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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 298
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Chapter 298 Have A Talk

Oscar drove at top speed. It only took him twenty minutes to get to the neighborhood where Tiffany

lived. After parking the car, he quickly took the elevator upstairs.

Standing in front of her apartment door, Oscar was going to knock on the door, but then he withdrew

his hand almost immediately. He adjusted his suit and made sure his appearance was immaculate

before knocking on the door.

Shortly after, the door was opened from the inside, and he came face-to-face with a middle-aged


“Are you Mr. Clinton?” the woman asked after a moment of contemplation.

Oscar replied, “Yes, I am. Is Amelia here?”

“Sorry, she’s not in at the moment. She went out with Tiffany and should be back in the evening. Would

you like to come in and take a seat, Mr. Clinton?” the woman said.

Oscar nodded in response.

As the woman stepped aside to allow him to enter, he asked, “Where is Tony?”

“He’s in the nursery. Kurt is watching over him. Go in and check on him. I’ll prepare some fruits for

you,” said the middle-aged woman while wiping her hands. She was not wary of Oscar, as she knew

that Amelia had once been married to him.

He nodded before entering the nursery.

At that moment, Kurt was carrying Tony, and an odd expression flashed across his face when he

noticed Oscar coming in. Nevertheless, he brought Tony over to him while greeting respectfully, “Boss.”

Oscar fixed his gaze on his son as he stretched out his hands. “Let me carry him, Kurt.”

Kurt hesitated momentarily, yet he still did as he was told to and handed Tony over to Oscar.

However, Tony, who was quiet while being carried by Kurt, started bawling as soon as he was placed in

Oscar’s arms. His high-pitched howls caused the usually calm and collected Oscar to feel awkward.

His son’s cries left him nonplussed.

Oddly enough, it seemed that Tony tended to put Oscar in awkward and helpless situations as though

he held a grudge against him. Despite that, Oscar felt his anger dissipating quickly upon gazing at

Tony’s facial features that were very similar to Amelia’s.

Kurt looked concerned when he saw the baby wailing in Oscar’s arms. “Boss, Tony probably hasn’t

seen you in a while, so he’s not used to it. Let me carry him instead.”

Oscar shook his head before instructing, “Leave the room for now. I wish to speak to Tony.”

Kurt hesitated upon hearing that. He was obviously reluctant to leave Tony with his boss, as he was

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afraid that his clumsiness would scare the baby.

“What’s the matter? Can I not spend some time alone with my son? Or perhaps you wish to take my

place since Amelia and I have divorced? Don’t forget that I trained you, Kurt. You are a bodyguard, and

Amelia is your client. During your training back then, I had already set the rule that you mustn’t develop

feelings for your clients. Has it slipped your mind?”

After Kurt heard Oscar’s words, his expression changed.

Oscar gazed at him with piercing eyes. “If I could promote you back then, Kurt, I can also ruin you right

now. Amelia is mine, and you can never lay your hands on her. Remember who you are and don’t

cross the line. Otherwise, I’ll have to get rid of you.”

Kurt lowered his head to hide the emotions in his eyes. His fingers slowly curled into fists as a myriad

of emotions overwhelmed him.

“Get out,” Oscar said coldly.

Despite his order, Kurt merely stood right where he was. A murderous look flashed across Oscar’s

eyes as he sensed that Kurt was beginning to defy him.

“Are you planning to go against me, Kurt?” Oscar inquired warningly.

“I dare not, Boss. I merely think that since you and Amelia have already divorced, any single man

would have the right to pursue her,” Kurt said. Unexpectedly, he refused to obey Oscar’s order.

Oscar’s gaze instantly darkened as he strode toward Kurt. Although they had little height difference, the

menacing aura Oscar exuded made him seem more overbearing in comparison.

Perhaps it was due to the fact that Kurt had been working under Oscar as a bodyguard since he was

young. Kurt had always felt great reverence for Oscar. Therefore, he felt intimidated when he

confronted Oscar.

“Have you fallen in love with her?” asked Oscar.

Kurt lowered his head. “I’m sorry, Boss. I didn’t mean to,” he replied, indirectly admitting to it.

Oscar suddenly let out a laugh.

“Well, isn’t that great? Amelia is pretty and also very kind. It’s normal for a guy to be attracted to her.

However, I thought that you weren’t interested in relationships, so this caught me by surprise.” He

reached out to pat Kurt’s shoulder, but he deliberately used more force as he went on, causing Kurt to

scrunch up his face in pain.

“But don’t you forget that she’s mine, Kurt. She still belongs to me even after our divorce. I’ve never

once thought of letting her go. Should you dare to touch her, there won’t be any need for you to remain

by her side any longer,” threatened Oscar.

Kurt stood perfectly composed as he stared back at Oscar impassively. “Boss, as long as Amelia

remains single, I have the right to pursue her. If she decides to rekindle her relationship with you, I’ll

return to being her bodyguard. I’ll also make sure to conceal my feelings deep within me.”

Oscar let out another chuckle upon hearing that.

“Well, well, Kurt. It has only been a few months, and you already dare to defy me. As expected of the

subordinate that I personally trained. Aren’t you afraid that I’ll take measures to get rid of you? I don’t

feel comfortable leaving a love rival by her side,” he said as he stared at Kurt.

Hearing that, Kurt could not keep his composure anymore.

“Unless I die, I’ll return to her side no matter what happens.” Kurt stared at Oscar, and they both knew

that none of them would back down.

The smile vanished from Oscar’s face. He then declared, “I must say that you have guts, Kurt. Don’t

worry. I won’t let you leave her side. Instead, I’ll make sure that she willingly marries me once again. As

for you, you’ll be nothing but her confidante in this lifetime.”

Kurt simply pursed his lips in response.

While the two were in a standoff, Amelia’s and Tiffany’s voices could be heard coming from the outside.

Oscar quickly composed himself and carried Tony out of the room.


Amelia froze in her tracks momentarily when she noticed Oscar coming out of the nursery. However, as

soon as the image of him holding Isabella’s hand came into her mind, she felt jealousy overwhelming


Unbeknownst to her, Isabella had deliberately held onto his hand at that time and even whispered to

him shamelessly, “If you forcefully break away from my hold, I’ll shout aloud that you’re molesting me. I

don’t think you’ll enjoy being a laughingstock in public, right?”

Back then, Oscar was displeased after hearing Isabella’s words, as there had never been a woman

who dared to challenge him that way. He had initially thought of shrugging her off and leaving

immediately. However, as soon as he recalled that Amelia had asked Isabella to pass on a message to

him, he had no choice but to endure her presence.

Amelia, who knew nothing about the truth, was saddened by the memory. Therefore, her attitude

toward her ex-husband held a tad more aloofness and indifference as she inquired, “Are you here to

visit Tony?”

Oscar frowned upon sensing her indifference. He disliked the way she talked to him.

He walked toward Amelia, but the latter backed away immediately.

Oscar’s brows drew even tighter together. He had no idea what had transpired during these two days

after the divorce that would cause her to react in such a manner.

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“Amelia, I had been busy in the office for the past two days, which is why I only came to see you now.

Are you mad at me?” he explained while looking at her.

Indeed, how can you not be busy? You were frolicking with a beauty!

Bitterness washed over Amelia as that thought came to her.

Unaware of her thoughts, Oscar repeated, “Are you really angry with me?”

“I think you may have forgotten that we’ve already divorced, Mr. Clinton. I don’t have the right to care

about whether or not you were truly busy. Anyway, I won’t stop you from visiting Tony.”

“What’s wrong, Amelia?” Oscar took a long stride forward, intending to approach her. However, she hid

behind Tiffany like a startled kitten.

Staring intently at her, he asked in a solemn tone, “What’s wrong with you, Amelia?”

Amelia continued hiding without saying a word.

Tiffany, on the other hand, glared at Oscar as she remarked, “Can you drop the act, Mr. Clinton? In the

past, I merely thought that you were a two-timer. Who would’ve thought that it had gone up to three

now? Are you delighted that three women are fighting for your love? You’re straight-up trash, the worst

I’ve ever seen!”

Oscar frowned as he stared at her with a piercing gaze. “What do you mean by that? Explain yourself,


“Mr. Clinton, you should admit to it, since you have the guts to do it. Don’t you think it’s hypocritical to

keep hiding it? Amelia has already divorced you, so you can marry any noble, rich girl out there for all I

care. Just stop acting so loving toward Amelia, okay? It’s disgusting.”

“What noble, rich girl?”

“Must you still put up the act, Mr. Clinton? Do I have to remind you about you and—”

“Tiff!” Amelia raised her tone as she stopped her friend.

Hearing this, Tiffany swallowed those words, simply shrugging before giving a curt reply, “Do whatever

you want, Mr. Clinton. Hug Tony for a little longer if you like.”

You might not get to hold him again in the future. Anyway, all the ladies love you, so you’ll naturally

have more children when you marry someone else later.

“Tiffany, what noble, rich girl were you talking about? Tell me clearly!” Oscar asked persistently with a

puzzled look.

As Tiffany decided to walk away, he turned his gaze toward Amelia. “Could there be a

misunderstanding between us, Amelia? Did someone spread rumors about me in front of you?”

Amelia shook her head, avoiding his gaze the entire time. “No. Tiff is merely spewing nonsense. I’m

tired. I’ll head in to rest. Leave after you’re done seeing Tony.”

Oscar reached out and grabbed her wrist. “Let’s have a talk, Amelia.”