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Thriller Night Talk

Ch193 - Extra
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Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-Spring Flower

Because Wei Fuyuan was leading the way anxiously, Bei Quan took the shortest route from the garage to the master bedroom on the second floor. There was no chance to take a closer look at the structure or the decorations of the villa, but with just a glance, Bei Quan felt that the feng shui master who was guiding them was quite good. At least, he didn't see anything wrong.

Bei Quan also noticed that there weren't that many people in the Wei family. Besides Aunt Zhang, the nanny who was following them, they didn't have anyone else accompanying them.

At this moment, the two of them were already standing in front of the master bedroom door.

Wei Fuyuan raised his hand to twist the doorknob.

The door, however, opened from the inside before he could even push against it.

It was mother Wei who opened it.

This was Bei Quan's first tmeeting Wei Fuyuan's mother.

Considering she gave birth to such a handsand charming son like Wei Fuyuan, he had already guessed Wei Fuyuan's mother must also have a quite a good appearance.

When Bei Quan saw Wei Fuyuan's mother in person, he immediately exclaimed internally, "These two are definitely mother and son!"

Even though she was wearing simple hclothes and was already over fifty years old, Wei Fuyuan's mother was still a beauty. She had a small face, distinct facial features, slightly arched eyebrows, and short hair, which added a touch of elegance to her beauty and gave off a strong "powerful woman" vibe.

However, at this moment, there were noticeable dark circles under Wei Fuyuan's mother's eyes, and her eyes were bloodshot, giving the impression that she hadn't slept for several days. She didn't seem to be in good spirits.

When Wei Fuyuan's mother opened the door and saw her only son - whom she hadn't seen in almost a year - her face immediately lit up with joy. But, as her eyes shifted and she noticed Bei Quan standing behind him, the joyful expression froze on her face. Her lips twitched a couple of times, and she forcefully swallowed the word "son" that was about to cout.


Wei Fuyuan spoke up first, "What's wrong with Dad?"


Wei Fuyuan's mother suppressed the slightly distorted expression on her face and cleared her throat. "Cin."

She spoke directly at her son, "Your dad is in his room."

When Wei Fuyuan heard this, he grabbed Bei Quan's hand and casually led his partner into his parents' master bedroom.

Bei Quan noticed that the room was quite spacious, more like a separate suite than just a bedroom.

However, according to feng shui principles, excessively empty spaces could weaken a person's aura, and long-term residence in such a space may not be beneficial for one's fortune and overall well-being.

So, under the guidance of the master, the suite was divided into several interconnected yet discreet areas using cabinets, screens, and other large furniture pieces. This design not only considered aesthetics and practicality but also took into account the threefold considerations of feng shui.

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It can truly be considered an excellent example of interior design. Wei Fuyuan pulled Bei Quan and turned towards a foyer separated by a screen, and on the right side was where the master bedroom's large bed was located.

At this moment, there was a raised lump on the European-style high bed, indicating that someone was lying on it.


Wei Fuyuan quickly approached and was about to lift the blanket to check on his father's condition.

"Hey, no, no, no!"

A middle-aged man's voice cfrom under the covers, and the person on the bed curled up and tightly held onto their blanket.

Wei Fuyuan raised an eyebrow.

Although he couldn't see his face, just by listening to the voice, Wei Fuyuan could be certain that the person lying on the bed was indeed his father, without a doubt.

Moreover, his dad's voice was loud and full of vitality, definitely not like someone who was seriously ill and unable to get out of bed.

So Wei Fuyuan took a step forward and forcefully pulled the blanket off the bed, saying, "Dad, what are you doing?"


The blanket was snatched away, and Wei Fuyuan's dad let out a piercing scream, like a vampire exposed to sunlight. He hugged his head and awkwardly buried himself in the pillow.

Wei Fuyuan: "???"

He was both angry and speechless, so he forcefully grabbed his dad's shoulder and flipped him over.

The next moment, Wei Fuyuan was stunned on the spot.

Although frequent banquets and socializing had inevitably caused Wei's dad's figure to start losing shape and enter a middle-aged plump state...

But, even a skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and a rotten ship still had three nails. When Wei Fuyuan's dad was young, he was a handsman just like Wei Fuyuan, and even now, despite gaining twelve kilograms, he was still a slightly plump middle-aged hunk.

But now, his handsmiddle-aged father's face was covered with dense hair.

The hair was very thick and distributed along the facial contours, almost covering the entire face except for the lips. The hair around the eye sockets, nose tip, and upper lip was shorter, while the hair on the chin, temples, and cheeks was longer.

Even the shorter parts are about two centimeters long, while the longer parts were as long as a pinky finger.

These long hairs had a slightly glossy sandy color, with many white hairs mixed in, giving it a mottled appearance.

If it weren't for the fact that many details like voice, features, and body shape couldn't be faked, just looking at this face full of yellowish-white hair, Wei Fuyuan could hardly believe that this guy who looked like a primitive ape was his father.


Wei Fuyuan's lips trembled, his tone filled with obvious disbelief.

"Rebellious child! Rebellious child!"

Wei Fuyuan's hesitation in calling his father "Dad" deeply stung him.

He angrily jumped up and slapped the bed, saying, "It's only been eleven months, and you can't even recognize your father!?"

Wei Fuyuan silently rolled his eyes in his mind.

--This voice, this tone, this annoying temper, it's definitely my own old man!

After confirming that his dad had just grown a beard but seemed otherwise normal, Wei Fuyuan felt a huge sense of relief, and most of his worries disappeared.

He turned to his mother and asked, "What's the deal with dad?"

Wei's mom glanced at her son, then gave a glance at Bei Quan, before sighing deeply. "Con, I'll tell you what happened."

She then motioned for Wei Fuyuan's dad, who was still sitting on the bed, to cover. "Lao Wei, you ctoo."

So the four of them moved to the east side of the master bedroom, where there was a new Chinese-style guest area separated by screens and shelves.

Before getting into the main topic, Wei Fuyuan introduced Bei Quan to his parents.

He didn't beat around the bush and directly explained Bei Quan's identity, saying, "His nis Bei Quan, he's my boyfriend, and the person I plan to spend my life with."

This statement was so straightforward that both Wei's father and mother were taken aback by their son's confidence.

Their initial reaction wasn't shock, anger, or questioning, but rather they turned to each other, locking eyes, with confused expressions on their faces, unsure of how to respond.

The room fell into an awkward silence.

After a few seconds, Wei's dad deliberately cleared his throat.

"Mr. Bei Quan, right?" He put on a serious face, trying to display an authoritative demeanor as an elder.

However, with his long, greyish beard, he couldn't possibly exude any "authority" and instead looked quite comical.

"You and my son, is this serious?"

Wei Fuyuan's mouth twitched suspiciously, almost giving away the act right then and there.

Bei Quan smiled at Wei Fuyuan's dad and mom, nodding.

Bei Quan does have a really good-looking face.

But, unlike the bold and striking looks of Wei's family, Bei Quan had gentle features, a calm demeanor, and a mild temperament. He gives off an easygoing vibe and was someone you could easily feel close to at first glance. However, perhaps due to their years of experience in the business world, Wei's dad and mom, despite seeing Bei Quan as just a handsyoung man, inexplicably had a strange intuition that this person was extraordinary.

To the elderly couple, Bei Quan's reaction seemed too calm and indifferent. This young man appeared to be in his early twenties, only a few years older than their rebellious son.

Yet, from the moment they met, Bei Quan remained remarkably composed and serene. Whether it was the pressure of meeting the parents for the first time, the opulent mansion of a wealthy family, or even Wei Fuyuan's dad's strange and unattractive yellow beard, none of caused the slightest ripple in Bei Quan's expression.

This is exactly the kind of ease and confidence that someone who has seen the world would possess.

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Wei Fuyuan's dad cautiously stared at Bei Quan, furrowing his brows deeply.

This action caused the long hairs on his nose and forehead to tangle together, creating layers of wrinkles on his forehead that resembled the folds of a Shar-Pei dog.

"Have you thought this through?"

"We've thought it through," Bei Quan smiled and replied, "I will treat Wei Fuyuan well."

Wei's dad and mom exchanged a glance.

For sreason, the elderly couple suddenly had the feeling that they were preparing to marry off their daughter, and they didn't know how to respond for a moment.

The atmosphere becawkwardly silent once again.

"You can't put it that way, Mr. Bei Quan..."

Wei Fuyuan's dad had initially wanted to resist and give these two men, who had no status, no formal engagement, and an unclear relationship, a good scolding.

But Wei Fuyuan was already impatient.

"Alright, Dad, let's not talk about this anymore. Our relationship is not important!"

Wei Fuyuan raised his hand, making a "stop" gesture, forcefully interrupting his father's unfinished questioning.

"Why don't you first explain what's going on with that beard of yours!"

Father and Mother Wei: "........"

--This matter is also important, you know!

--Don't just brush it off like that!

But, regardless of their inner thoughts, Wei Fuyuan's dad's strange illness was indeed more pressing.

So, the topic was forcefully changed.

Wei Fuyuan's dad touched the yellowish-white mixed hair on his face and sighed with melancholy.

"I have no idea why these hairs appeared..."

According to Father Wei's recollection, they started growing on their own about half a month ago, without any warning or identifiable cause.

At first, Wei Fuyuan's dad just felt a slight itchiness on his face. It didn't seem like a big deal, but upon closer inspection, he could feel numerous small bumps that seemed to be raised on the surface.

Being a middle-aged man, Wei Fuyuan's dad hadn't paid much attention to it. He thought it was just due to the hot weather and his skin being stuffy. Before going to bed, he asked his wife for stoner, thinking that a quick pat would solve the issue.

But the next day, when Wei's dad looked in the mirror, he realized that the problem had escalated.

Because overnight, he had completely lost his eyebrows and eyelashes.