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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 534
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Chapter 534 His Face Was Slashed

After Cassie got ready, she headed downstairs. However, she did not stop to eat her breakfast.

Instead, she simply said, “Mom, I’m heading out”

Elizabeth stated, “But you haven’t eaten breakfast yet!”

“It’s almost eleven o’clock, so it’s way past breakfast time now. I’ll have lunch outside in a bit. Also, tell

Dad that I’m planning to help out at his company. I want to start from scratch.”

A hint of surprise flashed across Elizabeth’s eyes when she heard that.

She asked, “Cassie, are you sure?”

“Of course I am, Mom. Can’t talk right now. I’m in a hurry. We can talk when I come back,” Cassie

explained, leaving in a hurry.

“This child, I swear.” Elizabeth shook her head helplessly. She turned around and saw June on the

couch, realizing that he was still there. “June, Cassie hasn’t really calmed down yet. Don’t mind her


June replied, “Don’t worry, Mrs. Yard. I like her the way she is. Honestly, I’m a bit of a masochist. Don’t

laugh at me, please. Though she’s being hot and cold to me, I’m fascinated by her uniqueness. I think

she’s very different from other girls. Maybe this is why I loved her all these years. I loved her and no

one else. Don’t you think that her petty attitude is cute?”

Elizabeth was thrilled to hear those words coming from him.

She was growing more and more fond of June, her future son-in-law. She pondered it before asking,

“June, you and Cassie have known each other for so many years. Have you thought about getting

married? I know you realize by now that Cassie may not be able to get pregnant. But with such

advanced technologies nowadays, there’s probably something that can heal her. Look-”

June’s face fell in despair. He said in a low voice, “Mrs. Yard, I already raised the prospects of marriage

two times to Cassie. Unfortunately, she keeps rejecting me. I don’t think she’s ready for marriage yet.”

Hearing this, Elizabeth’s face contorted in anger.

“That girl, I swear. She causes nothing but trouble. I can’t believe she’d rather die than be with a good

man while also refusing to let go of a man who’s rude to her. At this point, I think she’s just doing this to

get on my nerves.”

Elizabeth paused before continuing, “Don’t worry, June. I’ll help you persuade her. The sooner you

guys get married, the sooner I can calm down. Otherwise, I won’t sleep well at night.”

“I’d appreciate that, Mrs. Yard.”

June sat for a while and smiled politely. “Mrs. Yard, I’ll go look for Cassie. She went out alone, so I’m a

little worried for her.”

“Go. I think you should have dinner outside and watch a movie before coming back. Since you’re

neither married nor have kids yet, you should have some fun,” Elizabeth suggested.

“Understood, Mrs. Yard. I’ll be leaving now.”

As soon as June left, he called Cassie on the phone. However, Cassie did not answer his phone call.

He could only send her a text message. The text message read: Call me back. Otherwise, I’ll upload

one of the videos I helped you record.

Soon enough, Cassie dialed his phone number.

June answered the call and asked, “Where are you?”

“June, what is the meaning of this? Who do you think you are, and why do you care? I’m warning you-”

“Where are you? Don’t make me ask again,” June firmly interrupted her.

“I’m at Amelia’s workplace,” Cassie replied.

June was rather shocked. He thought that she went back to look for Oscar. To think that she went to

see Amelia, instead.

As if June saw the rays of love, a smirk formed on his face. He was now in a good mood. Though

Cassie is as tight-lipped as ever, I’m sure that she subconsciously thinks about me. Maybe not too

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much. However, I know that I have a place in her heart somewhere. These are the fruits of my labor. As

long as I keep working hard, Cassie will be mine one day.

June was proud and confident in himself. But then, he asked, “What are you doing with Amelia? Honey,

don’t do anything reckless.”

Cassie asked mockingly, “Why? Are you worried?”

“Honey, behave. She hasn’t taken the bait yet. I haven’t even enjoyed her wonderful body yet. Don’t

mess with her, or I’ll get really angry at you,” June warned.

“And what if I did do something to her?” Cassie asked in a sinister tone.

June responded, “Honey! If you dare to do anything to her, I might have to burn you with a cigarette

butt the next time we’re in bed. I think you’ll like that gift of mine.”

“You’re such a pervert. Go die in a ditch somewhere.” Cassie immediately hung up the phone in a fit of


June tossed his phone over to the back seat, unaffected by Cassie’s words. He then looked into the

rear-view mirror and saw two cars following him. June curled his lips and sneered. He stepped on the

pedal without a care in the world, and the cars on his tail also accelerated. The three vehicles drifted

across the nearly empty roads.

Soon, they reached the highway and were heading toward the suburbs.

June parked the car in a large open field. He then put on his glasses and got out of the car. The two

cars chasing him also stopped. As the doors of one of the cars opened, Kurt, Hugo, and Jean

emerged. As for the other car, four to five unknown young men in black suits also got out.

“Oh, so it was you guys. Could it be that Mr. Clinton wants to harm me?” June fearlessly asked. “I

remember how he and I have been on the same boat together over the past two years. We had been at

peace with each other ever since. I can’t think of any reason how I’ve offended Mr. Clinton.”

Hugo said, “June-”

He was interrupted as soon as he opened his mouth. “Call me by my Chanaean alias. I am John Wick.

You can call me Mr. Wick or just John. Whichever you prefer.”

Hugo eloquently corrected himself. He continued, “Mr. Wick, our boss already told you to stop

harassing Mrs. Clinton. Otherwise, he’ll cause you trouble and have the police personally deport you

back to your country. You’ll make history as the only foreigner who’ll get blacklisted by Chanaea

because of the media.”

June laughed.

He said, “That’s a very funny joke.”

“Mr. Wick, you can take me as a joke all you want. I know you’re capable of challenging the Clintons.

The Adertons are indeed one of the largest families abroad. Don’t forget that you’re in Chanaea,

though. As a foreigner here, you have no right to be this arrogant,” Hugo warned.

June shrugged. For some reason, he decided to change the subject. “You there. What’s your name?”

“Hugo,” Hugo replied.

“Mr. Hugo, go back and tell Mr. Clinton that I have no intention of stealing his woman. You’re a man as

well, so you know how we like to chase after fine ladies. I’m very interested in Ms. Winters, but I won’t

pursue her because she’s taken already. Mr. Clinton shouldn’t worry about me. Is he so insecure that

he thinks I can steal his woman from him?” June nonchalantly said.

Hugo simply looked at him without saying anything.

Jean coldly said, “Hugo, there’s no need to waste your breath on someone like him. You should just

break him on the spot. I think he’ll stop causing trouble after that.

As Hugo listened to her words, his lips twitched.

“Kurt, what do you think of my proposal?” Jean asked.

Kurt was stunned. He replied, “It’s fair enough.”

Jean rubbed her hands in anticipation. In the blink of an eye, she began her attack. She moved quickly

and had strong momentum. June, who was carefree at first, did not let his guard down as Jean

attacked him. He pulled himself together and fought back.

Jean was very good in hand-to-hand combat. Although she was a woman, her strength was not inferior

to that of an adult man. Therefore, June found it hard to handle her. He was losing his ground. In the

end, Jean kicked him in the stomach, and he fell directly to the ground.

Jean clapped her hands together. She looked at the man lying on the ground in disdain and coldly said,

“You’re from a seemingly powerful family. And yet, you’re weak when it comes to hand-to-hand combat.

You’re only able to bully weak and stupid women, huh? Killing a man would only dirty my hands.”

Kurt stepped forward and looked at June condescendingly. In the next second, he suddenly stepped on

June’s foot. June groaned in pain. He was tough, so he did not roll on the floor crying.

Kurt was crushing June’s hand with his foot. He coldly warned, “Stay away from Amelia, or I’ll kill you.”

June’s eyes showed how conflicted he was. At that moment, he was really scared. He did not bring any

bodyguards with him today. June was so used to abusing the power of the Yard family to make a

fortune over the past two years. He got so arrogant that he forgot how powerful Oscar was. As they

discussed just now, the Adertons were indeed quite influential. However, they were all abroad. Their

influence in Chanaea was lesser compared to that of the Clintons. If he kills me here, he’ll be able to

dispose of my corpse very cleanly. The Adertons will want to confront him, but I’m afraid that they’ll be

powerless against him.

Kurt stated, “June, don’t even think about getting the Adertons to trouble the Clintons. You’re not the

only heir to the Adertons, after all. Not to mention, you’ve been in Chanaea over the past two years. Do

you think your cousins care? A smart man would never think about women. Only a fool would talk

about love. You should leave immediately if you’re smart. Otherwise, you’ll have everything to lose

when the Adertons get a new head. I believe that you don’t want to see that happening.”

June’s face contorted. He viciously glared at Kurt.

Kurt increased his strength. June’s face twisted in pain. He could not help but groan, and he was in so

much pain that he could barely get any words out.

June knew that his right hand would break if Kurt added more weight to it.

Perhaps, Kurt never intended to break his hand. It was probably why June only felt pain on his skin and

tendons. At least he knew the bones in his hand was not broken yet.

“I told you this before. Don’t come any closer to Amelia. If not, then I’ll rip your arm off,” Kurt warned.

June looked him in the eye. Not only was he enduring the pain, but he also smiled.

“Could it be that you’re in love with Amelia?” June revealed. “You have every reason to love her. And

yet, here you are using force to bully a foreigner like me. Don’t you think you’re being quite despicable

and shameless here?”

“Shut up!” There was a hint of awkwardness and embarrassment on Kurt’s face after getting exposed.

June scoffed. He sarcastically stated, “So it’s true! If Mr. Clinton knew that his subordinate had such

filthy thoughts about his woman, I wonder what he’d think? Ah, yes, I remember something. When

Amelia went missing for two years, you were with her. Only a fool would believe you when you said

nothing happened between you and her. She hooked up with you and then went back to Mr. Clinton. I

think I can do the same. At least I have a better family background than you. Your ideal lover is a

hopeless romantic who can please you. Is that right?”

“I told you to shut up!” Bloodlust reflected in Kurt’s eyes as he said that. He wanted to kill the man on

the ground badly. Fortunately, he still had his last shred of rationality left. Otherwise, June would have

been killed and silenced forever.

“Kurt, get up, or I’ll kill you. I know how foul-mouthed this guy can be.” Jean stepped forward and pulled

a dagger out of nowhere. She squatted down and swung the dagger at June’s face. “Aren’t you quite

fond of your face? How would you feel now that I’ve drawn a line on your face?”

June looked at Jean. He even dared to wolf whistle at her. With a sinister smile, he said, “I’m willing to

die at the hands of a beautiful woman like you. As the Chanaean saying goes, men die happily after

sleeping with beautiful women.”

A cold glint flashed across Jean’s eyes. Her subordinate quickly moved, causing a red mark to appear

on June’s face in the blink of an eye. Blood flowed out of the cut.

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June groaned in pain. He knew that falling prey to Kurt and the others today was bad. However, he also

knew that they would only hurt him physically. June knew that Oscar did not want him dead just yet, so

he had no fears.

Flesh wounds were inevitable. He might as well take advantage of them.

June smiled and said, “Pretty lady, you seem to have left a mark on my face. Is it because you want me

to treat you to a meal?”

Jean suddenly smiled. She asked, “You want to take me out?”

“Yup. I think the food will be very delicious since I’ll be with a beautiful woman such as yourself. The

only thing is, I’m not sure if I can treat a beautiful woman like you to a meal.”

“Of course you can.” As soon as the smile on Jean’s face disappeared, her subordinate swiped at

June. Another red mark appeared on June’s face as blood flowed down his cheek.

This time, June stubbornly refused to voice his pain. He looked at Jean and coldly stated, “Pretty girl,

you’d better kill me today while you still can. If not, you’ll fall into my hands one day. I probably won’t

dish out a simple punishment like this by then.”

A murderous light flashed across Jean’s eyes. She responded, “You want to die? Fine! I’ll grant you

your wish, then!”

“Jean.” Hugo stepped forward and grabbed her hand that was holding the dagger. He said, “Don’t act

so impulsive. Otherwise, we’ll have a tough time explaining what happened to the boss when we get


Jean reluctantly replied, “Understood.”

Jean stood up and looked down at June with an awkward expression on her face. She said, “He’s

nothing but a lowlife wearing luxurious outfits. I can’t believe he thinks he’s a distinguished casanova.”

Hugo said, “I think I’ve taught him a lesson already. Let’s go, now.”

Jean nodded. She then bent over, taking June’s car keys and phone from June’s body. As she tossed

the phone over to Kurt, she said, “Kurt, get into the car with Hugo. I’ll drive this guy’s car back. Didn’t

this guy say he was a self-proclaimed womanizer? I guess I’ll let him have his moment.”

Hugo and Kurt both understood what Jean meant. They did not stop her, though. Instead, they returned

to their car and drove away.

Within one short minute, June was left bleeding in the large open field.

June wanted to lift his right hand, but he never expected it to hurt that much. He could not help but hiss

in pain.

When the pain in his hand subsided a little, he got up from the ground. Today was June’s most

humiliating day. He raised his hand and touched his face, finding that his fingers were stained red.

Luckily, Jean did not give him long and deep cuts. Otherwise, his face truly would be disfigured this


Their warnings did not frighten June. Instead, his desire to retaliate was more heightened than ever.

In the beginning, June only approached Amelia to make Cassie jealous. But now, he wanted to have

Amelia. He longed to seduce Amelia and let Oscar have a taste of his own medicine. After getting into

and losing two intense fights, June was a loser. He also wanted Oscar to become a loser and to feel

the frustration of getting betrayed by his significant other.

“Oscar, have you gotten weaker or something? We’ll see who’ll be the real winner in the end!” June

spat on the ground again, gritting his teeth in anger.

“One day, I’ll step on you under my heel and laugh at your failure. Just you wait.”

Only the trees surrounding June bore witness to his behavior. Currently, he had no idea how he would

return to the city. Should I try to walk back when it’s dark out? Maybe I can stop a car once I reach the

highway? I have to think about this.

June looked at the large open field. His expression completely darkened. He had no idea know how

long it would take to walk back to the city on his bare feet. As a pampered son from a well-to-do family,

it was simply an impossible task for him.