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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 243
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Yasmine has known Soren back when she first met Zachary. He always hovered around Zachary, not too close but never far behind.

Whenever she went out with Zachary, Soren would shoo the other guys away to keep watch from a distance.

It was always her nthat he used to call her. But after she married Zachary, he started calling her Mrs. Turner.

At first, Yasmine pretended not to understand, maybe because she didn't want to. But deep down, she knew Soren had feelings for


Even after she and Zachary got divorced, Soren never crossed the line.

In the beginning, Zachary had asked him to check in on her now and then.

All these years, whenever Zachary was around, Soren kept his distance. But when Zachary wasn't, Soren gave Yasmine a sense of

security that was hard to cby.

Everybody knew that Soren's loyalty was to Zachary, sure, but he would lay down his life for Yasmine too.

There's a secret that everyone knew: Soren's respect for Yasmine wasn't just because she was Zachary's wife.

Struths were better left unspoken, not a soul dared to breach that unspoken boundary.

Soren used to be a pretty boy in his youth, neglected by his grandparents who had to work far away from home. Despite being

often left to his own devices, he was smart and good-looking, which made him popular with the girls. This, however, often made

him a target for the local roughnecks.

There was a twhen the school's belle confessed to him, and word got out. The local toughs cornered him under the overpass,

nearly beat him to death, until Zachary stepped in and saved him.

Zachary was a tough guy, but that time, it took him a whole week to get back on his feet.

After that, Soren stuck to Zachary like glue and joined his rough-and-tumble life.

Life as a tough wasn't as glamorous as movies made it seem. It was mostly about taking hits or dishing them out.

Zachary, knowing Soren was still in school, encouraged him to keep at it, to at least get the high school diploma.

With Zachary's protection, Soren graduated from high school and even made it to college.

Zachary used to say that Soren was the most educated among their old gang.

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That's why Zachary sent him off to further his studies, to cback and manage the business.

Zachary trusted Soren deeply, even knowing about his feelings for Yasmine. He wasn't worried about leaving them alone together.

It was that very trust that ensured Soren never overstepped his boundaries.

This was the first tin years that Soren had held Yasmine in his arms.

Underneath his calm exterior, Soren's emotions were a whirlwind. He was an adult, seasoned by life's storms, and he knew how to

hide his feelings well.

He carried Yasmine into the house and placed her gently on the couch. Then he stepped back, maintaining just the right distance,

letting no one accuse him of indecency.

"Zachary doesn't need your blood," Soren said, glancing at his phone, knowing exactly what she had been up to. "We've got plenty

of people for that, people who are supposed to step in at times like this."

"They're not as fast as me," Yasmine replied, grabbing a blanket from nearby and wrapping it around herself. "I acted quickly

because the situation was urgent. Once they arrive, they can saveinstead."

Soren looked at Yasmine, swallowing the words of reprimand he had wanted to say.

Deep down, Yasmine hadn't let go of Zachary. Despite showing him a cold shoulder in public and telling everyone they were

divorced, her love for him had never faded.

No matter how nonchalant her words were, her heart still beat for him.

Soren, too, knew that his relationship with Yasmine would never be more than what they were now.

"He wouldn't want you to do this," Soren said as the housekeeper brought over a glass of water. He tested the temperature before

handing it to her. "He'd be worried sick if he knew."

Yasmine took a sip and smiled faintly, "Do you really think he would?"

"Of course," Soren said without thinking. "To put it cheesily, you're like his main artery. How could he not care?"

Holding the glass, Yasmine looked at Soren intently. She took a breath and narrowed her eyes. "How can you even say something

like that?"

Soren himself found it a bit cheesy, but it was the truth.

"Go check on him," Yasmine said, cutting off any further explanation. "He trusts you more than anyone. Stay by his side. You can

make decisions on his behalf if need be."

Soren hesitated to leave her alone.

"I'm safe at home, surrounded by all these people. What could happen?" Yasmine waved him off. "Go."

Soren nodded, "Callif you need anything."

"It would have to be a pretty big deal forto call you. I'd rather never have to," Yasmine said, implying she generally didn't

bother them with calls unless it was serious.

A twinge of concern hit Soren. "You can calleven if it's not serious."

Yasmine offered a smile. Then, as if remembering something, she asked him, "When did Delphine start hanging around with


"Delphine?" Soren frowned at the name. "Oh, she's the girl we met at the lounge a few months back. She was new on the job and

got into strouble with a client. Zachary stepped in to help her out. And then, well, she just..."

Soren watched Yasmine's reaction.

Yasmine nodded, "Ah, | see."

"She's just a young girl. He's not interested in her at all," Soren attempted to clarify on Zachary's behalf. "He's got plenty of women

around him, but it's all just for show..."

"Enough," Yasmine cut him off, not wanting to hear excuses. She knew the kind of man Zachary was, the kind of situations he

found himself in. She understood it all too well.

Dismissing him, she set down the glass, pulled the blanket tighter and closed her eyes. "You can go now."

Seeing that she clearly no longer wanted to engage, Soren left quietly.

Once outside, he instructed his men to ensure Yasmine's safety.

It was only after his car drove away that Yasmine opened her eyes.

The vast estate was a dream for many, with no shortage of people, but not a single one she could rely on.

She was alone in the end.

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Two days later, Soren texted Yasmine that Zachary had woken up.

Yasmine didn't reply.

Good for him, she thought.

She was video chatting with Jocelyn, glancing over at Euston playing by himself.

"Zachary's awake," Yasmine mentioned casually to Jocelyn.

Jocelyn peered at her. "Aren't you going to see him?"

"What for? It'll just be crowded if | go." Yasmine had cto terms with it all.

"You don't seem like you don't care, though."

Yasmine let out a dismissive chuckle. "And how am | supposed to do to seem genuinely indifferent?"

"lI don't know. It's just that, after everything you two have been through, it doesn't seem like something you can just cut off."

"Maybe it's not cut off, but it's also not something | want to fuss over. I'm nearly forty, not syoung girl yearning for romance,"

Yasmine said. "As long as I'm happy, that's what matters."

Jocelyn admired Yasmine's attitude. Of course, to truly achieve such detachment was a real milestone.

She herself wasn't there yet. If Melvin had another woman, she couldn't imagine how she would react.

Whether it was Willow or Layla, both were presences she simply couldn't stomach.





