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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 303
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Chapter 303 Fear Of Losing Her Eyes

When the doctors arrived, one of them, Hubert, examined Amelia’s eyes before advising, “Ms. Winters,

I suggest you go to a hospital and have a proper examination. I’m sure you’re already aware of this, but

there is a possibility that you will go blind. Don’t lose all hope, though. You’ll surely regain your vision

once you find a suitable donor.”

Amelia’s eyes widened, not knowing how to respond to that.

Tiffany, on the other hand, held the doctor’s hand and asked, “Is Amelia’s condition really that dire?”

The good doctor replied, “Her condition is more serious than others, and you should really go to a

hospital to do a proper check-up.”

Tiffany’s face went ashen.

Forcing a smile, Amelia uttered, “Thank you for heading over, doctor. I’ll be sure to free up some time to

head over to the hospital.”

Hubert nodded, but when he realized Amelia could not see, he voiced, “If there’s nothing else, the other

doctors and I will leave now. We have to prep for two surgeries this afternoon.”

Amelia stood up and requested, “Tiff, go walk the doctors out.”

Still feeling down, Tiffany turned toward the doctors and squeezed out, “Let me walk you guys out.”

All the doctors didn’t refuse that offer.

When everyone walked down the stairs, Jeremy headed over and inquired, “How is Amelia doing? She

is an important guest to Mr. Hisson, so please be sure to treat her well.”

Releasing a smile, Hubert respectfully replied, “Jeremy, you called me in person, so naturally, I’m giving

it my all. Ms. Winters’ situation is a little unique, though. The accident has caused a blood clot in her

brain, and that is what caused her blindness.”

“Well, can she be cured?” Jeremy inquired further.

The doctor paused for a while, seemingly troubled. “I can’t really say for sure. We’ll have to further

examine her situation and run some more tests before I can say anything definitive. I’ve read her

medical record, and the blood clot in her brain might break down naturally. If that happens, she will be

able to see again. Unfortunately, the blood clot is located near a number of nerves, so if it breaks down,

it might kill her. There’s no need to lose all hope, though. If she adheres to the treatment plan, there is

a chance that she’ll recover.”

Jeremy nodded. “Thank you for coming over today, Hubert. Drop by when you have some free time. I’ll

have someone whip up a sumptuous meal for everyone.”

Hubert grinned and replied, “Okay, it’s a deal. I’ve been swamped with surgeries lately, so I haven’t had

the chance to come to visit you, Jeremy. I’ll surely drop by with a bottle of fine wine and share it with

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you when I am freer.”

Jeremy smiled and nodded.

When the doctors were out of sight, Jeremy’s eyes became unfocused. He shot a look at the second

floor before asking, “Tiffany, has Amelia been dealing with this condition for long?”

Jeremy didn’t expect his employer to come home with such trouble. There were many maids in the

villa, but having a blind woman suddenly showing up would still mess things up for them. The maids

would likely have to work extra hard.

That made Jeremy a bit uncomfortable, but he didn’t show it.

Tiffany thought about the situation. “Amelia’s issue is a little complicated, Jeremy. If it’s too troublesome

for you to have us here, Amelia and I can move out. But, um… it might take us some time to find a

suitable place in a big city like this, so please bear with us for a while.”

Jeremy discreetly shot a look at Tiffany. He didn’t expect her to be so thoughtful that she took all that

into consideration.

Naturally, Jeremy was not going to let the women move out. Derrick brought them over, after all, and

Tiffany might be the lady of the house in the future. Hence, as the butler, Jeremy had to do as told.

“You misunderstood me, Tiffany. I only ask to better understand Amelia’s condition. That way, I can

inform the maids and make sure they don’t accidentally trigger her,” explained Jeremy.

“You don’t need to worry about that,” said Tiffany with a smile. “Amelia won’t make things difficult for

others, even if she goes blind, so you have nothing to worry about. Besides, I will be here to take care

of her, too.”

Jeremy didn’t respond to that.

Tiffany considered the situation for a while before excusing herself. “Jeremy, if there’s nothing else

you’d like to ask, I’ll head to the room to see how Amelia is doing now.”

Jeremy nodded in response.

After Tiffany went up the stairs, Jeremy dialed Derrick’s phone and reported the situation as soon as

the line connected.

Derrick took a moment to digest all that information before instructing, “Jeremy, have the maids take

good care of Amelia. Do not let anyone talk about her blindness, especially when she’s around. Also,

please make sure that the floor is clean all the time. I don’t want her to slip and fall. Have the maids pay

extra attention to the matter. Your priority is to prevent Tiffany from exhausting herself. I will head over

as soon as I finish dealing with the matter on hand.”

“Understood, Mr. Hisson.”

“Jeremy, remember that Tiff is, without a doubt, my future wife,” Derrick reminded. “Hence, her words

carry the same weight as mine, and you are to protect and help her at all times. It doesn’t matter what

she asks. You must obey her words.”

Surprise flashed past Jeremy’s eyes, but he still murmured an affirmative response.

Thinking of the earlier event, Jeremy decided to inform, “Ms. Halliwell dropped by this morning, Mr.

Hisson. The two ladies met.”

“Did that Crystal Halliwell say something mean? Did she cause a misunderstanding with Tiff?” asked

Derrick, his voice raised a little.

“Ms. Halliwell claimed that she is your girlfriend, but I don’t think there are any misunderstandings. In

fact, Ms. Winters infuriated Ms. Halliwell so much the latter stomped away after hearing all that.”

Hearing that, Derrick chuckled on the other end of the line, and he seemed to be in a good mood all of

a sudden. “I’m glad to hear that. Please take good care of both ladies. I will head over to Beshya as

soon as possible.”


After ending the call, Jeremy had the maids clear out everything that might trip Amelia or get in her

way. Derrick obviously cared about Tiffany, so Jeremy felt compelled to work harder. It didn’t matter if

Derrick was only temporarily interested in Tiffany or truly thinking about marrying her. One fact

remained—Tiffany was not someone Jeremy could afford to offend at that moment.

In the meantime, Tiffany, who was upstairs, was scared mindless when she saw what Amelia was

doing inside the room.

Amelia’s hands were waving in the air as she moved around the bedroom. At one point, she

accidentally knocked into a chair and fell forward.

“Amelia!” shouted Tiffany. She hurried over and helped Amelia up before examining the latter. “Are you

okay? Does it hurt anywhere?”

Amelia rested numbly in Tiffany’s arms. Before anyone knew it, Amelia had already started crying,

resulting in an even more panicked Tiffany.

Wiping Amelia’s tears away, she asked, “What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Don’t cry. Tell me what’s wrong.”

Hearing that, Amelia cried even more. She had been stretched thin, and going blind was the last straw

that broke the camel’s back. At that moment, Amelia was utterly lost and indescribably helpless.

Earlier, she thought about what she should do if she went blind, but those were just hypotheses and

theories. She could still lie and comfort herself. Going blind for real, however, was different, and it made

her lose her footing. She could no longer lie to herself and claim that everything would be fine. She

could not say that the blindless was just temporary and that she would be able to see again soon.

As of now, Amelia had gone completely blind, and there was no coming back.

She was lost and felt hollowed out. She experienced the hopelessness that came from being a cripple

and was heartbroken when she thought about how she would need someone else to help her with even

the simplest things.

“Tiff, I am a useless cripple,” sobbed Amelia in deep sorrow.

Tiffany could not help but teared up as well. Though she was in a mess, she still cooed, “Oh, that’s not

true, Babe. You are perfect, and you remain the most stunning woman even if you can’t see.”

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With that, Amelia wept.

“It’s okay, Amelia. Don’t cry. I’ll panic if you keep crying like this.” Tiffany tightened her arms around

Amelia before adding, “We’ll go to the hospital. I’m sure your blindness is temporary. There are so

many doctors. I’m sure they can come up with something. We’ll have the solution to this once we’re

there, so come on. Let’s go now.”

Amelia tugged at Tiffany’s shirt as she shook her head. “No, I don’t want to go to the hospital. I don’t

want others to see me like this.”

“It’s okay, Babe. No one would care what you look like. Only those who love you will worry about you.

Let’s head over to the hospital. If you won’t do this for yourself, then do it for Tony. Are you okay with

never seeing him again? Don’t you want to watch him grow up?”

Tiffany’s words broke Amelia down and crushed the last line of defense in the latter’s heart.

Amelia cried even more. As she did so, she shook her head and screamed with so much agony that

anyone who heard her would be heartbroken.

“Amelia, it’s going to be okay,” Tiffany comforted as her heart ached for Amelia.

“I’m sorry, Tiff, but let’s not go to the hospital today. I’ll head over in a few days. Please give me some

time to regain my footing. I just can’t accept my flaws right now,” mumbled Amelia after she finished

crying. Her eyes remained open, but her gaze was blank when she spoke.

Tiffany compromised, “Okay, we won’t head over today.”

Perhaps it was because crying had drained her, but Amelia was no longer as agitated as earlier. She

combed her hair with her fingers, and in a sorrowful tone, she asked, “Tiff, do I look hideous now?”

Wiping her friend’s tears away, Tiffany answered sadly, “As I’ve said before. You’re still the most

stunning woman, even if you can’t see now.”

Amelia grinned bitterly and replied, “You’re the only one who will find me beautiful. I can’t see now, but

even I can imagine how terrible I look.”

“That is not true,” Tiffany refuted while helping Amelia up. “You have no idea how sweet and innocent

you look right now. Don’t overthink things, okay? It doesn’t matter how you are. You will never be alone

because I will always be by your side.”

“Thank you.” Amelia was appreciative, thankful, and touched by Tiffany’s gesture, but only two words

managed to slip out Amelia’s lips.

“Don’t be silly. We are too close to be that polite with each other. Don’t worry and rest well. If you’re not

used to being here, we can leave. I’ll work hard to make more money, and Kurt will babysit Tony.

Things really aren’t as bad as you think. In fact, everything will be fine so long as you remain well.

Promise me that you won’t overthink, okay? Everything will be fine,” promised Tiffany in a somber tone

as she held Amelia’s hand.

Amelia didn’t reply, but she eventually nodded.

Tiffany smiled, tightening her grip on Amelia’s hand to show some support and make Amelia feel less
