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The ultimate husband

Chapter 5665
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Chapter 5665 Tuji Lange sat in the main seat, a gloomy expression on his face.

Archfiend Antigonus, Circe Newman, and several family elders sat on the chairs on both sides.

The Lange family dispatched thousands of disciples to thoroughly search the area around the Falling Zen Temple half a day ago. Several hours passed, and all nearby burrows were searched, but Graham's location was never discovered.

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The entire Lange family was furious.

Archfiend Antigonus, in particular, was irritated in his heart despite his calm demeanor. He expected to kill Graham quickly; he never expected to let him escape in the end.

At that moment, an elder could not help but say, "It seems like that kid had escaped back to the Wudang Sect since there are no signs of him after searching for so long." Tuji Lange slammed the table and said bitterly, "He must pay for Zenyi's death even if he flees to the ends of the earth." Tuji Lange's rage was unabated even though Jacob was already dead.

Circe, who had been silent the entire time, bit her lip and said, "It is all my fault. I've known Graham for almost three years, yet I did not see through him..." Circe could not express her guilt enough when she spoke. In her heart, she knew she was to blame for her brother's death. As soon as she |

finished speaking, the entire hall fell silent. ; "Do not blame yourself, Senior Sister.

If you have to point fingers, point them at Graham. Fortunately, you did not marry him, or the consequences would have been even worse." Archfiend Antigonus tried to comfort her.

Circe felt a little better after hearing the words of comfort. She then considered something and said slowly, "Jacob is dead. The Wudang Sect would not go quietly. You should know that Jacob was the principal of The Hexad School and had a stellar reputation in the martial arts world. Although the Langes are not afraid of the Wudang Sect, we are concerned that he will use Jacob's death to turn public opinion against us, If the public favors the Wudang Sect, the situation will become

extremely difficult." When they heard that, several elders nodded in agreement because Circe was correct; Jacob was well-known in the martial arts world. If the Wudang Sect purposefully distorted the truth and misled the other sects, the Lange family would face public scrutiny.

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Tuji Lange pondered that and looked at Circe. "Circe, what should we do next?" Circe's eyes twinkled with delight, and she softly said, "At the moment, the most pressing task is to send someone to the Elysium Gate to tell them the truth. We do not have to worry as long as the Elysium Gate is on our side, even if the Wudang Sect spreads lies." Tuji Lange nodded in agreement. "Yes, the Elysium Gate is a big shot in the

Nine Mainland. If we have their support, we don't need to be afraid of the Wudang Sect's shady tricks: — Archfiend Antigonus became concerned about how the situation was developing. He was in the Lange family to avoid being investigated by Master Magaera and Darryl. If the Elysium Gate intervened, his identity would be revealed. However, with so many people in the hall, Archfiend Antigonus found it difficult to stop Tuji Lange. He frowned quietly, considering countermeasures.

"Everyone!" Tuji Lange looked around and said slowly, "Who is best suited to go to Elysium Gate for assistance?" When the question was asked, several elders looked at each other and could not think of a suitable person for a

while. ) "Father!" Circe suddenly thought of something and said slowly, "Allow Veron to go. Ambrose was nearly killed a few months ago due to her nonsense.

I heard that Darryl had returned so she could seek help and apologize for her behavior at the same time. That way, we can also show the Elysium Gate our sincerity." Circe's niece Veron once had an unfavorable relationship with Ambrose. Only by asking her to go to the Elysium Gate to apologize and obtain Ambrose's forgiveness could the family get the Elysium Gate's support and assistance. She had no idea, however, that her suggestion would endanger Veron.

Tuji Lange nodded. "Okay, Veron, it

ISHS 'Veron, that unruly girl." At that moment, Archfiend Antigonus, who was sitting on the side, narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a faint hint of killing intent in his eyes.