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Thriller Night Talk

Ch203 - Extra
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Editor-Koneko, Proofreader- Spring Flower

On November 8th, Monday, at 3:20 PM.

After three consecutive days of rain, the temperature had noticeably dropped. The cold wind, mixed with raindrops, when hit on the face, immediately made the chill of winter noticeable.

Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan were sitting in a cozy coffee shop with the heating on, leisurely sipping their coffee, while waiting for the person they made plans with.

Five minutes later, a gust of cold wind rushed into the room as the coffee shop's door was pushed open. Two men, one in front and one behind, walked inside.

"Mr. Bei Quan, Xiao Wei."

The person who walked in front immediately spotted the two in the corner and waved at them.

This person's nwas Dai Bo Qian, a client they had helped in the past.

Up until now, Dai Bo Qian still didn't know that Bei Quan had once taken over his identity, bringing Wei Fuyuan to the United States to deal with Chen Dafa, who wanted to use them, his adopted sons, for his gain, as well as other treacherous 'brothers'.

But Dai Bo Qian possessed a very sensitive and incredibly accurate sixth sense. Even without knowing the truth, his intuition told him that he owed his escape from death and the unexpected inheritance of his foster father's billion-dollar fortune to the help of these two individuals.

Dai Bo Qian had always regarded Beiquan and Wei Fuyuan as his saviors and had maintained a good relationship with Wei Fuyuan.

This time, he specifically asked Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan to meet because he needed their help with something.

Dai Bo Qian sat down at the table with his companion and said, "Letintroduce you. This is Liu Fan, my friend."

Without wasting any ton small talk, Dai Bo Qian got straight to the point and quickly explained the situation.

After discreetly inheriting the billion-dollar fortune, Dai Bo Qian resigned from his previous job at a law firm.

But instead of living a lavish lifestyle, he opened his own law firm and bechis own boss.

As for Liu Fan, he was from a wealthy family that owned a chain of restaurants, so he had quite a substantial family fortune.

He was not only Dai Bo Qian's college classmate but also a recent client that Dai Bo Qian had been assisting..

The case Liu Fan had entrusted Dai Bo Qian with was a compensation lawsuit.


Upon hearing this, Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan becinterested.

"What exactly is the nature of this lawsuit?"

"Well, it goes like this..."

Liu Fan took over the conversation from his old classmate and voluntarily shared his concerns with Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"My hometown is in a village under the jurisdiction of the neighboring city, T City. It's quite a remote place."

He mentioned a place nthat neither Bei Quan nor Wei Fuyuan had heard of, and then continued,

"But, my dad moved to the city when he was young and worked his way up from a mobile food stall to a small restaurant, and now to the current chain fast-food business. It's been about forty years, I think."

Liu Fan paused for a moment and continued,

"Even though he has been away from his hometown for many years, my dad still values our ancestral ha lot. He goes back every year to pay respects, regardless of the weather conditions; rain, hail, or shine."

Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan exchanged a glance.

"They're quite familiar with this routine."

The trouble Liu Fan encountered this tmust have been in his ancestral hor ancestral hall.

Sure enough, Liu Fan continued:

"At the Ghost Festival this year, my dad tookback to the village to pay respects to our ancestors. Unexpectedly, there was heavy rain that night, and one of the beams in the ancestral hall broke, and the roof partially collapsed. We had someone cand take a look, and they said that the old house couldn't withstand the weather anymore."

T/N- Ghost Festival on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month when offerings are made to the deceased.

He let out a sigh, "So, what else could we do? We had to rebuild it."

Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan nodded, "And then?"

"And then, things went wrong."

Liu Fan replied.

After the collapse of the house during the Ghost Festival, the Liu family hired a few local workers to rebuild the house for them.

At that time, the plan was to temporarily remove the ancestral tablet, completely demolish the old house, build a brand new ancestral hall, and then bring back the tablet. That way, everything would be fine.

For this reason, the Liu family spared no expense and hired a very famous local master to perform divination and ensure that the ancestors had no objections. After that, they carefully selected an auspicious day to start the construction of the ancestral hall.

However, not long after the construction began, a major problem arose.

"The workers we hired..." Liu Fan's voice trembled involuntarily as he continued,

"Overnight, they all went insane."

"Crazy?" Wei Fuyuan furrowed his brows upon hearing this, "On the snight? All of them?"

Liu Fan nodded.

"The four people who were on night duty at the construction site that night, all went insane."

He sighed, "My family sent them to the best hospital, but until now... it's been over two months, and their conditions haven't significantly improved."

"I see."

Wei Fuyuan immediately understood, "So that's why you sought the help of a lawyer to handle the compensation matters for these workers, right?"

"Yes," Liu Fan's face turned pale, his expression filled with distress, "Because of this incident, we couldn't find new workers to continue the construction of the ancestral hall in our hometown. Not only did the construction cto a halt, but..." Speaking of this, he glanced at Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan, then looked at his old classmate, his gaze filled with hesitation. Dai Bo Qian nodded encouragingly.

"Well, I'll just say it straight out..." Liu Fan finally made up his mind.

"It seems like there's a haunting in my ancestral home!"

Ever since the workers went crazy, the Liu family started noticing that things were getting strange.

Late at night, they would often hear someone knocking on the door, but when they opened it, there was no one outside.

Sometimes, they would even hear someone singing outside the window. If they opened the window, they couldn't see anything, but if they peeked through the window's cracks, they would see something moving in the yard.

And that's not all... things outside the Liu family's door would always disappear, and occasionally, there would be bloody, dead chickens and ducks in the yard, horrifying in appearance, sending shivers down one's spine.

However, no matter whether Liu Fan installed surveillance cameras or hired people to guard the house at night, they couldn't prevent strange things from happening. The guards would get scared to the point that even if they didn't faint or run away on the spot, they would refuse to stay the next day.

"If it was just causing a ruckus outside the door, it would be fine."

Liu Fan shivered.

"But, that ghost is not only causing a ruckus, it wants our lives!"

Just last week, Liu Fan's father went back to their hometown to handle the chaos at the ancestral home. He stayed at the village chief's house for a bit longer and didn't return huntil 10 PM.

The village had installed streetlights ten years ago, the roads were well-maintained, and the security was good. So even when Liu's father returned hat night, he didn't feel anything was amiss.

But, as he was passing a bridge at the entrance of the village, he suddenly heard someone calling his nfrom behind.

Liu's father turned around and was shocked to see his deceased father and a few ancestors whom he only had vague memories of, standing at the bridge. They were calling out to him and waving their hands.

At that moment, Liu's father was completely petrified, as if he had encountered a spell of petrification. He stood there, unable to move a muscle.

Then, he suddenly felt someone forcefully push him.

Liu's father lost his balance and fell headfirst into the river.

Luckily, it was the dry season of autumn and winter, so the water in the river was only chest-deep and not life-threatening.

But, for an elderly person in his seventies to be pushed into the cold November water in the middle of the night, it was a terrifying experience. It was cold and wet... how could he not get sick?

That day, Liu's father managed to climb back onto the shore and struggled to make his way home. But that night, he developed a high fever and was admitted to the hospital the next day with pneumonia. "This is simply outrageous!"

Thinking about his father still in the hospital, Liu Fan angrily pounded the table:

"My dad is already old, and yet someone would do something like this to him! Whether it's a ghost or sother entity causing trouble, I absolutely won't let it get away with it!"

After saying that, Liu Fan looked up and stared straight at Bei Quan, his eyes shining:

"Mr. Bei Quan, money is not a problem. Please help our family deal with it!"

Bei Quan smirked and smiled faintly.

He was weighing whether or not to help Liu Fan and his family.

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If he followed his usual style, he wouldn't easily get involved unless it was a matter related to vengeful spirits and he wasn't just a Taoist priest who offered divination or warding off disasters for others.

But this time, the one who introduced Liu Fan was Dai Bo Qian.

Regarding Dai Bo Qian, Bei Quan had a good impression of him.

Firstly, this person had a sense of propriety and was not greedy for money. His personality and temperament were quite appealing to Bei Quan. Secondly, Bei Quan had always felt that Dai Bo Qian's unusually accurate sixth sense was a 'gift' in itself. It was highly likely that this person, just like Bei Quan, was a bloodline descendant of the witch clan who had remained in the human world.

-Should Bei Quan do Dai Bo Qian a favor and take on this business?

While pondering this question, Bei Quan's intuition once again cinto play.

"Mr. Bei Quan."

He spoke up at the right moment, "To be honest, I reached out to you for help because... I feel like you're the most suitable person to handle this matter."

Upon hearing this, Bei Quan becinterested: "Oh, why do you say that?"

"Firstly, of course, it's because I know that the two of you have real skills. And also... I can't explain why... it's more like my intuition..."

Dai Bo Qian smiled apologetically and patted Liu Fan's arm, "Lao Liu's matter should indeed be entrusted to you."

Bei Quan raised an eyebrow.

This statement was quite interesting.

There was no doubt that Dai Bo Qian's sixth sense was very accurate.

A guess instantly formed in Bei Quan's mind.

"Alright, I'll take on this business."

He smiled, "But there is one condition."

"Please, go ahead and tell me!"

Liu Fan let out a sigh of relief and nodded repeatedly, "As long as you can solve the trouble in my hometown, I will give you whatever amount of money!"

"I don't need money from your family."

Bei Quan smiled and looked at Liu Fan, stating a condition that surprised him greatly:

"But, after I resolve the matter in your family, you must allowto freely take something from your ancestral home, the Liu residence."

This request was quite unexpected for Liu Fan.

At first, he was taken aback and had a hesitant expression on his face.

But, after thinking it over, even if Bei Quan intended to take that Kangxi-era gilded Goddess of Mercy that his family used for worship from their ancestral hall, it would only be worth a couple hundred thousand.

Compared to potentially losing their lives, what did money matter?

So, Liu Fan gritted his teeth and nodded firmly:

"Alright, no problem!"