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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 143
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Part 2 Chapter 59

Tristan POV

Hell f**king no. I refuse to be with him, of all people in the whole world. Nora doesn’t even know half of

the vile things he has done. If she knew I don’t think she would be so

understanding towards him.

Even my lycan is growling inside of me. I have known that he has been my mate for the past 20 years

or so. When I found that cursed book in the library after I tried to hide from Ares and Helios one time.

I read my family line and I found my father but my hopes of talking to him were crushed when I learned

that my very own mate had killed him after my birth. My mate is the reason why I don’t have a father,

he is the reason that I was completely alone after the curse killed my mother.

I hate him so much and not just because of my father but 1 just know that I don’t want to be with him so

I have been avoiding him like the plague or something a lot worse.

King Blake invited me to the pack’s dinner but I realized that I had forgotten that “he” also was there so

when I joined Nora and Ares up to the tent I smelled his scent and I stopped in my tracks.

King Blake walked into me as he came up behind me and he seemed confused as to why I was

standing there frozen to the ground. But his chosen mate understood it in a matter of seconds.

“Tristan, would you like to sit beside me and Nora this evening?” she asked and I accepted.

I followed her and took my seat between her and Nora. Nora seemed pi ssed about something and I

followed her line of sight until I found Ares’ little fling back in the days. They glared at each other and I

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


“Nora, try no to glare so much or they will think that they have an advantage over you” I tried to speak

with her when I tensed up. He is here.

I didn’t need to look around to know where he was, I knew right away as he sat down opposite of me. I

could feel him watching my every movement. I tried to sit still and avoid looking up but I could feel

myself getting annoyed by it and when king Blake announced that the dinner was served, I ate some of

the food there.

Nora nudged me, perhaps she said something and I didn’t catch it so I looked up, my mistake as I

looked right into his eyes. I was stunned for a second but looked away pretty fast and I must have

imagined it.

There is no way in hell he could have been hurt just because I looked away from him.

“Tristan?” I was wondering if you could show me the thing you wanted to tell me about tomorrow?”

Nora asked and I racked my brain as I fought to remember what thing.

Then I felt it or more exactly I felt him. He had touched my leg with his foot under the table and I stood

up quickly and told Nora that I needed som fresh air before going out of the tent. She gave me a

knowing smile as I left and she probably knew why I needed to get out of there so fast but I didn’t give


da mn about that.

*Excuse me, Blake, is it okay if I shift and take a run through the forest?* I mindlink Blake and he

answers that it was fine.

I shifted into my lycan and took off, we ran quite deep into the forest until we came to a stream and I

shifted back as I went into the water. I stood there with water to my waist, just listening to the forest as

it was still awake in the night.

I felt him getting near and then he stopped, did he lose my scent because of the water? Or is it

something else? I was thinking about whether I would go check but I decided not to. So instead I got

out of the water and just as I looked up, he showed me against a tree and kissed me deeply.

I showed him off and thought that was done way too easily, Isaac must have been heavier than that. I

look at him and realize it isn’t Isaac but lan, a guy I have had a fling with since the second day in this


He is leaner in size compared to Isaac as he is a mountain of muscles. Not that it matters, lan smiled at

me and I grabbed his neck and pulled him against me and answered his kiss but then I showed him

away and I felt his confusion.

“Not tonight” was all I said and he didn’t like that answer

“What do you mean by that? Have you found another?” he asks and I shake my head laughing

“I wish that was the case but no” I say, chuckling at the irony in his question.

“Then I want you and I will have you, Tristan. I want to take you as my chosen mate” he says and I

stare at him and furrow

my brows.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Nah, I don’t like you that way, you know. It was fun and you are an easy going guy but I don’t have any

romantic feelings for you” I explain and start to walk towards the stream again to wash my butt that has

tree bark on it.

I know he is hurt but right now I don’t want any trouble as I can still feel that “he” is out in the woods.

But I don’t have time to turn around until I am hit over the head with something hard. Black spots dance

before my eyes as I fall down on the ground next to the stream.

I blink my eyes as dizziness grabs a hold of me and I can both feel and hear lan suck my di ck as he

tries to get his fingers in my a*s at the same time. He doesn’t know that I am still awake and I grip his

head with my knees and was about to knock him on the head when I noticed that my hands were tied

to a tree.

Dam nit..

“Nah ha Tristan, you are mine and I am going to f**k you silly and then mark you before that blue king

can do it” lan speaks and I just tilt my head as I see over his shoulder that Isaac’s lycan has come up

right behind him and I release a sigh.

“Oh, you are getting hard here. Are you more willing now?” lan chuckles and I feel myself blushing by

his comments. I didn’t get hard for him but I did for my mate. His piercing gaze on me and I was

wondering what he was thinking when he suddenly gripped a hold of lan’s hair and flinged him into a

rock across the stream so he blacked out.

Isaac shifted back and looked down at me where I was laying on full display, naked and so da mn

ready to be f**ked.

“You are mine now, no more running away”