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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 254
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Melvin was a bundle of nerves.

It wasn't his first ride to the rodeo—or, well, to discuss his future with Jocelyn's parents—but today his stomach was doing


"You think marrying someone is like picking out a favorite toy from the store? Letclue you in—wives aren't won; they're wooed.

Think about it, her parents have raised her for decades. You think a couple of sweet nothings is gonna cut it?" Yasmine lectured as

they drove, "And once you tie the knot, you need to treat her like a queen, no ifs or buts."

"If you're rolling in dough, you give her the best. If you're scraping by, you still give her the best. She's not coming to you to catch

grief. She's betting the back nine of her life on you, to build a hand to share the highs and lows with you, till death do you

part. If you're not good to her, who will you be good to?"

Yasmine was on a roll today, speaking from the heart.

Though Melvin's big sister, she was a woman first and foremost.

She'd been married. She knew the ropes of matrimony.

She didn't want her little brother to let down someone else's daughter, didn't want his marriage to be anything less than blissful.

No woman takes the plunge without hoping for a prince, without believing it's for keeps. If not for love, then what's it all for?

These days, a woman can find her bliss solo.

"Yasmine, I'm jittery," Melvin admitted as they pulled into Jocelyn's parents' neighborhood.

And there he was, deep-breathing like a champ.

Yasmine shot him a look, "Good. You should be. Complacency's the enemy."

"Got everything with you? Nothing left behind?" Melvin was fretting.

Yasmine snorted, "Little faith in me, huh?"

Melvin inhaled deeply, "I trust you."

"Just don't be a wreck, okay? Be confident, be yourself. Jocelyn's parents are cool, they've forgiven you. But remember, it's all

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because Jocelyn loves you. All you gotta do is keep loving her, cherish her and treasure her. Remember this jittery feeling you feel

now. It's you who is desperate for her hand."

"I know," Melvin psyching himself up in the car.

He'd faced down terrorists in the SouthMyst region without a quiver, but his knees were like jelly today.

"Alright, let's go," Yasmine urged.

Melvin stepped out, went to the trunk and retrieved their stuff.

He glanced at his sister, who was also not empty-handed, and she gave him an encouraging look in return.

Together, they entered the apartment building.

Back at the ranch, Jocelyn was a cat on a hot tin roof, especially when the car pulled in, her nerves went haywire.

Melvin had said he'd ca-courting that morning, and she'd raced back to break the news to her parents.

Now, the whole family was waiting for the doorbell.

The old couples seemed cool as cucumbers, but Calvin paced the living room round and round.

"Don't be nervous now. You didn't bat an eyelid when you tried to steal your birth certificate two years ago," Daisy said, gripping

Jocelyn's sweaty palm.

Calvin chuckled, "He's serious this time."

"He's got a clue this tand knows the score," Daisy quipped, tough outside but soft inside. She wanted her daughter to marry

for love and wanted her love to be her happiness.

Calvin moseyed to the door, ear to the wood, "Here they come."

Daisy cleared her throat, straightened her dress and posed with poise.

Both Calvin and Daisy had spruced up a tad, acknowledging the significance of Melvin’s visit today.

Despite not being the spitting image of tradition, they knew Melvin's family backstory and weren't hung up on formalities.

All they needed was to see Melvin's earnestness.

The knock came.

Jocelyn inhaled sharply.

Calvin open the door with a bright grin, "Cin!"

Melvin was more buttoned-up than usual, dressed for a high-stakes deal, but his aura was a tad deflated.

Yasmine was ever graceful. She stood behind her brother, "Good evening."

"Have a seat, please." Calvin gestured.

Yasmine nudged the statue-like Melvin, her look a mix of encouragement and impatience.

What's with him, zapped of all spark?

Melvin took a deep breath, marched in and sat opposite Jocelyn’s parents.

Hands clasped, he turned to Jocelyn.

Jocelyn was surprised by his visible anxiety. She'd never seen him so raw, his nerves laid bare.

Paradoxically, his nervousness eased her tension.

She stifled a giggle behind pursed lips.

"Mr. and Mrs. Winslet, you know our family's story. Mom's long gone, Dad's under the weather, so it falls toas the elder sister to

bring Melvin here, to ask for Jocelyn's hand, hoping y'all will bless this union," Yasmine spoke with poise.

Calvin and Daisy's gaze turned to Melvin.

Melvin straightened up, hands resting on his knees, "I'm serious about Jocelyn. Sure, we've had our share of issues—my bad, all on

me. But through it all, I've seen the light and | know where my heart belongs.

I love Jocelyn. She's put up with a lot on my account, and | want to make it right. | want to spend my life loving her right, building a

happy hwith her," Melvin declared sincerely.

Jocelyn's eyes met his, her heart swelling with emotion.

She knew he yearned for a home. A whole, happy home.

Calvin and Daisy were no strangers to the young lovers' sentiments. They had discussed it before, so they cut to the chase.

"Just remember," Daisy said gently, "she's our only girl. Even if she never marry, we'd keep her safe and happy forever. But she

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loves you, and so we'll trust you with her. We don't need you to shower her with riches or gourmet treats, just don't break her

heart. Whatever life throws your way, we hope you'll stand by each other."

Life's a journey full of hiccups, and marriage is about tackling them together. Trust in each other is key, as is the art of negotiation.

That's the true essence of a marriage.

Daisy's eyes were brimming with tears as she spoke, "Melvin, no matter what kind of family you cfrom, now that you're part of

ours, you're as much a son to us as any."

She glanced at her husband, "Calvin and | have had our share of spats and sour moments. But | never doubted my decision to

marry him, and | believe no amount of bickering can erase the love | felt on the day | said 'l do."

"And you, Melvin. You should never forget the love that drives you to marry her," Daisy said, her voice laden with emotion.

Melvin nodded resolutely, "As long as | live, | will love her. From now on, she won't face a moment's unhappiness withby her


With Melvin's vow, Calvin and Daisy had no intention of rejection.

In truth, they had never even considered it.

On the sidelines, sat Jocelyn dabbing at her tears quietly. She was moved by the cautious love of the man beside her and the

unconditional love of her parents.

In this small but warm room, she was enveloped by the love of the people who cherished her the most.





