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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

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Part 3 Chapter 7

Melinda’s POV

I am the king’s daughter and I am also the witch that created the curse, daughter. Am I cursed as well?

Daniel told me earlier that he could sense my lycan but that she is probably dormant and here I thought

my dad was just a random lycan and not the king himself.

What if they didn’t succeed in killing my lycan and that she is in fact dormant inside of me. If I break the

second part of the curse, will she be released? Will I turn into a lycan? I don’t know if that is something

that I even want. I never pictured being a lycan.

All of my worries eat me away and I know that Daniel can feel them as well as he has been hovering

very close to me since the king told me that I am his daughter. I thought that Helios and Ares would

resent or hate me but both of them seemed pretty cool about this whole situation.

Helios mindlinked Ares and with Nora’s help I got inside the mindlink. too and we could talk freely and I

finally understood that Ares felt awkward in the beginning when he was together with Mia but then he

realized that everything was fine. But I think it felt like that for him since I was Mia’s birth mother.

My mom, Mariah, has been avoiding me and I don’t understand why but the king explained that I will

have to go through a ceremony where he will accept me as his daughter and when I accept him as my

father the curse will be broken completely.

I wonder if my birth mother ever saw this coming. Creating one curse with two keys to break it and one

of them was her own daughter.

Magic always comes with a price and all magic has a loophole. That is something that every witch will

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learn before doing the actual magic.

It is the beginning of evening and I am trying to get ready and I search through my wardrobe but I don’t

have anything fitting to wear and I think of Nora that got all of those dresses today, maybe I can borrow

one of them? Would that be weird? Yes, it would, silly me.

A knock on the door interrupts my inner dialog and I go to open it and I see the king himself or rather

my father. Gosh, that is so weird to think about.

“Hello Melinda. I thought that you didn’t have a dress for the evening so I brought a bunch of them if

you want to take a look?” he says and I can sense that he is also nervous but I smile and nod and

show him inside our room.

“What are those dresses?” I ask him as he lays them down on the bed for me.

“They belonged to your biological mother” he answers and looks sad.

“Did you love her? I am so sorry I shouldn’t have asked you that” I completely flustered over my sudden



“It is fine and you have the right to ask but sadly no. I didn’t love your mother, not like I loved my true

mate. Your mother and I had only the bond between us and I think that she actually hated me. I do

know that she loved my mate” he says and seems to be lost in his thoughts.

I bend over and open the dress bag and I gasp over the perfection of the dresses.

“Your mother used a spell to make them stay freshed. She actually made these ones for you. she knew

she was pregnant with you before anybody else and she would sit up and sew these dresses for you.


she left a letter for you here. You should read it. When you have chosen a dress, you can come

downstair and we will begin the ceremony.” he says and I look at him and nod

“Thank you, your majesty” I say and bow out of habit but I am not sure if I should do that or not.

“No need to bend and if you find it awkward to call me father after everything then we can call each

other by our names if that is alright with you? Oh, by the way. After the ceremony, you and Daniel will

get another room, you can choose any one that you like” he says and I


“I already know which one that I would love” I say and smile and he nods before he goes out and in

comes Daniel instead.

“Can I come in or do you want to be alone with your mothers words?” Daniel asks and I shake my head

as I grab the card.

“Stay please” I whisper and he comes and lifts me into his arms and he sits down on the bed still with

me in his arms.

I open the letter and start to read it outloud.

“Dear Melinda.”

I am sorry that I can’t be with you on this day when you read this letter. There will probably be a lot of

people that will spout nonsense of who I was. But you just need to know one thing and that is that I

loved you so very much, my darling.

I created the curse not only because of your father and step mother but because of myself as well. I

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cannot tell you how much I have been torn between my feelings and the st upid mate bond. For a while

all I wanted was to know who my mate was and then the accident happened.

All magic comes with a price, you know. I hope that someone has taught you this. When I severed the

bond of the queen and the king’s brother the magic wanted to put the balance back together and so it

latched onto me and pulled me into the bond instead.

Since I already had these feelings for our queen I was an easy target but I bonded with the king as

well. He is your father but believe me I never once liked him. His eyes were always on the woman he

truly loved, even when we created you, he said her name over and over.

I hope for all my life that you have grown up to be a strong and independent woman and that you will

have children of your own one day when my curse has been broken. Your lycan is laying dormant

inside of you, they could never kill her but I am sorry to tell you.

Even if the curse is broken you can’t shift into her form. All magic comes with a price. To seal her away

and save you it made it so you will never be able to shift, I am sorry for that, I hope you can forgive this

sad excuse of a mother.

No matter who you are today, please let me tell you one truth. I love

you and I will always be proud of you. My sweet Melinda, love


Love from your mother”

My only

I wailed after I had read it all and Daniel hugged me hard as he comforted me.

I looked at all the dresses and chose one that I thought would be most fitting.

“You will look like a goddess in this”