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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53

Melinda POV

My st upid sister is back in town as I heard from F nny when she sent me a signal, sure Maya is crazy

but as her older sister I have responsibility and I must stop her and her s tupid. behavior. Sigh. I took

care of her daughter and raised her as my own. I love Mia but she is a copy of Maya.

Greedy and wants things that she can’t have, bratty children. I use my own magic and transport myself

into Nora’s room by searching for her aura.

I plop out next to her bed where I can see my crazy sister trying to suffocate Nora. Stu pid, idiotic, girl.

I send out a warning which spo oks Maya and she slips her hand off Nora, so Nora draws in a big

breath and I smile down at her. Sleep now.

“What do you think you are doing here? You promised me to never interfere with my doings ever

again!” Maya screams at me but I just sigh and look at her tiredly.

“You know very well what I am doing here. I am stopping your from doing things on your own again like

I have done so many times in the past, little sister.” I say and touch Nora, to feel if she is hurt by any

chance but she feels alright so I send some healing magic to her wolf.

“You have no right to interfere in what I am doing here” Maya tries to defend herself when I realize that

the guardian and




the king are in here, paralyzed by the look of it.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I gather my own magic and release it in the room, reversing Maya’s paralyzing magic but as I do Maya

disappears. The king and the guardian stumble forward when they are

released from the fog and I go over to them and help them from falling over completely.

“Are you okay, my king?” I ask as I tap him on the hand and stabilize him.

He nods while looking at me and then looks at Nora and I smile at him.

I walk toward the guardian but stop myself as he is still in his lycan form.

“Can you please shift back, I am not here to harm any of you. Please have some faith” I say and he

nods slowly

I turn my face away as he shifts back but as I turn back I notice that he is almost naked and I blush by

the sight and he smirks at me. I touch his hand to draw back all the magic that Maya poured over him

but as I touch his skin I feel a small static chock and I quickly draw my hand back.

“Mate” the guardian whispers. He said it so low that if I wasn’t standing beside him I would have missed

it but I pretend that I didn’t hear it.

“So my stu pid sister is gone and Nora is okay so I will go and see my mother right now and my niece,

bye bye” I say and quickly turn on my heels and go out of the room.

Mate? I am supposed to be mates with a lycan that happens to be the guardian of the future queen, the

young woman.



that can break the curse? What in the world is going on?

I quickly run down the corridors in case he is following me and I am correct. I can hear him run after me

down the corridors and up the stairs. I take the first door to my right and discover an office of some sort

and an elderly man sitting behind a desk.

“Hello” he said and looked at me surprised.

“Hi, where am I?” I ask confused.

“This is my office, I am a doctor here” he says and smiles at


“Oh, that’s good. Do you have anything that I can use to knock out a lycan by any chance?” I ask and

he laughs at me.

“Nah but perhaps you can help me with my patients?” he asks and I tilt my head at him in confusion as

I could not see any beds or patients for that matter.

“There isn’t anyone here” I say and look around while the man laughs at me again.

“No, they are spread around the castle actually. A witch has put a puppeteer spell over my patients and

they are.. well, you know..” He says and scratches his head and I just smile

and nod.

“Yes, it was my sister and I can reverse her magic, shall we go then?” I say and point at the door but I

make no move against it in case the guardian is out there.

“Who is it you are hiding for, by the way?” the doctor asks and I blush a bit.


“The guardian of our future queen, he called me mate and I kind of ran away” I say and look down at

the floor.

“Daniel?” Oh that will be wonderful, he has longed for his mate for the last few years. He is a good

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

man, you know” the doctor said but I looked away.

“I am older than him and I have not.. you know..” I begin to say but I can’t finish it as I am ashamed of


“We can discuss the age thing later and the other thing will work itself out, trust me.” the doctor said

and guided me out of the office just to discover that the corridor was empty.

I sighed with happiness and then we walked up the stairs to find my niece in the arms of my mother

and of course one of the princes and the guardian and I cringed.

“Hello, mother” I say and try to avoid the guardian called Daniel.

“Hello, sweetie.” Can you wake up the prince for me while I try to wake up Mia and then I need your

help with this woman over here” my mother Mariah says.

I nod and walk slowly towards Daniel and the prince, I make sure that I don’t touch Daniel and I crouch

down next to the prince and I stretch out my hand and let my magic flow out. and into the prince.

He coughs a bit but sits up slowly and then I stand up and go to the woman on the floor and I can see

traces from a lycan in her face. It looks like the lycans claws slashed down her face but I shrug and

stretch out both my hands and start to heal her when I suddenly feel my sister’s magic that still resides

inside this woman.



It takes a steady grip on me and I am sucked under Maya’s magic and I feel myself scream before I

manage to cast it away from me. I breathe heavily and feel dizzy when I get up from the floor.

But before I fall on to the floor, this guardian, Daniel lifts me up in his arms and kisses me softly on my


“I’m impressed”