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Thriller Night Talk

Ch191 - When we ‘wake’ up, everything will be over.
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Editor-Koneko, Proofreader- Spring Flower

Ah Song's expression changed, and it kept changing.

Few people have the mental resilience to remain calm after being pointed out for a serious mistake, especially when that mistake leads to a devastating failure.

He glared at Bei Quan with resentment. If looks could kill, Bei Quan would have been torn apart by a thousand blades.

However, Bei Quan remained unfazed.

He had plenty of time, so much so that he was getting bored.

"Yes, you guessed it right."

Bei Quan adjusted himself into a more comfortable position and continued his explanation, "The 'deaths' of Xiaowei and Xiaojiang were also my arrangements..."

He paused for a moment, "Well, I can't say that about Xiaojiang, he didn't know anything."

Bei Quan chuckled, "Because if too many people knew about my plans, it would be easy to give it away, right?"

Ah Song was grinding his teeth in frustration.

Even though he was being careful, Ah Song still didn't realize when Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan secretly collaborated, coordinating their plans and acting in concert.

"Hmm, actually, Senior Brother, you don't need to regret it so much. After all, you don't know much about me..."

At this point, Bei Quan smirked, and there was a hint of sweetness in his smile.

"And besides, you also don't know how special Xiaowei is."


Ah Song was on the verge of going crazy.

He had reached boiling point and didn't want to hear about their 'lovey-dovey-ness' anymore!

But, Bei Quan could be even more ruthless.

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Because, when it comes to his words, he abruptly stopped and had no intention of explaining further.

Bei Quan couldn't be bothered to tell Ah Song that in the past, he had cast a soul-binding spell on his boyfriend to personally teach Wei Fuyuan how to use the power of virtue.

And this spell, in a sense, does not cwithout its 'aftereffects'.

Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan once 'shared' a physical body, which essentially established a unique connection between them.

It was like an imprint or resonance on their souls.

For Wei Fuyuan, Bei Quan is special.

And for Bei Quan, he reciprocated the sfeelings. Even in the dream space of Tianyuan City constructed by Ran Qu, their special connection still existed.

Based on this, Bei Quan cup with a bold but effective plan after discovering Luo Yun's true identity.

Pretending to be weakened and exhausted from excessive use of power, Bei Quan intentionally made it seem like he couldn't support himself.

As expected, Wei Fuyuan was deeply concerned and, due to tconstraints, suggested carrying his lover on his back.

This played right into Bei Quan's hands.

While Wei Fuyuan was carrying him, Bei Quan took the opportunity to prick his finger and drew a talisman on his neck.

This talisman bared sresemblance to the divine talisman that Wei Fuyuan had used before.

Its purpose was to allow the two souls to enter a state of 'heart-to-heart communication', where they can communicate without audibly speaking.

Of course, for it to work, two conditions must be met: first, they must have had prior contact, and second, they must maintain physical contact in this state, which is exactly what they could achieve at this moment.

So, Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan silently exchanged information right under Luo Yun, or should he say Ah Song's nose, and quickly agreed on a plan.

--There was no better opportunity than now!

Bei Quan wanted to seize this once-in-a-lifetchance while Luo Yun was trapped in a dream.

If he goes all out, Bei Quan was confident that he could break the dream space from within.

It was possible, but not necessary.

Because it would alert Ah Song, giving him a chance to abandon the identity of Luo Yun and possess a new body.

Bei Quan planned to send Wei Fuyuan out and have his boyfriend contact the 'Special Seven', to locate and secure Luo Yun.

All of this while he stayed in the dream world, ensuring that neither Ah Song, nor Ran Qu, nor the Hui Gui attached to Ran Qu's soul can escape.

So, afterward, Wei Fuyuan, carrying the talisman given to him by Bei Quan, as well as the method to leave the dream, pretended to accidentally fall from the giant tree and 'die', which was a prearranged plan between him and Bei Quan.

And, not only did Wei Fuyuan leave, but he also took Jiang Nan'an, who knew nothing about it, as a pleasant surprise.

"Well, let's wait," Bei Quan said with a smile to Ah Song.

"When we 'wake up', everything will be over."

As Bei Quan said, when Ah Song, who was posing as Luo Yun, woke up from the dream space, he saw Qing Zhu and Miss A'Liu, as well as the tightly bound Spirit Binding Rope on himself.

The real Luo Yun had already entered the Underworld, and even the 'Special Seven' couldn't change his fate, leaving the poor innocent young man unable to be reborn.

But, at least now they had captured Ah Song, the mastermind, and he would no longer have the opportunity to do evil.

Bei Quan, Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an took away Ran Qu's soul and used the Lost God Banner to seal the Hui Gui on him, finally resolving this case that lasted for almost two weeks.

As for the others who entered the ruins of 'Tianyuan City, although not exactly as Ran Qu said, they 'died' in the dream but did not 'die' in reality - their souls were forcibly separated from their bodies and experienced a disturbing ordeal. When they woke up, they all seemed as if they had been seriously ill overnight, feeling weak and unable to recall what exactly happened in the dream.

The medical team of the 'Special Seven' had examined them and said that their bodies were fine, but they just needed to rest for a while to recover.

In the end, in this 'Two-Pole Gate' turmoil, besides Ran Qu who committed suicide, the only one who completely disappeared from everyone's sight was Luo Yun, who was being possessed by Ah Song.

September 9th, Thursday, 6:25 PM.

"Well then, I will take the 'person' with me."

The spirit Chi Xiao received a wooden box from Qing Zhu's hand, and nodded solemnly and respectfully towards the two special agents of the 'Special Seven'.

The wooden box contained Ah Song's soul.

Since Ah Song escaped from the Zhu Ling secret realm, it was only right for the 'Special Seven' to hand him over to be dealt with by the secret realm.

Chi Xiao cthis tto bring Ah Song's soul back to the master.

Just to be safe during the handover process, Bei Quan brought Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an along to witness the entire process of handing over the wooden box.

They watched as Chi Xiao entered the entrance of the 'passage' that leads to the sea area where the Zhu Ling secret realm was located, holding the wooden box in his hands.


Wei Fuyuan let out a sigh of relief and whispered, "It's finally over..."

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"What are you saying?"

Bei Quan glanced at his boyfriend and playfully patted him on the waist, saying, "It's Thursday today!"

Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an, upon hearing this, widened their eyes and looked at Bei Quan.

They suddenly realized that Bei Quan was right.

Ah Song had been captured, but there were still many Hui Gui that had been released and were still wandering in the human world.

They must investigate one case per week until they apprehend all the Hui Gui.

--This is such an arduous job with a long way to go and I don't know how long it will take!

The two of them immediately succumbed.

"There's more."

Bei Quan was still troubling them: "Ah Song won't reveal the whereabouts of the Lost God Banner!"

The Lost God Banner Bei Quan mentioned referred to the original ancient artifact that sealed the Hui Guis, which Ah Song stole, not the flawed replica made later.

Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an asked, "What should we do then?"

"What else can be done?"

Bei Quan spread his hands towards them both:

"Either we rely on our master to find a way to make Ah Song confess, or we investigate Ah Song's possession experiences and specific whereabouts over the past two years, trying our best to retrieve the Lost God Banner."

Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an took a sharp breath together. Just the thought of it made them realize that it wouldn't be easy.

"Alright, let's go back then."

Bei Quan turned around, waved, and smiled at Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an:

"After we finish eating, it's tto prepare for tonight's program."

Every Thursday, at midnight.

--Turn the FM dial, and behind the static noise, you might hear this broadcast:

"Welcto Midnight Radio's [Thriller Night Talk], I'm your host Bei Quan. Please tell your story, no matter how bizarre it may be."

-The End-