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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea

Chapter 95
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Chapter 95

Noir chuckled in surprise and said, “If you like it, I’ll perform something for you right now.”

As soon as his words subsided, several minivans stopped in front of his garage. Seven to eight men

came out from each minivan and immediately surrounded Noir and Andrius.

Armed with lethal weapons, they were the Dark Night, the hitmen from earlier. They had been waiting

outside the Crestfalls’ estate.

After Anthony left, they spotted Andrius in Luna’s car, so they tailed him to this garage.

“Andrius Moonshade!”

The Dark Night leader stepped up and grinned wickedly, seeming like he had the situation under

control. “I supposed Anthony Henderson can’t save you twice.”

“What’s wrong? Where’s your arrogance now?”

“It’s time to pay for what you did.”

The hitmen approached them with vicious and ridiculing expressions.

When they were five meters away from Noir and Andrius, the leader of the Dark Night bellowed,

“Andrius Moonshade, with Anthony Henderson involved, our Young Master Hanshu said you are

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allowed to live, but you must be punished. Young Master Hanshu wants to destroy your kneecaps so

that you will crawl like a dog on the ground.”

Randal came up with the decision after some meticulous


If he killed Andrius, he would be indirectly disrespecting Anthony, which was a risk he could not afford

to take.

He had to wait until Anthony completely forgot about Andrius. Then, he could take Andrius’ life

whenever he wanted, and he could torture him in between that.

It was a marvelous idea.

Andrius did not even bother to look at the hitmen. He looked at the clock on the wall and said, “If any of

them are standing in three minutes, I will put you through the drill’.”

He was talking to Noir.

Noir gasped. He reacted like the drill that Andrius mentioned was something terrifying.

“Andy, come on. Cut me some slack,” Noir said with a bitter look and gulped nervously.

In fact, Noir knew that the men were hitmen and that Andrius had led them here because he was


Andrius commented that he had not seen Noir kill for a long time. In other words, he wanted Noir to

deal with the hitmen and test his speed. He was used to training his men this way.

“That’s ten seconds gone.”

Noir shuddered. He jumped towards the hitmen immediately.

The hitmen were infuriated when they heard Andrius.

Both of them were incredibly arrogant!

“Kill them!” the leader bellowed, ordering his men to take Andrius and Noir’s lives.

In the blink of an eye, the hitmen were already a few inches. away from Noir. Noir could even feel the

frosty killing intent. from their knives.

The leader remained standing on the spot with a gun in his hand. He aimed it at Andrius’ knee.

Nevertheless, Andrius remained seated as if he did not see the


“Aiming a gun at Andy? You’re asking for it!”

Noir noticed the gun. He grabbed the nearest item and tossed it at the leader’s hand, smashing the gun

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into pieces.


The broken gun fell out of the leader’s hand and scattered all over the ground.

The leader then realized that a screw had broken his gun, a common screw that could be found

anywhere in a mechanic’s


It was a normal item, but it was an unusual tool to use in an assault. Before he could say a word, Noir

was already in front

of him.

Then, his vision turned dark and he lost his breath as Noir extinguished his life with one punch.

Once the leader was down, the other goons were easier to deal with.

Noir killed a man with every punch and dealt with them easily.

Not a single hitman was spared alive.

“How did I do, Andy?” Noir asked in delight.

“Two minutes, forty-five seconds. That’s a borderline pass.” Andrius then pointed at the bodies on the

floor. “It’s rude for us to not return the favor. Cut their heads off and follow me to

the Hanshus.”
