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The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 779: The Butcher of Chaos
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Since the treasure was in front of him, Vaan didn't intend to leave it behind. He quickly pocketed every piece of space debris containing divine energy crystals he could find.

Within a few minutes, he had already hit multiple jackpots, collecting large divine energy crystal deposits.

Just a single divine energy crystal deposit was enough to make his past gains seem pitiful. There was no room for comparison—it was like comparing a beggar's wealth to a tycoon's.

Nevertheless, Hecate wandered over curiously after noticing Vaan's repetitious action.

"What do you plan to do with all of this, Sir Vaan?" Hecate casually picked up a chunk of divine energy crystal and studied it without any particular interest in the object.

"Energy cultivation, of course," Vaan honestly admitted before raising an eyebrow, asking, "You're not interested in this stuff, Lady Hecate?"

He might have been a little greedy for them if there weren't many divine energy crystals.

However, there were so many divine energy crystals lying around that he didn't mind splitting the gains with her.

Nevertheless, Hecate's following reply still surprised him.

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"Not really, no," Hecate casually shook her head and said, "I do not practice energy cultivation, so I do not need this type of energy. Even if I did, I still wouldn't need to fight you over it, Sir Vaan."

Hecate chuckled and continued, "You should know that mana is the manifestation of existential power; it is the basis of everything in existence, and that includes this type of energy."

"As such, I only need to convert mana into divine energy if I happen to need it, and mana is something you can find everywhere in Chaos," Hecate calmly smiled.

After listening to Hecate's explanation, Vaan felt a little embarrassed. He felt like a poor beggar standing in front of a filthy rich madam, wary that she might compete with him over dropped coins on the ground.

However, why would she be interested in sdropped coins on the ground when she could create them herself?

"If everything can be created from mana and mana can be found everywhere in Chaos, why do people still fight over resources?" Vaan casually asked.

"Chaos provides everything a person needs to becgreat, but not everyone is born equal, Sir Vaan," Hecate answered.

"Talent is a frightening thing. With it, anyone could rise smoothly without any bottlenecks or setbacks, shooting to the peak of life in a short time. But without it, they will be damned to a life full of struggles and difficulties, taking many times longer to achieve the sfeat as a talented person."

"The mana is there for all, but not everyone can refine it quickly. Even if they can, they don't necessarily know how to use it effectively. That's why untalented people will always seek other means to hasten their cultivation."

"It just so happens that anyone can gain insight into the Asura Law through conflict and bloodshed. Thus, you shouldn't try to reason with anyone trying to start a Realm War, Sir Vaan."

"If they can start one, they will. More often than not, a reason is not. That is how Chaos operates," Hecate stated.

Vaan calmly acknowledged her statement. He was beginning to have a good grasp of life in Chaos; it was one grand race.

Most, if not all, would try to climb to the peak of life and becan unparalleled existence that could look down on all like the Lord of Chaos. And should they fail, they simply restart a new life.

After all, in Chaos, death was not the end.

Suddenly, Vaan found something strange. Varuna, the Lord of the Boundless Sea and Sky, was an existence on the slevel as the Lord of Chaos.

Although the Lord of Chaos was arguably stronger because he was the first to refine Chaos and make it part of his power, he was an Outerverse Originator like Varuna.

Vaan had not seen much of Chaos, but he had already heard the Lord of Chaos mentioned multiple times. On the other hand, he had not heard of anyone mentioning the Lord of the Boundless Seas and Skies.

"Have you heard anything about the Lord of the Boundless Seas and Skies, Lady Hecate?"

The moment Vaan raised this question, Hecate's body shook to a standstill, seemingly frightened and shocked at the stime.

"I don't know where you have learned that name, but you better not speak of it carelessly in Chaos, Sir Vaan. That nis a great taboo; just randomly speaking ill of it could bring damnation to one's entire realm," Hecate warned with a severe look.

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"Why?" Vaan uttered with surprise.

Hecate looked at Vaan's genuinely curious look before she softly sighed.

She figured it was better to explain everything to him herself, lest he inadvertently bring disaster to himself and everyone surrounding him trying to find out by himself.

"The Lord of the Boundless Seas and Skies is the Lord of Chaos's most respected elder brother. He was an existence who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Lord of Chaos."

"However, for reasons unknown to me, the Lord of the Boundless Seas and Skies left Chaos in search of opportunities outside and passed away three chaos cycles. Since then, the Lord of Chaos has been searching for his elder brother's soul, which went missing in the bitter cycle of reincarnation."

"For reasons unknown to me, the Lord of Chaos is unable to track his elder brother's soul directly. He can only track his feeble aura. But each the finds the source, he is always a step too late."

"The Lord of the Boundless Seas and Skies's nis taboo because his every reincarnation and death would spread his unique aura to other lifeforms."

"When the denizens of Chaos found out the Lord of Chaos was searching for his elder brother, I heard countless fools lined up claiming to be the Lord of the Boundless Seas and Skies's reincarnation."

"This undoubtedly incited the Lord of Chaos's fury, and nothing good ever comes out of enraging the Lord of Chaos. Naturally, the Lord of Chaos wiped out each and every one of their lineage and realm. It happened so many times that the deaths and destroyed realms have reached a frightening number."

"Since then, no one has dared claim to be the reincarnation of the Lord of the Boundless Seas and Skies again. Even if more fools appeared, others would always act first, snuffing out the rumors before they reached the ears of the Lord of Chaos."

"No one wishes to anger the Butcher of Chaos, and this is why the Lord of the Boundless Seas and Skies's nhas bectaboo," Hecate solemnly explained.