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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 128
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Part 2 Chapter 46

Helios POV

Female wolves are scary beings, except for the one laying naked in our bed the first day I have been

bombed by them. It doesn’t matter where I go, they are there, smiling and flirting. I told them to back off

but they arent listening, they just keep coming back.

Kara had enough earlier today as we walked together to the market and two females started fighting

over my attention. Kara released her aura as the luna of this kingdom and the girl whimpered while

showing submission.

But it was far from over as there was another set of girls approaching right after Kara took in her aura

again. I sighed and Kara looked like she wanted to rip their heads off. When we were done shopping

and on our way back to the mansion I felt that Nora was upset over something and I told Kara that I

would go see her.

Kara told me that Nora was on the training ground so I jogged over and just as I was close I felt Nora’s

pain. Her face and arm hurted and I whimpered in the pain. I could feel through her.

I reached the training ground and Haze was furious at what we were seeing. A female wolf had shifted

and grabbed Nora by her arm and trashed her around like a ragdoll. We watched as she was thrown

about but I realized that /Nora couldn’t shift so I did that instead.

Haze took control as he released a roar and kind of jumped the distance to the female wolf and Nora.

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He grabbed the wolf by her neck and lifted her into the air. The wolf let go of Nora and Pete catched

her before she crashed down into the ground.

Haze felt like a raging inferno as he saw all the blood over Nora’s face and in that moment I felt myself

slipping away from the control. Next thing everything went black as he shoved me out of my mind. Now

I am stuck where Haze usually is, way back in my mind. I can’t watch what he is doing but I can hear

the surroundings.

I hear him growl, and I hear whimpering, Pete is trying to talk to Haze but he doesn’t listen. I hear both

Kara and Felix but Haze is going on a rampage. Felix will have to take him down and fast. Then I hear

the sickening cra ck, like when someone’s neck is broken. Someone died and then I hear Nora’s voice.

“Please, stop, I am fine’

Then I felt something hard against our head and this time they took Haze out as everything vanished.

Nora’s POV

Amilia thrashed me around and I felt that the blood was flowing too much and Aurelie had to fight to

heal the wounds. When Amilia grabbed my arm she severed some blood wessel and I felt my blood

draining fast from my body and I felt lightheaded.

*Sorry, Nora, but if I shift now, you will get harmed even more, your body is weakening fast* Aurelie

whimpers but it’s okay I can feel that Helios is close by.

A few seconds later I can hear Helios roar and Amilia’s grip on my arm

and I feel myself fall but someone catches me before I fall to the ground.

is gone

“Nora, it’s me Pete, I will help you speed up the healing but I must have your consent in this” he says

and my eyes flutter and I can see him through the blood that stains my face.

“Pete, no, I will help Nora” I hear Kara’s voice and I wonder what they

will do.

“Nora, I will help you now but Pete will hold onto you, okay” Kara says and I try to nod and she sighs.

I feel her shift and then I feel her tongue run over my wounds and I feel Aurelie become a bit stronger.

*Kara, is licking your wounds, making them stop bleeding and I can begin to heal you. But I just have

one thing to suggest Nora, mark Helios! So we can be over with the female wolves and we can draw on

his strength as well and he is ours anyway so come on* Aurelie growls at the end and I chuckle.

I feel her heal my wounds and I can finally sit up with Kara’s help. I blink my eyes and Kara helps me

wipe my face. Then I hear Amilia whimper and I look up to see Helios lycan standing in front me.

He is furious and with one hand on Amilia’s neck he has lifted her up in the air and it looks like he will

eat her. When he suddenly grab her throat with the other hand and a sickening cra ck is heard and he

let’s Amilia’s lifeless body go. He broke her neck!

“Help me up, Kara” I say and she and Pete help me stand and I walk slowly towards Helios.

“Please, stop, I am fine” I say and touch his arm. He tilts his head and look down at me before he huffs

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He shifts back and then he falls unconscious on the grass. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, he never

faints no matter how much strength he is using. Strange

*Ah he woke up his lycan and then his lycan took control and burned a lot his energy so he fainted,

kind off* Aurelie explains

*How do you know that?* I ask her and she giggles

*Because I talked to his lycan before you touched him. His name is Haze by the way* she says and


I feel so tired and so exhausted.

“You need to rest Nora, we will help you and Helios back to your room” Kara says and I cant help to

hear the other female wolves giggle.

I look down at Helios as he is totally naked and he isn’t small there and I turn to glare at the female


“Enough of this.” Nora and Helios are my guests and you will show them respect.” Felix raises his voice

and picks Helios up and puts him over his shoulder.

Pete took a hold over my back and behind my knees and I was about to ask what he was doing when

Kara pushed me backwards. Pete chuckled at my expression as he caught me in his arms and carried

me back to the mansion.

“Look at the wolves, Nora” Pete says and I look over his shoulder just to giggle.

The female wolves that Felix told off are all sitting on their knees on the ground, showing their necks in
