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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 115
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Part 2 Chapter 35

Nora’s POV

I remember that I accidentally touched the water in the fountain after I saw Maya torturing Melinda. But

where am I right now? This doesn’t look like any place that I know of, this looks like a desert. There is

sand everywhere and I am standing on a hill made of.. sand.

I turn around but all I see is sand, everywhere. I try to listen so I close my eyes and concentrate,

listening hard. I jump when I feel someone touch my shoulder and I turn around just to stare at a man I

didn’t recognize. He speaks to me in a foreign language.

1 tilt my head at him and he laughs and hugs me. This is so strange. Where am I but I follow him since

he seems to know where he is going. We walk for a long time, I think, but everything around here is

sand so I don’t know.

But we come to a town at last and I stop and just stare at it. The houses are made of stone, and they

look really old but at the same time very new. Perhaps the question isn’t where I am but when I am?

*Aurelie?* I try to ask her but I feel that my mind is empty. She isn’t there. Oh sh it.

The man catches my attention and he smiles and kisses me and I step back from him. He looks

worried and tries to speak with me but I just shake my head. I don’t know who he is or what he is


He sighs but he leads me into the village, it’s more like a village now when I am so close to it. People

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are out of their houses and waves and talking to me but I still don’t

understand. The man pulls me along and I go with him until I see something that flashes between two


I pull my hand from him and run for that thing I saw but when I come there I stop and smile. It’s the

same fountain that the moon goddess has. I walk up to it and look down at the water and I gasp. I can

see my reflection but this isn’t me. I don’t look like this, who is this?

“Oh I see, you are not her right now” a voice speaks softly and I look up.

A woman with white hair and blue eyes is standing opposite of me. The man that dragged me here

comes running and pulls me behind him while he speaks to the woman in that language that I don’t


“Excuse me, but when is this?” I ask her as I shake away his arm and step out from him.

“This is the beginning” she says and I tilt my head. The man looks at me like he can’t understand but I

don’t let him catch

me again.

“Okay then who is this?” I ask and point at the body that I am currently in.

“That body belongs to a woman that is his wife” the woman with white hair explains and I nod. Now I

know why he kissed


“You two share the same soul so Luca didn’t see the

difference between you two” she says and smiles. But her

smile is very cold and distant. “Luca? Aurelie’s brother?” I say and turn to the man and he seems

surprised. “You know Aurelie?” the woman asks me and I nod. “Yes, her mother is Artemis” I say and

vaguely remember the story Mariah told me when I was in a coma.

“Hmm how much time has passed, I wonder” she hums for herself but I heard her.

“I am not sure but this land.. where are we?” I ask her and step closer to her. I don’t feel any threat from

her so I take a chance of getting closer to her. “This land is where I took Luca and ran away from the

moon goddess and my family” she says and smiles sadly. “The moon goddess, but isn’t she in her own

realm?” I ask and she looks strangely at me. “This is her realm” she says and I try so hard to remember

the lessons about the moon goddess land. I remember the painting in the blue room where the moon

goddess was painted over a land that was whole. It wasn’t split into eight kingdoms yet. Is it there when

I am right now? Before the kingdoms split? “What are you thinking about, little one?” the woman asks

me and I look at her. “History” I say and try not to reveal too much to her and she nods. “Yes I bet you

are and you have probably heard a lot of different stories, haven’t you?” she said and I nodded. “Well

everyone that has created a story has their own point of view so even if you hear one story you can

never understand it completely until you have heard all of them that were in the same story” I say and

she looks surprised at me.

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“You are a smart one aren’t you?” she giggles and I smile. It is more common sense I believe instead of

being smart.

The man, I mean LUca, starts to speak again and this time the woman looks at him and then answers

him. And he went quiet so I turned my head to see that he was sad.

“What did he ask you about?” I ask and turn to the woman again.

“He was wondering who you are. It seems he has figured it out that you aren’t his wife right now and I

told him that you are a visitor in his wife’s body” she says and I blink at her.

“What are you so surprised about?” she asks me.

“Well the history says you are cold and ruthless and always lies to Luca so I am just surprised by your

honesty” say without telling her too much.

“Well that wasn’t so nice at all. What does history tell you about me more then?” She asks and I

wonder if I should tell her or not but I go with it. Hoping I am not doing anything stu pid.

“You will be blind by jealousy and kill Luca’s wife since he left you for her” I say gently and she stares at

me and backs away.

“What, no, I would never dream of hurting her. How can I do that? I love her just as much as Luca

does” she says and looks horrified at me.

Luca speaks again and now I am curious at what he is saying because the woman smiles gently at him

and nods.

“He wants to know your name,” she says.

I turn to face Luca and I put my hand on my chest, well it isn’t really my body but whatever.

“Nora” I say