scowl fade away a little.

“Do you really not blame them for it anymore?”

“No, it’s pointless for me to do that. As long as my brother’s cured, I doubt we’ll have any opportunities

to see each other anymore.”

Oscar just held her tightly as his heart ached for the courageous woman.

“Let’s go back,” he then said to her with a pat on her head.

She nodded in response.

Oscar led her to the car, and when they reached, Amelia lifted her head, confused.

“I don’t think Mom has recomposed herself, so I doubt she’ll want to see you. You should head home to

calm down a little. Leave this place to me,” Oscar gently told her.

“Can you deal with this alone?”

“Impossible is a word that doesn’t exist in my dictionary. Go home. I’ll take care of them well. Don’t

worry. They’re your family, so I won’t do anything to them,” Oscar swore.

Finally, Amelia relented.

“Call me if anything.”


Jolin then drove Amelia away.

After patting away the wrinkles on his clothes, Oscar went back to the hospital.

“Oscar, where’s Amelia?” Dominic asked worriedly when he noticed that Amelia was not behind him.

“I’ve asked her to head home first.”

Dominic nodded before asking awkwardly, “Is she fine?”

“What do you think?” Oscar questioned.

His words rendered Dominic speechless.

“Oscar, tell Amelia not to take her mother’s words to heart. Her mother’s just fraught. She didn’t mean

to talk to her like that.”

“I know that you’ve never thought of her as part of the Winters family, and that’s not something to be

sad or happy about,” Oscar nonchalantly pointed out.

Hearing that, a flicker of awkwardness flashed past Dominic’s face.

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The two then fell silent as the atmosphere turned tense.

“Oscar, could you please ask the doctors to do their best? My son has his wife and children to raise. If

anything happens to them, they won’t be a complete family anymore. I know Amelia hates the Winters

family, but as long as she saves her brother, I’ll do anything she wants,” Dominic muttered to Oscar, his

head hanging low.

Oscar’s expression immediately darkened.

“Dad, you still think that Amelia was the one who did this, don’t you?”

Dominic’s lack of response was a silent agreement.

Oscar then sneered, “Dad… No. Mr. Winters, you look like an honest man, but you’re the most ruthless

of all. Amelia is humiliating herself by calling you her father.”

Dominic’s head hung even lower.

“Don’t worry. If Amelia wanted to deal with you all, she wouldn’t have waited until ten years later. You

have terrible thoughts in your head, but don’t assume that she’s the same as you,” Oscar told him. “I’ll

have the doctor treat your son, but please don’t appear before Amelia anymore. I’m scared that you’d

pollute the air she breathes just by being around her.”

With that said, Oscar turned around and left.

Dominic’s fists tightened. By the time he lifted his head again, the tears in his eyes were visible to all.

“I’m sorry,” he hoarsely whispered.

He felt guilty toward Amelia, but at the end of the day, Amelia was no match for his son. That was why

he chose to hurt her, for Spencer was the focus of the Winters family.

Amelia, don’t blame me for this. I had no choice. Your brother has children and a wife to provide for.

Nothing must happen to him. I’m the one who wronged you. Dominic mused as he stared in the

direction where Oscar had disappeared.

Unfortunately, his apology was something Amelia could not hear. Nevertheless, even if she heard it,

she would only give him a mocking smile and say nothing.

Sometimes, words simply could not make up for the wounds left in one’s heart.

“Mr. Winters,” came a man’s voice that stopped Dominic from wallowing in guilt.

When Dominic raised his head, he saw June, who he had seen half a month ago.

“Mr. Wick, why are you here?”

“Mr. Winters, you can just call me John,” June said with a polite smile. It was as if nothing unpleasant

had ever happened between the two.

Dominic only smiled in response to that.

“I heard from Amelia that Spencer’s condition had worsened. I was worried, so I came to visit him. How

is he now?” June asked in concern.

Dominic glanced at him but stayed silent.

Right then, Melanie appeared from the other side. When she saw June, she squeezed out a smile and

said, “Mr. Wick, you’re here.”

Dominic then stood up and uttered, “Melanie, have a talk with Mr. Wick. I’ll be going out for a smoke.”

After Dominic left, Melanie sat down next to June in a daze.

“Mrs. Winters, I heard that Spencer’s condition has deteriorated. What happened? I’ve heard from the

doctor that he was doing well back then. Can you tell me what’s going on?” June began prying for more

information from Melanie.

Upon hearing his question, sorrow overwhelmed Melanie, and she started complaining to June.

In the blink of an eye, she had told him many things.

When her throat went dry, June handed her a bottle of water. “Mrs. Winters, drink this and take a


She received the bottle and took a mouthful of water.

“Mrs. Winters, if that’s the case, doesn’t it sound like someone’s trying to hurt Spencer? You’re just

normal people. You haven’t crossed anyone. Moreover, the Clintons are protecting you all. No one

would be foolish enough to lay a finger on you. However, not only has something happened to Spencer,

but the doctor even made light of his condition. Have you never thought that anything might be amiss?”

June deliberately said, planting a seed of suspicion in Melanie’s heart.

Instantly, the look in Melanie’s eyes turned ferocious.

“Yes, this must be Amelia’s doing. She hates the Winters family, so she wants to wreck the whole

family,” Melanie uttered in agitation.