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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63

Anna’s POV

(sexual contents)

Yuki. Perfect. I think Dave figured out that I like Japanese names. I pet the tiny kitten in my arms where

I sit in Nora’s room and drink my tea. Melinda made some calming tea for me while others are cleaning

up from the castle and the castle grounds. I didn’t dare to look in the back garden.

I have been in this kingdom for almost 20 years after I followed Jake here. I am a human but what not


knows is that my parents are werewolves but I am still human sigh.

I followed Jake here as he would take me as his chosen mate We had been seeing each other for

about a year before decided to come with him but then everything broke down.

When we stood there and talked to the king one of the guards pushed me aside and kissed Jake. They

were fated mates, of course that is so much my luck. And just as I was happy I became unhappy. I

didn’t want to return to my family and pack and say I couldn’t even keep a chosen mate.

But the king was nice and asked me to stay, work like a maid and some other things for him. I accepted

my fate instead of being cast away once again and even if the king summoned me to his room at night I

didn’t complain.

I worked diligently and when I first saw the biggest rat in my

life I almost passed out from the shock. One of the guards told me that there was a cat here before but

it ran away..

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

So I went out to check if someone had a cat or a kitten and I was lucky when I met Miss Mariah and I

told her about the


She laughed and her friend Dinah had just gotten a litter of kittens so we went there together and Dinah

was nice and understood my situation. She lent one of her cats to me and told me to come and get a

kitten or two when they were old enough.

I thanked her and lifted the cat that I am about to borrow, it’s orange red with white paws, Pumpkin was

its name and he -did a good job and caught at least ten rats in a matter of a week. I spoiled him with

some milk and some fish when he presented his gifts to me.

So when the kittens were ready to move here I took Pumpkin with me over to Dinah and I felt a bit sad

over the fact that I would have to give back Pumpkin. But as I came in and saw the kittens I fell in love

with a black and white kitten and also a


But Dinah said that I could take Pumpkin with me again since the kittens need a mentor and teacher

and she also said that Pumpkin had found his home with me in the castle. I was so happy about that so

I actually hugged Dinah and kissed her.

The one that was more surprised was me as Dinah deepened the kiss and when she released me I just

stood there staring at


“That one was from me and if you want to continue, just let me know” she said with a smile and winked

at me.

It wasn’t the first time I had kissed another girl but it was definitely the first time when the other girl

wanted more from me. So I did the first thing that came into my mind, I kissed her again and I felt her

smile against my lips.

Then slowly we made a way to her bedroom while stripping each other’s clothes, leaving a single trail

through the cabin. I pushed her gently onto the bed when we came into the room.

She looked up on me like I was some goddess and I felt power from that look in her eyes. She slowly

reached her hand up and wanted to kiss me more but I didn’t let her and she pouted. I bent down and

kissed her forehead and she did exactly what I wanted.

I was in control and I liked it. she licked my nipples and bit lightly at them and I moaned. I grabbed her

hair lightly and forced her head back and I licked her lips before I kissed her.

The control was mine and she let me have it. It was our

moment, my moment to take control and her moment to give it away.

I wasn’t a virgin but it was my first time with another woman and I liked it. The control she gave almost

made me lose it but she was good and brought me down to her before I …

I blinked as I noticed that I was almost sitting on her, riding her face as she licked me frantically. She

worked her mouth so hard on my lower mouth that I almost came right away so I got up on my knees.

And she whined a bit but I just giggled. I turned around so I could watch her, she was blushing and her

nipples were standing up, red, waiting for me.

I crawled over her slowly and then I slowly, teasingly lowered myself over her mouth again and she

moaned happily. She

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

began sucking and licking and I moaned, she was so da mn good at this. I can come at any second


1 licked her nipples, sucked on them and released them with a “pop” noise. she moaned like crazy and

moved her hips at me but I caressed her stomach really slowly and she moved her hips even more and

I stopped.

She noticed what I was doing as I stopped every time she moved her hips. There was no need for

words between us, just movements. when she laid still I licked my way over her stomach and then

down to her cl it oris.

She bucked her hips and I stopped, I could feel her frustration at me but I don’t want to let go of the

control that I had. So when she laid still again I continued to lick and suck and slowly put in a finger

inside of her. There was no resistance, she was so wet for me.

I rubbed my heat onto her face faster as I was chasing my org asm and I could feel hers coming. We

had our org asms at the same time but believe me I stopped hers from coming a few times but da mn

that felt good.

As we laid on the bed catching our breaths she said something that made me smile but I can’t

remember it


But when I was about to walk out of her cabin with the three cats in a basket that she had made, she

had made a spell over it so the cats wouldn’t jump out of it.

She kissed me as I was about to step out of the cabin and then she said

“Next time, I will be in control and I will make you scream my

name in pleasure, Anna”