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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 196
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Yasmine hit a rough patch at Jocelyn's - despite giving it her all, things just didn't pan out.

Back at Melvin's place, she looked at the gaunt figure slumped on the couch. Seeing him like this, her heart ached.

He was her brother, after all.

Melvin turned at the sound of her entering.

His eyes were hollow with disappointment at seeing her alone.

"She didn't come," he rasped, his voice so hoarse one might think he'd cried himself raw.

Yasmine's heart went out to him. "Yeah," she said softly.

"She used to careso much," Melvin murmured, gazing out the window with a voice so faint Yasmine felt the urge to cry for him.

She walked over and gently patted his shoulder. "Don't push yourself too hard. Health comes first. As long as she's not married,

there's still a chance for you."

"No chance left," Melvin breathed deeply, resignation heavy in his voice. "She won't giveanother one."

Yasmine's heart twisted with sorrow. "Then you've got to start taking care of yourself. Torturing yourself won't win her sympathy. If

there's no chance, you've got to love yourself."

Melvin closed his eyes slowly, moisture gathering at the corners.

After a while, he whispered, "Sis, I'm hungry."

Yasmine's face lit up at his words, a spark of joy breaking through. "Alright, just you wait. I'll whip something up in no time."

Once Yasmine was off to the kitchen, Melvin took out his phone. His screen wallpaper was a picture from the night with Jocelyn -

both of them together. It was all he had left to cling to.

Quinta, knowing that Jocelyn and Melvin weren't together anymore, moved out of Melvin's place and rented her own apartment.

She was now focusing all her energy on her child, hoping for success on the first try.

"Maybe | should switch doctors," Quinta fretted, not wanting to owe Melvin any favors.

"Don't bother switching," Jocelyn consoled her.

"But you and Melvin..." Quinta's concern was evident.

Jocelyn offered a weak smile. "We're over, but your health matters the most. Besides, the process has already started. We're

paying them anyway, so there's no need to worry about that."

"I just don't want to be indebted."

"Just focus on your treatment and leave the rest forto deal with," Jocelyn assured her. "Worst case, it's a debt | won't be paying


Quinta sighed heavily, looking at Jocelyn. "Why things got to be this way?"

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Things in the world often don't make sense, Jocelyn thought. "Don't worry about me. What matters now is that you follow the

doctor's suggestions and succeed on the first try."

"That's what | want too. My mom prays every day for it to work," Quinta confessed, feeling the weight of expectation. "If it works

out, great. If not, I'm afraid his parents will never letlive it down."

Jocelyn held her hand gently. "Don't worry about them. You need to relax and not overthink. Everything will be fine."

"Okay," Quinta nodded, "I know."

That afternoon, Jocelyn accompanied Quinta to the hospital for her check-up.

Leaving the hospital with the reports, they passed by a red sports car. A sharp-looking woman in a suit stepped out, her hair in a

sleek bun and sporting designer shades. She was carrying the latest designer handbag.

Adjusting her glasses, the woman gave Jocelyn a lingering glance as she passed by.

"That woman was staring at you," Quinta noticed the woman's gaze.

By the tJocelyn looked back, the woman had already entered the hospital.

Jocelyn didn't think much of it.

Quinta left for the train station to return to the town, while Jocelyn met up with Ursula.

One of their colleagues was celebrating birthday and had invited them to join.

After picking up a gift, they headed to the restaurant - an elegant bistro with vintage charm.

Arriving at the private dining room upstairs, they found the environment incredibly comfortable.

They were a bit late, and the others were already engaged in a lively gof cards.

Jocelyn brought a Dior lipstick for the birthday girl, while Ursula opted for an exquisite bracelet. It was the thought that counted,

not the price tag.

"Let's break for dinner after this round. We can continue the games afterward," suggested the birthday girl.

They gathered around the table, laughter filled the air, creating a warm and friendly atmosphere.

Suddenly, the door swung open. All eyes turned to face a stranger - the swoman from the hospital, Jocelyn recognized.

"Sorry, wrong room," the woman said with a tad embarrassment before making a graceful exit.

Jocelyn noticed the woman giving her another curious look when she left.

The festivities continued with the arrival of a cake and beautiful flowers. The husband of the birthday girl presented his wife with a

gold necklace amid the chorus of "Happy Birthday’. The crowd playfully urged them to kiss.

It was a scene of ordinary joy, and Jocelyn felt a pang of envy. The couple had been together since high school, and their love was

still as fresh as ever.

After dinner, the group moved on to a nearby karaoke bar to round off the night.

Jocelyn and Ursula trailed behind the rest of the group as they descended the stairs. A nearby private dining room door swung

open at the sound of voices, causing Jocelyn to halt momentarily.

As they rounded the staircase, those upstairs caught sight of them.

"What's this, skind of bad joke?" Ursula spotted the people above them.

Jocelyn's eyes met with the woman who had mistakenly entered the wrong room earlier, now standing beside Melvin. It was clear

they had just finished dining together.

"Let's go," Jocelyn said, urging Ursula to follow the group with a calm demeanor.

The man upstairs gazed after Jocelyn, his eyes brimming with unshed tears.

Once Jocelyn was out of sight, the woman said to the man, "Feeling upset is normal. Try to take deep breaths and don't be too hard

on yourself."

The light in Melvin's eyes had dimmed as he took the first step down, "I'm fine."

"You haven't explained your situation to her?" the woman asked as they descended together. "Logically, once you've made things

clear, she should understand you."

Melvin seemed shrouded in a palpable darkness, "It's not something to be proud of. Not telling her at the beginning means it won't

change the outcif | tell her now."

"If she truly loves you, she'll feel the pain in your heart. The effort you're putting in is proof enough of how much you love her."

"Dr. Layla..."

"I've told you before, if you don't want others to know you're a patient, then don't callDr. Layla. Just callby my first name,

Layla." the woman corrected him.

Melvin glanced at her, "I'm not used to it."

Layla smiled slightly, "It's fine as long as you don't mind others knowing you're a patient."

"Not everyone seen with a doctor is a patient."

"You're still quite rational."

Exiting the restaurant, they saw Jocelyn and her group standing outside, engaged in lively conversation.

Jocelyn's smile was as bright and radiant as ever.

"She's beautiful," Layla remarked.

Melvin withdrew his gaze and headed for his car.

He moved quickly, fearing that another glance would shatter his restraint, and he'd be tempted to whisk her away.

"lI won't accompany you," Layla said, checking her watch. "I have another patient to see soon."

"Sure," Melvin said, opening his car door.

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Before he got in, Layla reminded him, "If you're not ready to see her calmly, then it's best to avoid her and not even think about

her. Otherwise, I'm worried your condition might worsen."

Melvin's gaze uncontrollably drifted back to the group, which was now moving away. Among all those people, his eyes always could

find Jocelyn with pinpoint accuracy.

"I can't," Melvin admitted his struggle openly.

Layla frowned slightly, "She's made her choice to leave you. You can't keep clinging to her. It's best to part ways amicably. You

should consider that you might not love her as much as you think. Otherwise, why can't you control this obsession? Your

unwillingness to let go is simply because you're not used to her absence after all these years together. You don't love her. You're

just accustomed to her presence. She's no longer your woman. It’s like getting used to a worn-out garment that's comfortable but

outdated. It may be painful to part with it, but you need to let it go for the sake of your image. The process is painful, but once you

find a new outfit and wear it a few times until it fits just right, you'll be fine."

"There's no hurdle you can't overcome, no person you can't forget," Layla said, locking eyes with him. "You must believe that the

person who will be with you the longest in this world is yourself. Everyone else is just passer-by."

Melvin's expression shifted subtly as he looked at Layla, "If I still can't get over her, what should | do?"











