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Thriller Night Talk

Ch187 - Dream within a dream, game within a game.
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Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-Spring Flower

Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an, Bei Quan, and even Luo Yun were still on the tree when they heard a clear tearing sound.

The blade, like cutting through a tough and heavy canvas, tore open the body of the giant earthworm, and as Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an slid down, the cut continued to widen.

The earthworm's muddy yellow slgushed out from the wound like a fountain, drenching Wei Fuyuan and also reaching Jiang Nan'an below.

Luckily, however, when Ran Qu designed the monster in the dream, he didn't go too crazy.

Although the liquid looked disgusting, it was not as corrosive as the fluid in "Alien".

But when the sticky and thick liquid flowed onto Wei Fuyuan's hand, it almost made his knife slip.

Wei Fuyuan clenched his teeth and held onto the knife tighter.

Finally, after falling for a considerable distance, Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an cto a stop, hanging on the giant earthworm with a small knife as support.

The blade had already opened a huge one meter long gap in the earthworm's belly.

More yellow mucus gushed out of the earthworm's body.

The injured earthworm seemed to be in extrpain, its massive body rolling and slamming into the giant tree erratically.

Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an were almost submerged in the earthworm's bodily fluids, everywhere they looked, it was sticky, dirty, and slippery liquid.

The two of them tried several times to grab onto the tree's aerial roots while the earthworm collided with the trunk, hoping to transfer themselves back onto the tree. However, because their palms were covered in sticky fluid, they couldn't get a grip on anything and couldn't succeed.

Finally, after struggling frantically for nearly half a minute, it seemed like the earthworm had exhausted its strength. Its head suddenly flipped backward, and at the stime, its tail, that was wrapped around the tree trunk, suddenly loosened.

It fell from the big tree like a released rope.

"Xiao Wei!!!"

Bei Quan exclaimed in shock.

Yes, Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an were still on that earthworm.

But even Bei Quan had no way to help them at this moment.

At this time, they were about four stories high from the ground. With Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an's motor skills, there would not be many ways to survive if they fell from this height.

But Tianyuan City was a dream world.

At spoint, it always brings despair in a completely illogical and unreasonable way.

When Bei Quan and Luo Yun looked down, they were shocked to see that the "floor" they had just walked on had completely disappeared at sunknown point in time, leaving only a bottomless darkness like a deep well.

That giant earthworm carried Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan'an into the bottomless abyss, to the point where not even the echo of their landing could be heard.

"Xiao Wei!!"

This was the first tBei Quan shouted so loudly, almost to the point of hoarseness.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

His voice collided with the curved high walls of the tower, causing the echo to resonate, never ceasing, and even sounding tearful in the end. Witnessing all of this, Luo Yun seemed to collapse, leaning against a tree root, covering his mouth with one hand, about to fall onto his knees.


He murmured, "They're dead...they unexpectedly...they're all dead..."

For a long time, Bei Quan stood on a tree root as if petrified, completely motionless.

From Luo Yun's perspective, all he could see was the pale side of Bei Quan's face, devoid of any color, and his trembling lips.

He tried to say something several times, but seeing Bei Quan's expression, he swallowed the words that were about to cout.

The only two survivors stood in silence for a long time.

"...Let's go."

After a long time, Luo Yun finally heard Bei Quan speak.

"We'll... continue climbing up."

As he spoke, Bei Quan pressed his hand against the giant tree, his fingertips deeply embedded in the rough and withered patterns of the tree root, exerting so much force that the tendons on his hand turned pale.

Luo Yun blinked, asking timidly, "You mean...we have to keep climbing up?"


Bei Quan took a deep breath as if trying to suppress the surging pain in his heart, striving to maintain composure.

But his trembling tone betrayed his true emotions.

"I...will never let him go!"

Bei Quan clenched his teeth and said firmly, "I will make the culprit pay with their blood!"

Luo Yun seemed startled by the hatred and anger in Bei Quan's words, and couldn't help but shrink back.

"Do you...Do you have a solution?"

He raised his hand and timidly pointed towards the top of the tower.

"I mean, to deal with that... that Grandmaster Tianyuan ..."

"Not yet."

Bei Quan turned his head and answered coldly.

"But I will cup with a plan."

Wei Fuyuan suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

"Oh, you're awake?"

Wei Fuyuan seemed to startle the girl next to him with his sudden movement. She leaned in and asked, "How are you feeling?"

The girl appeared young, likely in her early twenties. She was dressed in white clothes and a white cap, clearly dressed as a nurse.

Wei Fuyuan jumped off the bed and looked around. He finally confirmed that he was in a hospital room.

The room happened to be a three-person room, with Wei Fuyuan in the middle bed. Two other people were sleeping in the beds on either side-one was Bei Quan, and the other was Jiang Nan'an.

At this moment, the young nurse approached and started talking incessantly.

"You and your two friends fainted in the rental house just now. The neighbor called 120 and brought you all here! We..."

Wei Fuyuan raised his hand to interrupt the nurse's unfinished words.

He quickly rushed to Jiang Nan'an's bedside, grabbed his shoulder, and shook him vigorously. "Xiao Jiang, wake up! Get up for me!"

The young nurse was startled.

When the three of them were brought to the emergency department earlier, the doctors had already examined them.

Regardless of whether they flicked their eyelids or scratched their soles, there was no response. Despite their stable vital signs, it seemed as if they were in a deep sleep and couldn't be awakened.

The doctor initially said they would try to contact their relatives and friends, and once the family members arrived, they would perform a cranial CT scan to determine the cause of their unconsciousness.

However, before they could reach the family members, one of them woke up on their own and now wants to wake up the other with such a rough physical method.

The young nurse quickly rushed forward and was about to say, "Doing it like this won't work," when she saw Jiang Nan'an lying on the bed suddenly furrow his brows. In the next second, as if he had springs in his body, he jumped up abruptly.

Little nurse: "!!!"

She widened her eyes, too shocked to say a word.

After Jiang Nan'an woke up, just like Wei Fuyuan, he took a moment to confirm where he was. Then, as if in disbelief, he pinched himself hard.


Feeling the pain in his thigh, Jiang Nan'an finally confirmed that he wasn't dreaming.

He looked at Wei Fuyuan in confusion and asked, "What happened? How... did we cout from 'there'?"

However, Wei Fuyuan completely ignored Jiang Nan'an's question.

He took out his phone and dialed a number using the speed dial, while scanning the surroundings. Soon, he found the black suitcase in the corner of the hospital room.

--That was an important item that Bei Quan always carried with him.

While waiting for the call to be answered, Wei Fuyuan opened Bei Quan's suitcase and found a red-covered note inside.

"...... Yes, it's me."

The phone connected, and he said to the man on the other end of the line, "Yes, Bei Quan askedto inform you that 'he' is nearby!"

The other person seemed to respond with two sentences.


Wei Fuyuan said, "I got it!"

After finishing the call, he hung up the phone and turned to the confused nurse, asking, "How long has it been since we were brought in?"

The nurse hesitated for a moment and glanced at her watch, saying, "About... an hour, I think..."

Wei Fuyuan quickly calculated in his mind.

They stayed in the ruins of "Tianyuan City" for four sets of fifteen minutes, which adds up to exactly one hour.

Considering the tit took to climb the tower, it probably took about the samount of tas the tit took for the neighbor to dial 120 and for the ambulance to bring them to the hospital.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

In other words, the flow of tin the dream was the sas it was in reality.

With this in mind, Wei Fuyuan tightly held the red envelope and quickly walked to Bei Quan's bedside.

At this moment, Bei Quan was still lying on the hospital bed, eyes closed, and body completely still, with a calm expression, as if he were sleeping peacefully.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Wei Fuyuan lowered his head and quickly pecked Bei Quan's lips, then leaned in close to their lover's ear and whispered, "I will definitely catch 'him' for you!"

Afterward, Wei Fuyuan stood up and instructed Jiang Nan'an, "Take care of Bei Quan, I'll be back in no time!"

With that, he walked briskly towards the door of the hospital room.


Jiang Nan'an quickly rushed forward and grabbed Wei Fuyuan's arm.

"Where are you going?!"

He pointed at Bei Quan, who was still lying unconscious on the hospital bed. "And why hasn't Bei Quan woken up? Is it not a cause for concern?!" "

"No tto explain!"

Wei Fuyuan felt anxious in his heart.

This is a carefully arranged plan by Bei Quan. Wei Fuyuan must seize this rare opportunity and capture "that person."

So, without hesitation, Wei Fuyuan shook off Jiang Nan'an's hand.

"Don't worry, this was all part of Bei Quan's plan!"

His figure disappeared outside the door.

"As for you, take good care of Bei Quan!"

Jiang Nan'an: ".."

He stood there with his hands outstretched, looking bewildered, with no clue about what had just happened.

At this moment, the nurse, who had been unaware of the situation, woke up as if from a dream.

She pressed the call button.

Soon, the doctor on-duty hurriedly arrived.

Accompanying him were two uniformed police officers.

After conducting an examination and confirming that Jiang Nan'an was in good mental health with no discomfort, the doctor handed Jiang Nan'an over to the two police officers.

"We are here to inquire about the situation with you."

The older police officer asked.

"What is the relationship between you three and Ran Qu who has recently committed suicide?"

Jiang Nan'an: "??"

He widened his eyes, looking extremely shocked.

--What? Ran Qu actually committed suicide!?

--I had no idea at all!!!