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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28

Jocelyn stopped in her tracks, not bothering to look back

“Come on, there’s a limit to making a scene.” Melvin was sure she was just making a scene. He had

already explained himself. What more did she want from him?

Jocelyn took a deep breath feeling more pathetic and ridiculous by the second.

In his eyes, she was just being a drama queen because she wanted more Yep, to him, she was totally


And he had already stooped to coax her, so she should’ve taken the hint and quit while she was ahead.

It used to be the same old story she’d get mad he’d sweet talk her a bit, and she’d drop it all.

Truth be told, back then she kinda liked being coaxed by him because it felt like he actually cared, like

she mattered to


But thinking it over now, it all seemed like just going through the motions without ever wondering why.

She couldn’t even tell if he meant any of it. Or was it just sweet talk to get her into bed and then back to

business as usual?

“I’m beat. Let’s go home Melvin said, moving in to grab her hand and pull her towards the apartment


Jocelyn stood her ground.

Melvin turned around, his patience obviously wearing thin.

Jocelyn gently wriggled her hand free. “You should go back to your place.”

What the heck do you want? Melvin unbuttoned his collar, looking pretty ticked off.

Jocelyn shook her head. “I don’t want anything. I just think we both need some time to cool off. Give it

some thought whats the point of us going on like this?”

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Melvin pressed his lips together and looked at her coldly without saying anything. That calm before the

storm sent a shiver down Jocelyn’s spine

He wasn’t violent, but man, he had a way of making her knees buckle with just one look.

“You sure you won’t let me come up tonight? His tone was heavier now.

Jocelyn’s heart was racing, each beat pounding against her chest, pressuring her to cave.

She steeled herself Yes

Melvin stared at her for a long moment before his lips twisted into a sneer. “Jocelyn, you’ve got guts!”

As the door slammed with a resounding thud, Jocelyn’s anxiety finally settled.

The engine roared angrily, as if venting Melvin’s rage and dissatisfaction

Once the noise faded, Jocelyn bent over, hands on knees, gasping for air, fully aware of what her

refusal implied.

So that was it. She and the man she had loved for more than three years were really done.

That night, Jocelyn slept like a log.

She should have been crying her eyes out, tossing and turning all night like the one before, but instead,

she snoozed right through her alarm.

Jocelyn wasn’t affected a bit. She went about her classes and daily life as normal. When she wasn’t

teaching, she’d hang out with colleagues, grabbing a cuppa or hitting the shops, cooking at home when

she felt like it, or dining out when she didn’t, and spending weekends with her folks.

“Who’s the Romeo sending you roses? Got an admirer? Did you say yes? What’s he like? Give us the

deets!’ Of course, Daisy was all over her about it.

Jocelyn was upfront. “We’re not for each other. I turned him down?


“Why not?” Daisy sensed Jocelyn was taking her love life seriously and felt somewhat reassured.

As they prepped the veggies, Jocelyn didn’t mince words. “The quy’s family is loaded. He’s a knockout,

driving cars worth millions, and wearing designer labels head to toe. Tell me, is that my type?”

Daisy frowned at that. “Sure, he’s way wealthier, but it’s about the person, right?”

“He’s looking for someone in his league. Me? I’m a working class I’d barely scrape through his front

door, let alone run the joint or call the shots. I’d always be second best. It might look flashy, but just

thinking about the grind… Jocelyn trailed off, shaking her head.

Daisy sighed in agreement. You’re talking sense. Those soap operas always show how rough it is to

marry into wealth. And those monster-in-laws? Plus, look at those celebs-raking it in, drop-dead

gorgeous, but how many are actually happy?”

Jocelyn nodded vigorously. “Exactly. So let’s not bother with Mr. Too Good to Be True.”

“Fair enough We’re ordinary folk and we can’t expect the moon. As long as the guy’s decent,

ambitious, and treats you night, that’s plenty. Marriage is about the couple, not the crowd. As long as

you’re a good match, that’s what counts,” Daisy said earnestly, lowering her voice “Marriage is a

woman’s life-changer, like a rebirth Marry the right one, and you’ve got a shot at a good life Screw it up,

and you’re in for a slog. These days, young folks are different. They get married in a heartbeat or split

just as fast if it’s not working. It’s all a headache. Remember Margot? She’s just a bit younger than you.

She s divorced now

Jocelyn was taken aback. Margot had just been showing off her love life on Twitter

Daisy shook her head “Her daughter’s only four, and Margot’s raising her solo Do you think it’s easy?

Her mom used to be so proud, bet she’s not bragging about her daughter’s catch now. And in the

countryside, divorce is a stain, all people gossip it.

Jocelyn was only surprised about the divorce, not the old-timers’ mindset, which she always dismissed.

“Mom, divorce is normal these days. Sometimes it takes a while to see the problems unfold Deciding to

divorce is just stopping the wrong and hurt from going on. Don’t get into it with the gossip, if word gets

back to them, it’s not cool, Jocelyn advised Daisy.

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Daisy huffed Since she was married, with a kid that big, why not stick it out for the kid’s sake? Who

suffers most after a divorce? The kid Look at Quinta, who was remarried. Do you think our relatives

don’t gossip? Your uncle cares about dignity, and Quinta’s divorce nearly got him in the hospital. That’s

why marriage needs to be taken seriously.”

“Mom, I’ve gotta square off with you on this one. A person’s gotta live life feeling comfy first and

foremost. If every day feels like a grind, and you’re just putting up with it for the sake of ‘dignity’, and

then you slap on the for the kids excuse to settle, isn’t that exhausting? Do parents really wanna see

their kids living in agony and torture every day?”

Jocelyn didn’t really have her heart set on getting married, but she caved under the parental pressure

and the whole keeping up with the Joneses thing, so she thought of marrying Melvin

Turns out, not rushing into it was the smart move.

If she had managed to force Melvin into marriage, they’d probably be on their umpteenth divorce by


“You…” Daisy glared at Jocelyn.

Jocelyn had never really had a heart-to-heart on this topic with her mom like she did today, but she just

couldn’t hold back anymore, “Margot manages to live on her own with her kid, which shows she’s

always put the kid first, and it’s very likely she divorced for the sake of the kid If two people can’t make

it work, do you think playing house can fool the kid forever? The damage that loveless parents can do

to a child might be even greater.”

Daisy couldn’t out-argue Jocelyn, but still didn’t agree with her, stubbornly saying, “Anyway, no matter

what, it’s still better for the biological parents to be together. Back in our day, we had our share of

scraps and squabbles, so what? Which family doesn’t? Live through it, and eventually, there’s less


“Mom!” Jocelyn was exasperated, “Let’s just drop it, okay? But you did say one thing that’s spot on

getting married is not something to rush into. So, can you and dad just lay off the pressure? I’ve gotta

make sure the rest of my life is happy before i marry someone.”