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The Vampire Kings Slave Mate

Chapter 9
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Chapter 9: Nikolai

I took Emma from behind fast and hard, however I was not picturing the woman I was inside of at all,

instead a curvy, green eyed, red headed minx was on my mind. I came quickly not worrying about

Emma’s needs at all. This wasn’t about pleasure, this was about releasing all the pent up anger I had

inside me. Right before my release I pulled out of Emma and came on her back, rolling off to my side and

grabbing a towel from the floor, tossing it Emma’s way.

“Whenever you’re cleaned up, you can leave.” I told her before getting off the bed and heading to the

bathroom, to clean myself off.

The sex with Emma had done nothing to release my pent up frustration. I had been gentler than normal

taking into account that Emma was only a half breed, but the only other pure female vampire in the

vicinity was Kade’s sister, and as part of our code, I couldn’t do that to him. I fiddled with the shower

panel turning the heat up all the way, before I stepped in my shower, I mind-linked Draq and told him to

make sure Emma is escorted safely out of my room. I didn’t want to have to deal with her when I got out.

Yes, the way I treated her may seem ruthless to some, but Emma knew the arrangement. I stepped into

the shower, hissing at the heat of the water, the sting felt good. It calmed my nerves and gave me a few

minutes of relaxation until my body adjusted to the water temperature.

I don’t know what possessed me to have Mary put in the room beside mine, the room, that in the past

had once been considered the Queen’s chambers. No one had slept in it since the late Queen, my

mother had died. I felt this sudden desire to see her again, and to inhale her divine scent. I hurried

through the rest of my shower, scrubbing my body clean, ridding myself of Emma’s scent that lingered on

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my body. I stepped out of the hot shower, and wrapped a towel around my waist, walking back into my

room. I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed Emma was gone and the bedding had been changed. I

quickly slipped on a pair of sweats, not bothering for a T-shirt, since I only planned on peeking into

Mary’s room. I opened my door, and walked down the corridor to the room on the left on mine. I was

surprised I couldn’t scent Mary in the hall. Her scent was like a drug to me, and it overpowered all my

other senses. I opened up the door, and hissed when it let out a loud creak. I didn’t want to spoke the

poor woman, I just needed to see her, and smell her to calm the beast within. I peered into the room and

tensed. Mary wasn’t in here, from the smell of musk and dirt, she hadn’t been in this room at all today.

Where the hell was she? I’d given strict orders to have Mary put in this room.

My heart began to beat rapidly and I felt an emotion that I hadn’t felt in a while, I felt panicked, I was

worried about this woman’s well being. What was it about Mary, that made me, The King of All

Supernaturals, worry about her well being. I mind linked Elizabeth, the servant I had left in charge of


‘Where’s my blood slave? She’s not in her chamber?’ I tried not to let the panic show in my voice.

It took some time for Elizabeth to reply. But when she did I felt á fiery anger burn inside of me.


‘She refused to sleep in the room you assigned her your highness. She was adamant about staying

downstairs with the other blood slaves.’

I couldn’t control my anger as I responded to her. ‘And you didn’t think it was important to inform me

of her resistance. If any harm at all comes to my slave, I will hold you responsible.’

I quickly turned leaving the room, slamming the door shut behind me, quickly walking down the long

hallway. My aura growing stronger the longer Mary wasn’t in my sight. I was tired of this woman, this

human thinking she was above me, the king, I’d need to teach her a lesson. I couldn’t handle her

disobedience and if she was to remain my personal slave, and accompany wherever I went in the world,

then she’d need to now the basics about being the slave to a king. I quickly scanned my handprint on the

scanner, (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)the door to the downstairs swinging wide

open. Instead of taking the stairs, I opened to jump down them, quickly landing at the base of the stairs. I

hurried along the Corridor to the slaves quarters, opening the door for the females. The main part of the

estate was quiet, all the lights turned off. At this time of night, all the slaves should be sleeping. I walked

down the hall, the beast inside me stirring when I caught a faint with of Mary, she was definitely down

here. I hurried down the coordinator towards the sleeping area.

“Mary,” I shouted loudly, “Where is Mary? Where is the king’s blood slave?”

The twenty or so women in the room all woke up startled to see me there.

I noticed Kade’s blood slave, sitting up at the mention of Mary. “Mary, Mary’s here?” She asked, her voice

raising an octave with excitement, her head whipping around to see if she could spot her.

My heart filled with dread. If her friend hadn’t come across her down here then what the hell happened to

her. I felt the beast pushing to get out, my fangs elongated, my eyes turning a deep blood red. I could

sense the women’s heartbeats quicken as my vampire side overtook my human side.


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“I’ll ask this once, and one time only, Where is Mary?” I growled out. “I know she’s been down her, I can

smell her.”

The head blood slave, Katrina, coward down under my presence, the two other girls beside her doing the

same. I could sense they knew something about Mary.

I quickly approached them, spotting a gold chain around the tall skinny ones neck, it reminded me of

Mary’s locket.

“Where is she?” I growled at them.

“1… I do not know.” Katrina said, her pulse quickening with her lie.

I grabbed her by the throat, hoisting her into the air, “Don’t fucking lie to me.” I growled throwing her

against the wall. Her body hit with a loud cracking noise, her neck snapping on impact. “Now tell me

where the fuck my blood slave is or, I’ll do the same to you.” I said turning to the short fat one.

“It..i.. it wasn’t mmm…my I..idea y..y..your maj..ja..ja..stey.”(This will be daily updtaed at

www.jar.com) The short one responded shaking with fear, it took every ounce of restraint in my not

to allow the beast inside me loo

“I don’t want to hear excuses.” I yelled. “Bring me to her now.”

“Ye.. yes my king.” She said bowing to me, before walking out the room and back down the corridor to

turning towards the washroom.

The closer we got to the door, the stronger her scent was, but it wasn’t just her scent, it was her scent

mixed with blood. I shoved the short woman out of the way, not even registering the amount of force I

used, I just knew I needed to get in that room and see Mary, I needed to see her with my own eyes and

make sure she was okay I took a deep breath trying to calm myself before I opened the door. So help me

god, if she is hurt in anyway, I’m going to destroy everyone involved.