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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 254
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Chapter 254 Decided

Amelia invited Tiffany to a rather quaint teahouse with a serene environment. The former got a small,

private room ready and was sipping her tea as she waited for her guest to arrive.

Tiffany had her bag with her when she opened the door. She kept her voice high as she asked, “Babe,

don’t tell me you like pretentious places like these as well? I’m guessing you didn’t ask me over just to

have tea with you, right?”

A small grin crept up on Amelia’s lips. She pointed at the cushion opposite of her and said, “Have a

seat. Let’s talk.”

Tiffany put her bag aside before she sat down ungracefully.

Amelia poured Tiffany a cup of tea before saying, “Try it. The tea they offer here is the best. It’s bitter

but leaves a sweet aftertaste. I’m sure you will like this tea.”

Tiffany picked the cup up. Influenced by her surroundings, she sipped gracefully before smiling and

nodding. After that, she replied, “Yeah, this tea taste pretty good. Still, women like me are too uncouth

to appreciate it because I am just too impatient. It seems that I am not destined to be a graceful lady.”

Amelia smiled in response.

Tiffany swirled the tea in the cup while staring strangely at Amelia. The former then asked, “Babe, you

didn’t ask me over just to have tea together, did you?”

“Would that be strange? I mean, it has been a while since we hung out together and just chat,” replied

Amelia in a nostalgic tone.

Tiffany’s expression turned grim instantly. She demanded, “Babe, just tell me. I know something’s

bothering you.”

Amelia shook her head and grinned bitterly before replying, “I guess I really can’t hide anything from

you, huh?”

Tiffany raised her brows. She was rather proud of seeing through her and was glad to hear that.

She poured herself a cup of tea after that and sipped some tea while relaxing.

Amelia shared, “Tiff, I want to divorce Oscar.”

Tiffany spat out the tea in the most uncouth and ugly way.

She coughed for quite some time before she wiped the tea off her lips with the back of her hands. Her

voice was filled with disbelief when she asked, “Uh, Babe, what did you just say?”

Amelia shifted her gaze down to hide the tears and the sorrows away. She sounded calm when she

said, “I’ve thought things through, Tiff. I want to get a divorce.”

“But why? Don’t you love him dearly? Why would you want to get a divorce? The two of you have gone

through so much before being together. I have seen how good he is to you too, so why do you want to

get a divorce?” blurted Tiffany in one go. She thought of something after that, and a furious expression

showed up on her face. She demanded, “Babe, tell me the truth. Did he cheat on you? Perhaps, all the

lovey-dovey things he has been doing for you are just lies?”

Amelia shook her head before answering, “He’s great to me, Tiff. He has given me everything I wanted.

In fact, he is too nice to me. That is why I have to get a divorce.” Amelia couldn’t accept how perfect he

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was, and she worried that she’d lose herself in that happiness. She also worried that her self-esteem

would deteriorate after she lost her eyesight. His kindness would likely turn her into a weak woman who

refused to face reality, and that was not what Amelia wanted.

Tiffany, however, didn’t understand what she meant.

“Babe, are you suffering from postpartum depression or something? Why are you talking nonsense

now?” asked Tiffany.

Amelia really hoped that was the case, but she meant every word she said.

“Tiff, I am being serious here.”

“Okay, then tell me why you want to do this.”

“I am almost blind. In fact, I can barely make out anything that is over five meters away now. My

eyesight is getting poorer with each passing day, and I want to get a divorce before I go blind,” replied

Amelia. She used both hands to hold her cup of tea and was staring at her own reflection as she spoke

in a calm tone.

Tiffany reached out to hold Amelia’s hand. The former cooed, “Calm down, Babe. I’m sure there is

someone out there who can fix your eyes. The technology in the medical field is extremely advanced.

Even if you end up going blind, you will still regain your eyesight once they find a suitable donor. You

don’t need to get a divorce because of that. You love him, don’t you? Are you sure you’ll be alright

leaving him just like that?”

Amelia grinned bitterly.

It’s not that easy to find a suitable donor. If it is, most blind people on Earth would’ve already regained

their eyesight.

“Tiff, I’ve thought things through before making this decision,” insisted Amelia.

Tiffany retracted her hand and advised, “Babe, please take some more time to think about this. Also, I

don’t think Oscar will sign the divorce papers. Asking him for a divorce will just end up hurting both of


Amelia poured herself a cup of tea before downing it in one go.

After that, she placed the cup aside and said, “He’ll sign the papers.”

Amelia gave Tiffany a cliff note version of the plan after that.

When Tiffany heard all that, her eyes bulged, and she stared at Amelia as though she was a lunatic.

“Babe, I think you really have gone nuts. Cassie is your love rival, and I can’t believe you’re going to

push your own husband, Oscar, to her. Is your brain taking a break or something?” growled Tiffany

angrily. “Your eyes are not working well now, but you haven’t gone blind yet, right? Why are you already

wallowing in self-pity? Dang, I think your brain really has gone on strike and turned you into a dummy.

Do you really think Oscar would appreciate everything you intend to do for him?”

The more Tiffany spoke, the angrier she became that her chest was heaving.

She was both angry and heartbroken at this who was going all out and sacrificing everything for love. I

won’t be this angry or heartbroken if she were just a little smarter and a little more selfish. She should

have considered her own well-being before making decisions.

“Listen to me, Amelia. Don’t act so rashly. Everyone knows how great Oscar has been to you, and he is

a great husband. He won’t abandon you, even if you go blind. In fact, he will likely do everything he can

to help you regain your eyesight, and I am sure everything will be okay,” reassured Tiffany.

She didn’t want Amelia to make any impulsive decisions because the former knew how much the latter

loved Oscar. I don’t want her to spend the rest of her life regretting this.

Amelia picked up the teapot to pour some more tea, but the tea ended up being poured onto the table.

Despite that, she didn’t notice anything and put the teapot back to its original position. When she

picked up her cup to drink the tea, she noticed that it was empty.

That was when Amelia realized that she couldn’t even see the content of the cup clearly.

She calmly put the cup down and grinned before she commented, “Ah, so the cup is empty.”

Tiffany was stunned. She stared at Amelia for a while. After that, the former gripped the latter’s hand.

With her free hand, Tiffany waved in front of Amelia, but she never responded to that.

That got Tiffany to panic. She immediately urged, “Come on, Amelia. We’re going to the hospital.”

Amelia, however, held Tiffany back. The former sounded like she was cooing when she said, “Don’t

worry, Tiff. I’ll be fine in a couple of minutes.”

Tiffany felt like her heart was being torn apart.

She sat back down and asked, “When did this start happening, Amelia?”

“About two weeks ago, I think. It’s becoming more and more frequent these past couple of days,

though. I was pretty nervous when it first happened, but as time passed, I slowly got used to it. It’s

getting difficult to hide this from Oscar, but thankfully, he has to go to work, and my eyes worked pretty

well when he came home at night. That is why I managed to keep him in the dark about this for so long.

Still, I don’t think my luck will last much longer. I don’t want Oscar to see me going blind, and I definitely

don’t want to be a burden to him,” said Amelia.

She waited until her vision returned before she could look into Tiffany’s eyes and request, “Tiff, you

know me better than anyone else, so will you please help me?”

Tiffany’s eyes reddened with tears. Her voice was also thick with tears when she pointed out. “Babe,

why do you insist on doing this to yourself? Oscar won’t abandon you, even if you go blind, and it’s best

for you if you stay with the Clintons. They are rich and have an extensive network, so it’d be easier for

them to find a suitable donor for you. If you get a divorce, your chances of regaining your eyesight will

reduce drastically after you go blind. I don’t think you should get a divorce, and I won’t help you for your


Amelia shook her head and begged, “Tiff, please help me.”

“Babe, will you stop being stupid? If you won’t care for yourself, then why don’t you think about Tony’s

wellbeing? Do you really think you can get custody if Oscar gets together with Cassie?” scolded Tiffany

angrily and with a broken heart.

“I’ve already thought things through. If we execute my plan perfectly, we can take advantage of Oscar’s

guilt. Trust me, he will definitely let me keep Tony,” replied Amelia firmly.

Tiffany was so angry that she blurted, “Oh, for the love of… You know what, if you’re that worried about

being a burden, then why don’t you give Tony up too? You’ll be useless once you go blind, right? That

means that no one will be around to care for Tony when that happens.”

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Amelia was instantly stunned.

Tiffany’s heart broke. She softened her stance and added, “Babe, I didn’t mean that. I was just trying to

calm you down. Sometimes, we need to be a little selfish. Stop worrying about others. You feel as

though you are going blind will make things hard for Oscar, but have you ever asked him how he feels

about this?”

Amelia didn’t reply.

“If you never even communicate with him, then what makes you think you’d be a burden to him? If he

truly loves you, he won’t leave you.”

Tiffany was viewing the matter as a third party. Maybe it was because she had never loved anyone

before; hence, she couldn’t understand the low self-esteem that came with loving someone too much.

Amelia couldn’t help crying. She blurted, “You’re right, Tiffany, but have you considered how things will

be after I go blind? I will be a cripple, and Oscar might be okay with taking care of me for a year or two,

but not for a lifetime. He will eventually get tired and will start hating me. I, on the other hand, will get

used to him spoiling me so much that I will become unreasonable. When that happens, our love will

slowly turn to hate, and that is not something I want. I’d rather he remembers me in my best state. I

don’t want to turn into an old hag, and I don’t want him to become more distant as I grow uglier. I

honestly don’t think I can survive that.”

Tiffany’s fury slowly died down as Amelia’s tears rolled down.

She was heartbroken, even though she could understand how Amelia felt. If only she is a little more

selfish. So what if she goes blind? The Clintons have dozens of maids working at their house, so those

maids could easily take care of her. It’s so frustrating that Amelia is too proud to show anyone her


“Tiff, please help me,” requested Amelia, whose eyes were still wet with tears. She sounded sincere

when she added, “You’re my best friend. I don’t know what to do if you refuse to stand by my side.”

Tiffany sighed. In the end, she had no choice but to compromise. She asked, “Are you sure? Will you

regret your decision if Oscar ends up marrying Cassie?”

Amelia replied, “Cassie loves him. If I can’t take care of him for the rest of his life, then the best

alternative is for someone who loves him to do that in my place. Besides, they have a history together,

and I am simply giving them a tiny push.”

Tiffany could tell that Amelia was lying, but she still grinned bitterly and replied, “Okay, I’ll help you. I

just hope that you won’t regret this.”

Amelia forced a smile to her lips before saying, “Thank you, Tiff.”

Tiffany had a skin-deep grin on when she replied, “Babe, I will stand by you, no matter what you

choose to do. I just wish that you are thinking straight. If you get a divorce, you will likely end up cutting

all ties with the Clintons.”

Amelia didn’t reply.

“Babe, you…”

“I’ve thought things through, Tiff, and I won’t regret it.”

Tiffany kept quiet. She knew there was no point in saying anything else because Amelia had already

made up her mind.