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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 184
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Melvin gripped Jocelyn's hand tightly, his voice steady, "I'll treat her right."

No grand declarations, just a few simple words that spoke volumes.

"That's good to hear," Daisy replied, without feeling the need to add anything else.

Those who genuinely cared for Jocelyn didn’t need to say much; their actions spoke for them. As for those who didn't, well, all the

words in the world wouldn't make a difference.

After dinner, leaving the family home, Melvin couldn't stop pondering why Daisy had said what she did.

He noticed Jocelyn seemed lost in thought and asked, "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing," she shook her head, a wistful look in her eyes. "It's just that | think parents are always the ones who love you the most

in this world."

Melvin simply looked at her for a moment, choosing neither to agree or disagree, his eyes fixed ahead.

The car had barely left the neighborhood when he finally spoke, "Yeah, you're lucky... and blessed."

Jocelyn didn't dwell on his words; instead, she let out a heavy sigh, "They just care about my happiness, that's all."


Melvin fell silent again, and so did Jocelyn, who was still wrapped up in her parents’ heartfelt sentiments.

It wasn't until they reached the base of her apartment complex that she took a deep breath, turned to Melvin with a big smile, and

said, "Alright, | was a bit down, but now let's talk about something happy."

"What's up?" Melvin asked, his curiosity piqued.

Jocelyn bit her lip, her face lighting up with excitement as she rummaged through her purse and pulled out a little booklet, "Look,

my mom gavethis."

Melvin saw the words on the cover and felt a jolt in his heart.

"Surprised?" Jocelyn caressed the leather cover. "That's why my mom had so much to say to you. Both she and my dad have given

us their blessing."

The happiness radiated from her face.

Previously, Melvin had never brought up marriage, and then her parents objected. But now, all obstacles seemed to have vanished.

"We can get the marriage certificate first and worry about a wedding later, whenever we're ready," Jocelyn mused, believing the

ceremony wasn't as important as being together.

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In the end, it wasn't about the wedding day but the marriage itself. As long as there was love, every day felt ceremonial.

Noticing Melvin's silence, Jocelyn tilted her head and asked, "Why so quiet?"

Melvin's fingers twitched slightly, his heartbeat erratic.

"Have you really thought this through?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Of course," Jocelyn waved the booklet. "Getting Mom's approval wasn't easy. Wait, are you having second thoughts?"

Realizing his lack of enthusiasm, she suddenly felt anxious.

Shaking his head, Melvin reassured her, "If you're sure, that's all that matters."

"I've been sure for a while," Jocelyn said, slipping the booklet back into her purse and grasping his hand. "Let's take the day off

tomorrow and head to the registry office."

Jocelyn's eyes twinkled with hope and joy as she looked at Melvin, envisioning their future together.

His hand remained stiff in hers.

He watched her, her face alight with joy; his own body tense, but he nodded in agreement.

Her excitement bubbled over as she hugged him and planted a kiss on his lips, "Love you!"

Her uninhibited joy and the sparkle in her eyes eased the tightness in Melvin's chest.

"Let's go hnow. We want to be the first couple at the registry tomorrow," she said, stepping out of the car and beckoning him

to follow. When he didn't move, she opened his door. "Con."

Melvin, looking at her beaming face, swallowed hard. "Let's not stay together tonight since we're registering tomorrow."

She blinked in surprise. "Why not?"

"It's like an old tradition; the bride and groom aren't supposed to see each other the night before the wedding because it might

bring bad fortune to our marriage," Melvin explained awkwardly.

Jocelyn laughed. "And here | thought you weren't the superstitious type. Besides, back then, couples didn't live together before

marriage like we do."

"I'm just worried | might be too excited tonight and keep you up," he said with a slight smile. "We don't want to miss our

‘auspicious moment."

She raised an eyebrow, half-amused, "If that's how you feel, | can live with it. So, you're really not coming up?"

"Yeah." Melvin gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"Alright then. I'll play along with your little tradition," she said, caressing his face. "Nervous?"

He cracked a smile, "A bit."

Jocelyn was taken aback by the sweat on his palm, "Wow, you really are nervous."

He opened his hand, noticing the thin layer of sweat.

"I'm not even nervous, and here you are, sweating bullets," she teased, pinching his cheek. "Get srest. Should | take a cab, or

will you pickup tomorrow?"

Looking into her sparkling eyes, Melvin felt a pang in his chest but managed to say, "Let's meet at the registry office."

"Fine by me," Jocelyn said, giving his chin a playful squeeze. "Dress sharp; we're taking photos."

"Will do," he nodded.

Watching him try to hide his nerves, Jocelyn found it endearing.

She let go, took out her phone, and positioned herself for a selfie with Melvin in the background. Bending slightly, she gave a

thumbs-up to the camera and snapped the picture.

After admiring the photo, she zoomed in on Melvin and chuckled, "Capturing your pre-wedding jitters."

Melvin couldn't help but laugh along.

"Enough chit-chat," Jocelyn said, closing his car door. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," he replied, nodding.

As Jocelyn walked away, she kept glancing back, waving her phone at him.

She had sent him the selfie they'd just taken.

Melvin opened the photo on his phone, staring at the image of them captured in that fleeting moment.

In the photo, her smile was radiant- the kind of joy unmistakable to the naked eye. Behind her, he appeared like a deer caught in

headlights, ready to bolt at any moment.

Jocelyn had already arrived home. She turned on the lights, stood on the balcony, and called Melvin, "Why haven't you left yet?"

"Uh," Melvin looked up at her.

He couldn't see her clearly, but he knew she was there.

A soft chuckle escaped from Jocelyn, "Can't bear to part? Why don't you cup?"

"You should get srest early," Melvin didn't take the bait to go up.

"Alright then. You better head back soon, too. You'll need to be fresh for tomorrow."


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After hanging up, Melvin stole one more glance. She was waving at him from the balcony.

Taking a deep breath, Melvin floored the gas pedal and drove away.

The next morning, an alarm clock jolted Jocelyn awake.

Excitement from the night before had kept her tossing and turning in bed, and fearing she might oversleep, she set the alarm for

7:30 AM.

Jocelyn hurriedly got up, freshened up, and applied light makeup. She slipped into a crisp white blouse she had bought for the

occasion, threw on a jacket, and headed out the door.











