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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 326
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Chapter 326 Making Life Difficult For The Guests

Rory hastened her steps when she saw Amelia coming into the salon. She then went over and held the

latter by the arm. “Amelia, someone’s here to see you guys.”

Amelia was puzzled at her statement. After all, she and Tiffany had never kept in contact with anyone

after they left the city. Hence, she could hardly think of anyone who could possibly know their


Rory glanced at the woman on the couch and tugged Tiffany while tilting her chin slightly toward the

woman. Tiffany immediately followed Rory’s gaze, and her eyes widened in disbelief. Wow… What a

dashing woman!

Before she could even come back to her senses, Jeremy walked toward her and gave her a friendly

reminder. “Mrs. Hisson’s here. You’d better watch what you say.”

Tiffany and Amelia looked at him blankly.

“Mrs. Hisson? You mean… Derrick’s mother?” Tiffany asked cluelessly. She recalled Derrick telling her

that his mother was still recuperating. Besides, the woman sitting on the couch was so young Tiffany

could not believe that she was actually his mother.

Nonetheless, there was no time for Jeremy to explain anything to Tiffany at that moment, so he said,

“Hurry over. She’s been waiting for a while now. Patience is not her virtue, so think twice before saying

anything, alright? We can’t afford to land on her bad side.”

Tiffany looked at Amelia beseechingly and pulled her over together.

Then, Jeremy led the way and introduced the two ladies. “Tiffany Winters, Mrs. Hisson,” Jeremy said

while gesturing toward Tiffany. “She’s the girl Mr. Hisson mentioned, and this is their mutual friend,

Amelia.” He looked at Rory and decided not to introduce her. After all, he figured the high-toned lady of

the house would not want to know someone so insignificant as a caregiver.

The woman seated on the couch gave off an air of elegance yet aloofness. She felt so distant, although

they were in the same room.

At the same time, Tiffany beheld the exquisite being, doing the math in her heart. If she’s Derrick’s

mom, that means she’s in her fifties or sixties, but hell, she looks like she’s in her twenties, and Derrick

really takes after her. It’s just that she has a feminine spell to her looks. Tiffany held her breath as she

perused the woman. She’s easily one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. I’ll venture to say

she’s a rare beauty. Even Amelia, Cassie, and Jennifer pale in comparison to her.

Tiffany’s thoughts were not baseless. It was true that Kate would capture simply anyone’s eyes. Her

beauty was the most exquisite in all regards—she was gentle, enticing, and desirable. Her sole

existence was enough to prove that God had favorites when it came to His creation; her beauty must

be divinely-inspired.

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Tiffany finally knew where Derrick got his charms from. It was no wonder that an apple would not fall far

from its tree, yet Tiffany did not allow herself to dwell in admiration of Kate’s beauty.

She had her guards up because she knew fatality lay behind the facade of Kate’s beguiling looks.

True enough, Kate had been carefully scrutinizing the girl ever since she walked in. Her defined brows

arched in indifference as she then shifted her gaze to Amelia.

Her burning gaze made Tiffany cringe. Though it was the first time Tiffany saw Kate, she knew what

that look meant. She looks at me as though I’m some inexpensive goods in a shop. It’s clear that she

looks down on me. She might even think I’m just some cheap girl.

“I heard Derrick has a girlfriend.” Kate finally broke the silence. “Crystal told me that he’s involved with

some woman lately. I can’t help but wonder just what kind of woman is able to capture my son’s

attention and be his plaything, so I flew over on purpose. I hope my visit has not been a bother to the

both of you.”

Kate’s voice rang tenderly. Her melodious voice won the audience over despite the spite in her


Meanwhile, Tiffany felt life was unfair that someone could be so attractive that anyone would readily

excuse their impoliteness just because of their looks.

Frowns stitched on Amelia and Tiffany’s brows as they listened to Kate’s scathing words.

Before long, a subtle smile curved on Amelia’s lips. “It’s an honor to meet you, Mrs. Hisson,” she said

apathetically. “You should’ve informed us of your little visit, so we could head to the airport to pick you

up. Anyway, Tiff and I are only staying here temporarily, so we won’t be in your way.”

Kate looked at her intently. “Well, well. I would’ve been happier if you were the one Derrick was dating.

After all, one should at least have some standard, even if it’s just a fling. I thought my son would at

least choose someone who’s sexy and pretty.”

Hearing her words, Amelia squeezed Tiffany’s hand and emboldened herself. “I’m afraid you’re wrong,

Mrs. Hisson. I thought wealthy families like yours prefer women who are obedient and capable of

managing the house? I believe someone too attractive would not fit that requirement.”

At that, Kate finally stood up. She walked over without haste until she stood in front of Amelia. After

taking a look at Amelia’s eyes, she smiled.

“You’re blind, aren’t you?” she asked.

Upon hearing that, Amelia froze for a moment. She nodded slowly after a pause.

“Yes. I lost my sight because of a car accident. Thanks for asking,” she said without any hint of


Upon that, Kate covered her mouth and smiled. “What a shame. You’re too pretty to be blind.”

At that moment, Tiffany could not take it any longer, so she stood in front of Amelia. “Excuse me, Mrs.

Hisson. You might be Derrick’s mother, but that doesn’t give you the leeway to be rude. You should at

least behave in a manner fitting to your looks. You’re too pretty to be without manners.”

At once, Kate relocated her gaze at Tiffany. “Ha… I have to say I’m totally disappointed with Derrick’s

taste. I can’t believe he really chose you of all the women out there. I bet he’s got tired of fancy dishes

and is now looking for something bland and cheap.”

Tiffany scoffed out loud.

“With all due respect, Mrs. Hisson, you’re the most fetching woman I’ve ever seen. I finally understood

why people say the pretty ones are the deadly ones. In fact, you’re a walking example yourself. Your

looks are nothing but a waste on you.” Since Kate was utterly disrespectful toward them, Tiffany did not

see why she should not let the woman have a taste of her own medicine.

If she had behaved courteously toward them, Tiffany would have been nicer, but deriding Amelia was

the last straw.

Kate smirked at her repulsive comments. “Tsk-tsk. What a sharp and unforgiving tongue. Did you just

talk back to someone older than you? Let me warn you, sweetie. Don’t even dream about marrying

Derrick. I don’t care if he’s being serious with you or not.”

Kate’s words added fuel to the fire, and Tiffany was on the verge of lashing out. However, Amelia’s grip

tightened around her hand, which signaled her to stop before she could do something rash.

Quickly, Amelia stood forward and smiled. “What about lunch, Mrs. Hisson? It’s almost two already.”

“I already had lunch,” Kate replied tersely.

“Then we should at least sit and talk. I believe you’re kind enough to be the big person over here. I’m

sure you won’t mind our little banter earlier on.”

Kate then went back to the couch quietly until she sat down. “Get them some drinks, Jeremy. We can’t

let out guests sit without having a drink at least, can we?”

Hearing that, Jeremy shot his worried gaze at the two ladies.

Before he could do anything, Kate spoke again. “Jeremy, you should just ask the maids to bring some

tea. Meanwhile, you should get some rest yourself.” It went without saying that Kate was trying to get

him out of the way.

Jeremy looked at the woman reluctantly and finally nodded.

The maid brought in cups of tea not long after. “Mrs. Hisson, the drinks are ready. Is there anything else

you need?” the maid asked.

Kate waved her hand. “That’s all. You may leave. No one is allowed to come in unless I say so.”

“Sure, Mrs. Hisson.”

The maids and the butler all behaved reverently toward Kate as if she was a queen. Truth be told, she

had the appearance fitting for a lofty queen. Anyone would agree that she was pleasing to the eyes.

Beauty had always been her biggest pride.

The woman took up the cup and blew on the hot tea slowly as if she was an aristocrat.

Amelia wanted to speak to Kate directly, but because she could not see, she was unable to tell where

Kate was sitting exactly. Thus, she tilted her head slightly in an upward motion and spoke, “Mrs.

Hisson, I heard from Derrick that you’ve not been feeling well yourself and was admitted to the hospital.

I wonder if you’re feeling better now.”

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“Thanks for asking. I’m getting better already. Otherwise, how else would I be able to come here on my

own? I took a flight here just to see just which girl has bespelled my son. Besides, when I heard she

even has the gut to offend Crystal, I told myself I simply have to come and take a look. I thought it

would be an extremely attractive girl who has my son fall head over heels for her, but well…” Kate

swept her gaze across and looked at Tiffany. “I have to say I’m deeply disappointed,” she ended with a


At that point, Tiffany felt an urge to lambast the insolent woman, but she did everything she could to

suppress her anger. First, she was Derrick’s mother. Second, what she said was not entirely untrue.

Although Tiffany herself could be considered a decent-looking girl, her looks amounted to nothing in

comparison to Derrick.

It was her own thoughtlessness that she was more upset with. She should never have thought that

Derrick and her relationship would be smooth sailing. Just three months into dating, his mother was

already here to make a fuss.

Come to think of it, Amelia and I are really in the same boat. She went blind, and now I’m getting an

earful from my boyfriend’s mom.

Beside her, Amelia acted as if she did not hear Kate’s taunting remarks. She wore a faint smile on her

face instead. “Mrs. Hisson, I think it’s still too early to pass judgment on Tiff. She’s a woman of both

inner and outer beauty. Young as she is, she became a best-selling author all by her own merits and

efforts. It so happened that Derrick’s publishing company was promoting romance s, so they got

the chance to work closely together. I’m sure there must be strengths he saw in her that made him fall

in love with her. You said Tiff was just a plaything, but I believe you know better than anyone else what

kind of a person your son is. I don’t think he’s a playboy. You know how serious he is with this


Kate smiled while listening to Amelia.

“Amelia Winters, right?”

“Yes. Mrs. Hisson. Amelia will do.”

“I have to say you’re good with words” —she replied before a short pause— “speaking of, have we met

before? You look familiar to me.”

Amelia felt her heart tug at Kate’s sudden question. She had completely forgotten that back in that city

which she missed terribly, everyone in the high society probably knew each other. There was a high

chance that Olivia knew Kate. Those women in that circle would definitely know her since she was

Oscar’s wife.

A quick shudder took over her hands when she thought of that. I can’t stay here any longer. People

would recognize me at this rate, and all my plans would go to the drain if the Clintons found out about


Thoughts raced through Amelia’s mind, and her grip tightened until her nails dug into her palm.