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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chatper 162
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Chapter 162 Willow's break-up with the jewelry brand CEO was the talk of the town, turning her into the punchline of the industry jokes. All her talk about “first loves,” “exes reuniting,” and “becoming better to deserve him” now seemed utterly laughable.

The connections she had thanks to Melvin were now in question. People started to wonder if they should keep cooperate with her after the brand announced the termination of her contract.

Showbiz is harsh like that. At the slightest hint of trouble, everyone watches which way the wind blows.

“It’s all your fault, Ulla, for givingsuch lousy advice. Look where it got me!” Willow lashed out at Ulla, venting all her frustration on her.

Ulla remained calm. “You never really loved him, so what's the big deal if you lost him?” Willow glared at her. “How do you know?” “If you really loved him, you wouldn't have slept your way to the top,” Ulla fired back bluntly. “Drop the act. No more pretending to be the lover in distress.” Fuming, Willow snapped, “Keep your mouth shut aboutin public, will you?” Ulla smirked. “He's just a jewelry brand CEO. You shouldn't have waited for him like skind of saint.

Remember that haute couture designer who gave you his card? You turned him down before, but now's the perfect tto call him. For a woman, building her own career is what counts.” “You're just worried | won't make it big and won't be of any use to you,” Willow retorted, aware of Ulla’s motives.

The entertainment industry is never clean. Everyone’s hands get dirty in sway or another. It's just a matter of who's less filthy.

“We're all in this circle together. More friends, more paths,” said Ulla. “You ought to realize by now that you can’t compete with Jocelyn. If Melvin considers you a friend, that’s already saying something.” Willow's face twisted with anger.

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“He didn’t lay a finger on you even after all that, which clearly shows how little he feels for you. Really, stop pining for someone who'll never be yours. If you can’t put down your pride, then aim for someone even bigger than Melvin. In this world, nothing's more useless than love.” With a final glance at Willow, Ulla stood up. “Think it over. As far as | can see, no matter what you do, that man will never be yours. I'm leaving.” After Ulla left, Willow hurled a cushion to the floor in a rage.

3454 Ulla’s words were too sharp and too cutting.

And yet, what she said was the truth.

Willow had fancied herself Melvin’s beloved. But in reality, she was nothing to him.

And Melvin’s actions now were a slap in her face. It was all because of that woman! Calvin had resigned from his job, and the neighbors started asking questions when they noticed he wasn’t going to work. They seemed friendly and concerned on the surface, but behind closed doors, who knew what gossip they spread? Especially when Calvin had brought hso many company perks during the holidays, everyone was envious.

Seven asked him for a referral, but got to know that the company wasn’t hiring.

To the neighbors, it seemed as though Calvin didn’t want them to succeed, hence he didn’t help.

Now that Calvin had lost his job, those who couldn't enjoy the sbenefits were secretly gloating.

“Why'd you quit such a good job? If | were you, I'd never resign unless they kickedout,” the next-door neighbor insinuated that Calvin was let go.

Calvin bristled internally. No one liked to feel inferior.

“It wasn’t that they didn’t want me. | chose to leave. They even offereda raise as | left. Honestly, even if they madeCEO, | wouldn't stay,” he retorted.

“Calvin, you're blowing smoke. Why would such a big company offer that to you?” the neighbor chuckled. “It's not like the company is your son-in-law’s.” Calvin frowned, nearly blurting out that it was his son-in-law’s company. But he held back.

That was no son-in-law material in his eyes.

“I've got other things to do,” Calvin said, turning to head home.

A Mercedes pulled up, and both Calvin and the neighbor stepped aside.

Harrison poked his head out. “Hi.” Seeing Harrison, Calvin's mood brightened instantly. “Harrison!” Harrison parked the car, greeted the neighbor with a nod and hefted a box from the trunk. “This is a box of grapefruit from my mom's orchard. She and her friends picked them this morning, and we had them flown in right away.” Calvin's eyes lit up. “That's really thoughtful of her.” “Let’s head inside.” “Sure.” As Harrison and Calvin walked away, the neighbor watched them and muttered to a companion, “Calvin's got a good daughter, and her boyfriend's a catch.” “I remember seeing another man with Jocelyn a few days ago. Who's the real boyfriend?” the companion wondered.

“There's no other guy. It’s been this one. He's been over to Calvin's place last year, and | think their parents have met already,” the neighbor said, eyeing the building where Calvin lived. “I don’t know what kind of luck it is, but Calvin's daughter turned out quite the beauty.” “You're right, but you know, Calvin and his wife were lookers in their youth too.” “It all depends on who she marries. A good marriage means a life without worries, but a bad one...” The neighbor pursed his lips and shook his head, glancing at Calvin's apartment building before walking away.

Calvin didn’t care what others said. He warmly welcomed Harrison in and told his wife to prepare a few extra dishes for dinner.

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Daisy was overjoyed to see Harrison, greeting him with open arms. After the pleasantries, she remembered Jocelyn had not chosen Harrison. Her mood dipped again.

“Calvin, call Jocelyn and tell her to chfor dinner. Just her, remember,” Daisy instructed pointedly.

Calvin understood his wife’s meaning.

He gave Harrison an awkward smile, then dialed Jocelyn’s number. He didn’t mention Harrison, just passed on her mother’s dinner request, emphasizing she should calone.

Harrison wasn’t sure what was going on but sensed something odd about Calvin and Daisy's behavior.

As dusk settled over the city, Jocelyn hailed a cab hfrom school and dialed Melvin’s number to inform him she'd be dining at her parents’ place.

“A family dinner and no invite for me?” Melvin’s voice carried a hint of hurt.

“Nope,” she replied simply “Guess they're not exactly fond of me, right?” Even without seeing him, Jocelyn could easily picture Melvins disappointment etched across his face.

Teasing him, she laughed, “What's the matter? Is this a taste of your own medicine from back when you played hard to get, and now you can’t keep up?” “I never played hard to get with you. If anything, you were the one keepingat arm’s length,” Melvin retorted, his mind sharp as ever.

“So, you're saying | was the one out of your league?” Jocelyn shot back quickly.

Melvin pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “Are you still on about that? It was you who had the hots forfirst. | was just lying low, letting you climb your way tohowever you wanted.” Jocelyn’s cheeks flushed a bright red, grateful that the cab driver couldn't overhear their banter.

“Stop talking nonsense,” she hissed under her breath.

Melvin let out a chuckle, then sighed. “I need to figure out a way to get them to accept me.”