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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 218
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Ursula and Harrison's wedding was set to be the talk of the town.

Jocelyn had no choice but to leave her little munchkin Euston in the capable hands of Yasmine.

Yasmine was more than happy to help out. She wouldn't dream of saying no.

No sooner had Jocelyn stepped out, than Melvin showed up.

“You're treating that kid like he’s pure gold,” Melvin remarked, eyeing the little one snuggled contently in Yasmine’s arms.

Yasmine glanced at his face, “Looking pretty good after your rough patch, huh?”

Melvin grunted, craning his neck this way and that, but Jocelyn was nowhere in sight. “Where's she?”

“Off to the wedding.”

“Harrison Whitman's wedding?”


Melvin pursed his lips, “They're pretty tight, aren't they?”

“Quit being bitter,” Yasmine couldn't stand his attitude. “I've got news for you.”

Melvin slouched on the couch, legs crossed. Truth be told, he hated touching anything in this house.

That couch had once been his and Jocelyn’s battlefield. He didn’t want to think about whether it was Jocelyn and her husband's

love nest.

It made his skin crawl.

“Spill it.” Melvin eventually stood up, unable to settle his inner turmoil.

“| heard she was supposed to be Ursula’s bridesmaid.”

“She almost ended up the bride herself the day she cback,” Melvin recalled the sight of Jocelyn in a wedding dress standing in

front of Harrison, and how he nearly choked on his breath.

Yasmine glared at him, “Listen, I'm serious here.”

“So what?” Melvin stopped fooling around.

“So what? Married women can’t be bridesmaids, can they?” Yasmine hinted with her eyes.

Melvin furrowed his brow, “What are you getting at?”

“Are you thick?” Yasmine looked at him with disdain. “Nobody invites a married woman to be a bridesmaid. Get it?”

“So that means...” Melvin’s brain seemed to lag, an idea flashing by but elusive.

Yasmine laid it out, “That means she’s single.”

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Melvin’s pupils dilated, staring at Yasmine as if struck by lightning.

He was speechless for a moment, just standing there.

Suddenly, Euston let out a cry.

Melvin was snapped back to reality. The odd feeling in his heart was smoothed over. “But she has a kid.”

That was something even Yasmine couldn't argue with.

Yeah, married or not, the kid was here right in front of them.

Having a child out of wedlock wasn't that uncommon anymore.

If she hadn't been serious about the guy, would she have had the baby?

“Forget it, it's none of your business anyway.” Yasmine regretted bringing it up. It was like giving him a glimmer of hope only to

snuff it out herself.

Melvin watched the baby cry and felt like crying himself.

Jocelyn arrived at the bustling wedding venue on time.

The bride and groom were still getting ready, and Jocelyn spotted her parents among the guests.

She walked over, and Daisy frowned upon seeing her, “You've lost weight?”

“Not really,” Jocelyn smiled, “I'm just right.”

“You've worked too hard,” Daisy still fretted over her, “Your dad and | have saved up. You don’t need to give us money anymore.”

Jocelyn took her parents by the arm and sat down, “I've got it under control.”

The master of the ceremony had taken the stage, and the wedding ceremony was about to begin.

As the music started, everyone turned to look at the other end of the hall.

The groom, Harrison, was striding toward the front in his suit.

Tall and elegant, with refined features, his presence captivated everyone.

His gaze found Jocelyn, sitting quietly and tenderly in the distance. Motherhood had wrapped her in an aura that made her even

more enchanting.

“Look at that fine young man,” Daisy couldn't help but lament slightly. If only such a fine lad could becher son-in-law.

Calvin nudged Daisy gently. It was a day of celebration for others, best not to get caught up in what-ifs.

Daisy knew better, she didn’t make a scene.

“Jocelyn, though your dad and | are open-minded and don’t want to rush you, don’t you think you should put a little more effort

into finding someone?” Daisy whispered to her daughter.

Seeing her mother’s worried yet hopeful face, Jocelyn felt a twinge of guilt, “Mom, love isn’t something you can force. | can’t just

settle for anyone, can 1?”

Calvin nudged Daisy again.

Daisy sighed, “Right. I'm just worrying over nothing. You and your father aren't rushed, so neither am I. I'll cto terms with it. If

| really can’t wait to have grandchildren, I'll do like old Mrs. Thompson and get myself a puppy to fuss over.”

Jocelyn was speechless.

Meanwhile, the wedding had reached its climax.

The doors opened. The bride, arm in arm with her father, stepped out into the light, a picture of warmth and happiness.

Jocelyn watched Ursula in her wedding dress, hair pinned up, revealing a beautiful face and figure accentuated by the dress.

“She’s stunning,” Daisy clapped her hands. “Jocelyn would look lovely in a wedding dress too.”

Jocelyn just smiled.

When Reuben walked Ursula toward Harrison and placed his daughter's hand in Harrison's, the weight of a father’s love was


“Take good care of her,” was all Reuben said.

Harrison gripped Ursula’s hand firmly and nodded solemnly, “I will.”

The new couple made their vows under the guidance of the priest, promising to cherish each other for life in the presence of their

parents, relatives and friends.

After exchanging engagement rings, they kissed with the blessing of the crowd.

Then cthe bouquet tossing. Ursula gazed at Jocelyn with a smile and tossed her bouquet in Jocelyn's direction.

The next second, the bouquet flew to Jocelyn’s hands and everyone turned to look at her.

Keegan Whitman and Elise also saw Jocelyn. Their fondness for her had never waned, but with their son married, they could only

harbor their regrets silently.

After all, Ursula was also very nice.

As Jocelyn was about to say something, Yasmine's call cthrough.

Jocelyn answered without hesitation, "Yasmine, what's up?"

"Euston's been throwing up like crazy. Just took him to the hospital, now I'm coming to get you. How soon can you leave your end?"

It was Melvin's voice.

Jocelyn's smile vanished, "I can leave anytime."

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"I'll be there in two minutes, meetoutside then."

After hanging up, Jocelyn grabbed her purse and apologized to Ursula, "Ursula, I've got something urgent to deal with, sorry for not

being able to stay longer."

"What's the rush?" Ursula had never seen her like this.

"I'll explain later. I've got to go." Jocelyn didn't even have tto tell her parents and hurried out the door.

Harrison caught a glimpse of Jocelyn's retreating figure, but he turned back to the guests, continuing the small talk.

Jocelyn sprinted out of the venue just as Melvin's car pulled up. She didn't bother with propriety and hopped into the passenger

seat immediately, buckling up, "What happened? He hasn't eaten anything strange these past few days, has he?"

Panic edged her voice.

Melvin drove off as soon as she was buckled in.

Hearing her anxious tone made his own heart heavy, "My sister's with him at the hospital for the tests. Don't worry."

But how could Jocelyn not worry?

Castiel had entrusted her with his child's care, and she had to live up to that trust.

Jocelyn fell silent, hoping that Euston was okay.

Melvin didn't speak either, just speeding up towards the hospital. As soon as they pulled up, Jocelyn bolted from the car, nearly

tripping up the steps.

If Melvin hadn't caught her arm, she would've hit the pavement hard.

"Thanks," Jocelyn snapped, shaking off his hand and rushing through the hospital hall straight to pediatrics.

Melvin followed, the force with which she'd shaken off his hand still lingering, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.





