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The Vampire Kings Slave Mate

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30: Mary

Nikolai has been incredibly distant since the night we made love. The only time I see him is at night when

it’s time for bed, and even then, it’s nothing romantic. It’s just a formality with his need to protect me. He

hand’t even fed from me, and it made me curious, if not a little jealous, as I began to wonder where he

was getting his blood from. I tried not to let his distance bother me. It was better this way. I wouldn’t be

tied to him and I could still avenge my family’s murders, as soon as I was able to get out of this prison.

(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)It seems like a strong word, but since the attacks,

that is what the palace feels like. I’m only allowed to leave the confines on the King’s quarters to attend

meals. I was no longer allowed to go to the village or even walk around the gardens. The only visitor I

was allowed was Nevaeh, and she seemed to be coming around less frequently as if she didn’t want to

be associated with me, a nobody. Nikolai had ordered guards to escort me and wait for me outside his

room anytime he wasn’t around. The guards weren’t the same friendly Dragon seers, I had met my first

day. These men were extremely formal and wouldn’t speak to me at all, sometimes I wondered if Nikolai


commanded them not to engage in conversation with me.

I sat outside the balcony, propped up on the windows edge reading a about a girl who’d fallen in

love with a prince and had her heart broken by him, I was on the chapter where she meets his older

brother for the first time, and I couldn’t help but groan at the cliche and corniness of the book. It was

entirely predictable, but reading was the only thing that kept me same in my time of isolation. I was so

distracted with my nose in the book, that I hadn’t noticed Nikolai approaching behind me.

“I hope you aren’t planning on jumping.” He said startling me, almost causing me to fall of the edge,

within a nanosecond, he had his arms around me, pulling me off the balcony’s edge.

I huffed at him, ignoring his question, as I walked into the room, tossing my book on the bed.

“Mary?” Nikolai asked, picking up on my unpleasant mood.

“Oh so now his highness decides to embrace me with his presence.” I ask turning to face him, glaring at


“I’ve been busy.” He responded curtly. “And I’ve told you multiple times not to take that tone towards


“Sorry sir.” I said curtsying at him sarcastically before turning away from him, heading towards the

bathroom for some privacy.

He grabbed my hand and whirled me towards him. If you don’t drop the attitude and the disrespect now,

(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)I’ll bend you over my lap and spank you.” He


Even with how angry I was at him, I felt myself get aroused as the image of him spanking me came to life

in my head. Deciding now to rile him up some more, causing him to make good on his threat, I took a

deep calming breath in, before exhaling it slowly. “Sorry, your highness.” I responded timidly looking

towards the ground.

Nikolai grabbed my chin and pulled my face up so I was looking him directly in the eyes. “Tell me what’s

wrong mean,” I asked slaughtering the pronunciation of it, ignoring his question entirely.

“It means precious, in my native tongue, Russian. Now that I’ve answered your question will you answer

mine?” He asked not letting me distract him.


“You call me precious, but you treat me like anything but. We made love with each other and I thought

that that had changed the dynamic between us, but obviously I was wrong and I shouldn’t have assumed

anything, because now you treat me worse, that you did before. And I feel like a damn prisoner trapped

in a cage under constant supervision.” I rambled out quickly, willing myself not to get teary eyed, I hadn’t

realized how much my feelings had changed towards Nikolai until that very moment.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Nikolai starred at me quietly for a moment as if contemplating on how to respond.

“You are precious to me Mary,” He finally spoke, “thats why sleeping with you was a mistake.” I felt my

heart breaking into a million pieces, forcing the dam of unshed tears not to break. “Now that we are fully

mated I have put your life at risk. Not only from the werewolves but from all supernatural beings who

want to occupy my throne. You’ve become my weakness.” Nikolai responded.

“Sorry.” I muttered turning around and rushing to the bathroom before the tears started to fall. “I made a

mistake, making something into what it’s not. You’re right. We slept together as away to displace the

memories that had occurred earlier that day. Silly me for thinking the time we spent together could mean

anything more.”

“Mary wait.” Nikolai called chasing after me at a normal pace. I quickly ran to the bathroom slamming the

door behind me. “That’s not what I meant.”

I didn’t respond to him, the tears now freely roaming down my face, as I tried to cry silently, wondering if

a person could die from the intensity of the heartbreak that I was feeling at this moment.(This will

be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) What did he mean by calling me a weakness, I thought that he’d

know by now that I am a survivor, and I will prevail no matter what happened to me.

“Mary come out,” Nikolai pleaded with me, his normal strong voice, laced with an emotion I can only

describe as desperation. “I need to explain everything to you.”

I stirred from the floor of the bathroom, beginning to stand up to hear him out, when I heard a knock on

the door.

“Nik,” Kade called. “More information has been found and Nevaeh is ready.”

I took in a sharp intake of breath. Is that why Nevaeh had been avoiding me, because Nikolai was

feeding from her? Was she ashamed of her situation. I had confided in her that Nikolai and I had lain

together and she seemed understanding but shortly thereafter, she started seeing me less and less


Nikolai hesitated for a second like he wasn’t going to listen to whatever new information they were

looking for, but instead he let out a loud huff, and walked towards his door opening it. I could hear him

murmur something to the guards, but I couldn’t decipher what it was. I waited a few minutes to ensure

that Nikolai had left before exiting the room. I had planned out an escape route a few days after Nikolai

and I had lain together, I knew that no matter how much this connection between us had changed, that I

needed to still avenge my family. Now that there seemed to be nothing left between Nikolai and I, and I

had turned into his weakness, it was the perfect time for me to leave.

I quickly ran to the closet, grabbing an empty tote bag, shoving practical clothing in it, pants, long sleeve

shirts, some short sleeve, a few scarves, jackets, and an extra pair of sneakers and one pair of hiking

boots. I thought for a second about leaving Nikolai a note letting him know that I hadn’t complete

deserted him, but decided against it. He wouldn’t care either way, he had shown that these last two

weeks. I hurried to the bathroom, turning on the hot water for the shower then I located the secret panel

to my chambers, which turned out to not be so secret anymore, but Nikolai hadn’t known I had

discovered it,when the door opened I hurried into the Queen’s chambers, relief flooding through that the

room was empty, I ran across the room to the door, and put my ear against the door listening for any

noise outside, I didn’t hear anything so I peaked under the the crack at the bottom, when I didn’t see

anyone standing guard, I quietly turned the knob and stepped outside.

I hurried down the hallway, to the main corridor where the panel was, my handprint still hadn’t been

entered but I had found the override code in Nikolai’s drawer, while I searched for more information. He

thought he was clever taping it to the back of one of his notebooks, but I don’t think he realized how big

of a snoop I was. I fidgeted with the scanner, until I was able to access the keypad and quickly entered

the code, I sighed with relief when the door opened. I ran down the stairs taking three steps at a time,

knowing that my time to escape was limited. Once I was downstairs, I headed towards the back near the

servants entrance, that Nevaeh had been going on and on about because Kade had to supervisor that

coming and going of the groceries weekly, at least that was before she started avoiding me. I shook the

thought of her with Nikolai out of my head, and ran towards the exit, relief flooding through me that no

one was there, I was honestly shocked by the lack of security around the castle, I quickly through my

long red hair into a bun with the elastic around my wrist, and threw on the cap that I had been holding. I

walked down the long driveway, heading towards the forest, knowing that as of right now, in the King’s

home territory that I would be safe from most supernatural creatures. As soon as I reached the border of

the palace, I felt the magic wards as I walked through them, so this was the added security, Nikolai had

had either a mage, a witch, or a faerie add an enchantment to the Palace border, the ward only allowed

people who didn’t have ill intention towards the King to pass through.(This will be daily updtaed at

www.jar.com) As soon as I passed through the border, I let out a sigh of relief. I had done it. I had

escaped the palace, escaped slavery, while my heart hadn’t escaped unscathed, I was free to live my life

as I pleased. I could avenge my family and I knew exactly where I would start, Alpha Ash, I’m coming for


***I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays, now that the holidays are basically over, I will return to my

normal writing schedule, adding new chapters to this on Mondays and Wednesdays. I hope you all

have a Happy New Year. Let me know what you think of this chapter, and make sure to hit the like button

down below. XOXO-Marriah.

“What is so damn important that you had to interrupt me?” I ask Kade scowling at him, I had been in a

foul mood ever since I became fully aware of the fact that Mary was indeed my mate. It’s not that I didn’t

want her to be my mate. She was absolutely perfect for me. She was the light to my darkness, she was

willing to challenge me when no one else dared. She was my divine gift and I wasn’t willing to give her

up, but it terrified me that she was human. Mary was my ultimate weakness. Once the supernatural world

learned that I had taken a human as my mate, they’d do anything and everything in the power to take her

from me, they’d use her as a bargaining chip against me, some may even kill her just to spite me, or

torture her for information. I couldn’t protect Mary at every turn and that’s what terrified me. My mate was

at risk because of me and my status in the world.

“We have information.” Kade responded, his tone short and clipped. Kade was pissed at me that I

wouldn’t confirm if Mary was my mate or not, Mary had let it slip to Kade that I had whispered the word

Mate the night I had saved her from Alpha’s Ash’s Beta. Kade had hammered me relentlessly since then

trying to find out if she was my mate or not, but I wasn’t willing to agree nor deny if she was. I couldn’t

bring myself to deny her, yet I knew there were ears everywhere and I couldn’t risk telling even Kade that

she was my mate.

“How’s Nevaeh?” I ask as we round the corner that leads to the meeting hall.

Kade’s steps falter and I see a look of sorrow in his eyes. He and Nevaeh had been playing a game of

cat and mouse, and while Kade was hunting down Nevaeh his vampire side took over. He had drained

Nevaeh within an inch of her life, before he was finally able to take control of his vampire. He was

devastated when he saw what he had done, but he wasn’t willing to take her life. Nevaeh meant

something to him, she was special to him even if she wasn’t his mate. Kade had sent me a mindlink

asking me to help him, and I could hear his desperation in my mind. By the time that I had got there

Nevaeh was extremely pale, her skin ice cold, and her heart barely beating. I knew then and there that if

we tried to save her that it would be complicated. We would have to save her slowly by giving her little

amounts of my blood each night, blood from a pureblooded royal had healing capabilities but if given too

much at a time, it could also change the person into what we call a bitten, a human turned vampire by

another vampire. Bittens have an uncontrollable bloodlust and it’s this bloodlust that gives the vampire

species a bad reputation. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)They could slaughter an

entire village of humans and still their bloodlust would not be sated.

“She’s okay.” Kade growled out. “Not much of a change, her heartbeat is still slower than it should be,

her skin paler than normal, and her temperature is too low. What if this isn’t working Nikolai?” Kade

asked his eyes full of desperation as he looked up at me.

“She’ll be fine Kade, if it wasn’t working, her heart would have stopped beating already.” I gently remind

him as I walk into the meeting hall.

My eyes widen in surprise, the Dragon King Lucious is sitting in the chamber.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Lucious.” I call out in surprise, walking towards him.

“King Nikolai.” He responds no hint of warmth in his tone.

“To what do I owe this pleasure of being graced by the presence of the Dragon Lord himself,” I ask,

unwillingly to call him a King, there was only one King in this realm and that was me.

I watch calmly as smoke blows from Lucious’ nostrils as he tries to calm his dragon spirit. “I’m sure

you’ve learned by now that my sons, the heirs to the dragon throne have been captured.” Lucious asks

glaring up at me.

“I did not know you had sons.” I responded confused by Lucious’ presence. If his dragons were missing

then it was up to him to locate them. While I was in charge of all the supernaturals, I didn’t get involved in

missing people cases unless there was multiple cases happening in the same area

“Ah of course you didn’t,” Lucious smiled with a mysterious look in his eyes. “You’d probably know my

sons best as the orphan dragon seers Draq and Dru.”

I tried my best to hide the surprise on my face. “Ah well if that’s all you’ve come here for, then let me

ease your mind. Draq and Dru are in the werewolf kingdom obtaining information for me.”

“That’s what they’re suppose to be doing anyways,” Lucious stated standing from his chair, looking

directly into my eyes, even as the aura around me increased. The dragon shifters didn’t fear me, but they

weren’t stupid enough to challenge me one on one, especially on my home turf, where my powers were

at their fullest.

“Enlighten me then Lucious, what makes you think your sons aren’t carrying out my orders?” I ask,

raising my eyebrow at him.

“Well Dru contacted me a few nights ago.” He pauses grinning wickedly, “maybe even a week ago, who

knows, time flies so fast once you’ve reached my age, the days seem to pass by like hours throughout

the day.”

“Get on with it Dragon, before I begin to lose my patience.” I growl feeling my irritation increasing by the

minute, each second I spent listening to this nonsense the angrier Mary would grow towards me.

“My my my, Your highness. Your patience is very unbecoming of you.” I can see the fire flash in his eyes

and I know Ive provoked his dragon spirit. “But sense I know if I were to withhold this information it could

be considered treason, I will grant your request and “get on with it.” As you so say. Alpha Ash has taken

my children captive, (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)He has them looked in the

dungeon and I assume he has been torturing them for information. Their magic is weak, or so I’m

assuming since they haven’t reached out to you nor me again.”

“Why should I trust you?” I ask growling at him, already knowing that his words are true. We haven’t

heard from the twins in the last week, I’ve already dispatched out wolf shifters that are loyal to me to

infiltrate Ash’s pack and try to find the twins.

“Because I made my way to your kingdom today.” Lucious replies, simply.

“What do you want in exchange for this information?”

“I want you to send word once my sons are rescued, I need to have a word with my so called heirs.”

“If that is all Lord Lucious, you may take your leave.”

“Will you keep your word King Nikolai and inform me of when my sons are here.”

I gritted my teeth, I didn’t want to promise anything since I didn’t know the dynamic between Lucious and

the twins, but I knew I couldn’t send him off without my word, word would get out that the King wasn’t

thankful for insider knowledge. “you have my word, you may leave now.” I respond, already trying to think

of a way to get out of this commitment.

“King Nikolai, King Nikolai.” Came the voice of a guard as he marched into the meeting hall, I recognized

the guard as one of the men I had assigned to Mary, I felt my heart drop as fear filled me. What had

happened to Mary. “Mary is…” I raised my hand silencing him, Lucious was still present and I didn’t want

information about Mary getting into the wrong hands.

“Lord Lucious.” I nodded towards him. Black smoke wraps around his body as he leaves the meeting hall

and returns to the dragon lands.

“What is it Gregor?” I ask beckoning the guard forward.

“Lady Mary has disappeared. She is not in your room, nor is she anywhere else in the castle.”