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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 272
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Chapter 272 Give It A Break

Amelia shook her head in response.

Oscar bent down to help her to her feet, but she pulled away from him instead. The look in his eyes

changed instantly, and he slammed his fist against the wall, inches away from her. The impact was so

hard that it broke his skin and caused his fist to start bleeding on the spot.

Olivia and the others came running over the moment they heard him bellow in pain. “Calm down and

talk it out, Oscar! You’ll scare Amelia like this!” she shouted while banging on his bedroom door.

Oscar took a deep breath and said, “We’re fine, Mom. You guys can head back downstairs.”

Olivia was still worried. “Open the door, Oscar! I’m sure there’s been a misunderstanding! How about

you two stay separately for a few days and talk things out when you have both calmed down?”

Oscar tugged at his hair in frustration and accidentally raised his voice as he shouted, “We’re fine,

Mom! Could you please let us talk in peace?”

When he didn’t hear a response from Olivia, Oscar realized he had acted out of place and quickly

apologized, “I’m sorry, Mom. I didn’t mean it that way. I just need you to give us some space.”

“All right, then. You two talk it out peacefully, okay? No more fighting,” Olivia said helplessly before

leaving with the others.

Amelia had a conflicted look in her eyes as she watched Oscar undo his necktie irritably, his loosened

collar giving him some “bad boy” vibes.

“Amelia, what happened last night was my fault, and I apologize for it. If you don’t like me being around

other women, I can replace all my female secretaries and assistants with male ones. If you don’t like

me socializing with women from wealthy families, I can promise to stay far away from them. I can try

my best to change anything you don’t like, so just tell me what you need and I’ll get it done.”

For Amelia’s sake, Oscar was willing to go against his own principles, which he would never

compromise before.

Amelia didn’t feel good about the whole situation at all.

“You don’t have to do this for me, Oscar. I don’t deserve it at all. I think we should give each other some

space for a couple of days. I’ll bring Tony over to Tiffany’s for a few days and then we’ll talk about our

divorce.” Amelia had to muster every ounce of willpower and strength she had just to force those words

out of her mouth.

Oscar stared long and hard at her before agreeing reluctantly, “All right…”

Amelia then wasted no time packing some of her clothes and quickly carried Tony downstairs.

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Olivia stopped her the moment she got to the bottom of the stairs. “Where are you going, Amelia? I’ll

help punish Oscar for hurting you, so please don’t act rashly, okay?” she asked anxiously when she

saw her carrying a bag in one hand and Tony in the other.

“I’m bringing Tony over to Tiff’s for a few days. I’ll come back after I’ve thought things through. I’m in a

lot of pain right now, so I need some time to myself. Will you please grant me this request?” Amelia

said apologetically while glancing at Tony.

Although Olivia didn’t agree with her request, she made sure to ease up on her tone as she said,

“Amelia, it’s normal for married couples to argue every now and then, but you should always resolve

your conflicts by talking it out. Running off to Tiffany’s the moment you have an argument might lead

her into thinking we’re mistreating you or something.”

“I doubt she even gives a damn about our family, Mom! Always running off to Tiffany’s place whenever

she feels like it… You let her do that a few more times and she probably won’t even respect you as an

elder anymore!” Stephanie butted into their conversation nosily.

Oscar came down the stairs and shot Stephanie a warning glare as he explained, “I’m the one who told

her to stay over at Tiffany’s for a few days, Mom. I’ll be going on a business trip tomorrow, so she’s

taking Tony there to keep her company.”

“What on earth is going on between you two? After everything that has happened, she’s going to her

friend’s place, and you’re going on a business trip? Are you two trying to cause more trouble for our

family?” Olivia shouted.

Amelia lowered her head in response.

“I’ll take care of things between us, Mom. Don’t worry about it.”

“Amelia is my daughter-in-law, and Tony is my grandson! How can I possibly not worry? I rarely had to

worry about you two in the past, but now you two are stressing the hell out of me! Is it too much to ask

for some peace of mind around here?”

Amelia felt a little guilty when she heard that. “I’m sorry, Mom.”

“Amelia, you know I’m not asking you for an apology. I just want you to reconcile your relationship and

work things out. Oscar is at fault for sleeping with Cassie, so I’ll punish him for you. Even if you don’t

care about yourself, you should at least care about Tony. Do you really want him to lose a parent at

such a young age?” Olivia got straight to the point.

Amelia simply glanced at Tony and kept quiet.

Sensing no resistance from her, Olivia grabbed Amelia by the hand and continued to persuade her,

“Please don’t leave, Amelia. You’re my favorite daughter-in-law, and I can’t sleep well if Tony’s not

around. My heart starts aching if I don’t get enough sleep. You wouldn’t want me to suffer a relapse,

would you?”

Amelia stared at her with a conflicted look in her eyes before saying hesitantly, “I need some time to

cool off, Mom. You promised you wouldn’t force me to do anything I don’t like, remember? Don’t worry,

I haven’t forgotten all the things you’ve done for me. I just need to be alone for a while to process

everything, so please don’t force me, okay?”

“Then leave Tony with us. He’s my only grandson, and I won’t be able to sleep well if he’s not around.

I’ll look after him for you instead. It’ll be hard for you to think clearly if he keeps crying anyway.”

“It’s fine, Mom. Tony is still too little to be separated from me. I’ll just carry him if he starts crying!”

Amelia stood her ground firmly.

Olivia’s expression turned gloomy upon hearing that.

Oscar quickly pulled Amelia behind him and said, “She’s just staying there for a few days, Mom. It’s not

like she’s never coming back. She’s your favorite daughter-in-law, isn’t she? Can’t you make an


As a fellow woman, Olivia was extremely sensitive to the changes in Amelia’s behavior and knew that

the incident with Oscar and Cassie wouldn’t just end like this. Amelia may seem like an easy-going

person, but she can be extremely stubborn when she decides to stand firm on her decision!

With that in mind, Olivia shot him a glare and said, “I’m doing this because I feel bad for her, Oscar.

She wouldn’t be running off with Tony if you didn’t mess things up! As a man, you should drop your ego

and apologize to her properly!”

Oscar couldn’t understand why Olivia, who was usually very understanding, insisted on interfering in

their affairs instead of giving them some personal space.

Oscar lost control of his emotions and yelled, “As I said, I’ll handle this, Mom! I’m stressed out badly

enough as is, so please stop sticking your nose into this!”

Olivia looked hurt when she heard that. “Are you blaming me for this, Oscar?”

Oscar lowered his head and apologized, “I’m sorry for being rude, Mom. I just want you to give us

some personal space. I don’t want anyone to interfere in our affairs. I’m an adult. I know how to handle

this myself.”

Noticing that Olivia did not look well, Amelia quickly apologized as well, “I’m sorry for causing you so

much trouble, Mom.”

“Whatever… I’m too old to be getting involved in your affairs anyway. Just go ahead to Tiffany’s if you

want,” Olivia said while waving helplessly.

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She then sat down on the couch and watched as Amelia left with Tony in her arms.

“I’ll be heading over to the office soon. I won’t be having dinner at home tonight,” Oscar said before

heading upstairs.

Stephanie waited until he had entered the bedroom before whispering in Olivia’s ear, “Mom, I think

they’re respecting you less and less these days. I mean, Amelia could leave with Tony as she pleased

simply because he let her! If they do end up getting divorced, there’s a chance that Oscar will let her

have custody of Tony! I know you don’t like me saying this, but she clearly has him wrapped around her

finger! He doesn’t even respect you as his mom anymore!”

Noticing that Olivia was in deep thought, Stephanie added, “You’d better be prepared, Mom. Tony is the

eldest grandson of this household and will have to inherit our family property eventually.”

A vicious glint appeared in Olivia’s eyes, but it disappeared a second later.

“Give it a break, will you? Amelia isn’t like that. She and Oscar are practically stuck like glue, so they’re

not going to get a divorce. It’s normal for a woman to get a little angry about her husband being with

other women. She’ll come back after her anger subsides!” Olivia said confidently. There’s no way

anyone will give up on our family’s wealth, not even Amelia. Countless women dream of marrying into

the Clinton family so that they could eventually become the lady of the house and live a life of luxury. I

mean, being able to afford all the designer handbags, clothes, and shoes that you want? Having private

doctors who provide you with skincare products tailored to your needs? No woman can resist such a


It was easy going from poor to rich, but not the other way round. Olivia didn’t think Amelia could give up

on these luxuries after enjoying them for five years, so her insistence on getting divorced struck Olivia

like a bolt from the blue.

“I don’t think Amelia will give up on this luxurious lifestyle either, but Oscar did have sex with Cassie!

Do you really believe that he has no feelings for her? Knowing Oscar, no one will be able to even get

close to him unless he allows them to! I think their marriage is done for, Mom. You’d better prepare for

it before it’s too late!” Stephanie argued.

Although Olivia had her suspicions, she didn’t want Stephanie to get involved in this incident. “All right,

that’s enough. Oscar and Amelia have a very strong relationship, so they’re not going to get a divorce.

If you’ve got so much free time on your hands, then go out with Noah and spend more time with him.

It’s about time you get married and move out of your parents’ house.”

Stephanie got annoyed when she heard that. “Why would you bring this up again, Mom?”

“Look, all I’m asking is for you to stay out of this. There’s not much I can do to protect you if you anger

your brother again!”

Having no other choice, Stephanie could only pout angrily in silence.