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The Tanaka Family Reincarnates

Chapter 347
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Splat! [Part 4]

Emma and Koumei appeared at impeccable timing.

“Fufufu, we came running upon your call…”

“Meow meow meooowwww♪”

They were completely in sync.

“Wait! Nee-sama, why?!”


“Huh, M-Marion?! Even Lady Francesca and the twins too?! …more than that, more than anything, the cat is huge!!!”

William and the prince voiced out their surprise at Emma, Koumei, and the ladies’ sudden arrival.

Arthur was further shocked by the cat’s size.

“Oh, Arthur-sama. This child is our pet cat, Koumei-san♡”


“What a polite greeting… huh? …huh?”

Although Arthur shouted, “The cat’s huge!” out of reflex, he was confused about whether he could call it a cat.

“It’s Koumei-san the cat. You know it too, right? Doesn’t Emma-sama embroider it often?”


“M-Marion… Eh? No, cat, you said… HUh? What? The cat on those embroideries is this huge in actual size?”

The beast before his eyes was certainly exactly the same as the pattern of one of the four cats Emma liked to embroider, but it was impossible for him to just accept it and say, “Ah, I see.”

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“That, um…”

Moreover, he couldn’t understand why he was the only one shocked by the cat’s size even though it was clearly strange.

The gaze of Prince Edward before him was only fixed on Emma in front of this huge cat.

“Emma, this place is dangerous. Why did you come to such a place… Woah!”

Worried about Emma, the prince ran up to her but was threatened by Koumei’s hiss.

“Ah, Koumei-san! Don’t hiss at His Highness.”


“Yes, His Highness is not a bad person, okay?”


“I apologize, Your Highness. It seems she recalls the time I was injured in the local barrier hazard…”

Thinking that everyone present at that time was enemies, Koumei hissed at the prince subconsciously because she still remembered his scent.

“It’s alright. Koumei-san, I thank you for protecting me from the slimes that day.”

Edward bowed his head to Koumei wholeheartedly.

If Koumei hadn’t come, Emma, the prince, and George wouldn’t be alive.


“Koumei-san said you’re welcome, Your Highness.”

“Your Highness! Why would you thank a cat(?)… Wait, has Lady Emma been translating the cat since earlier…?”

‘Just what is going on.’ Arthur, who couldn’t read the situation alone, sought help from George with his eyes.

“Ah! Right! Koumei-san, can you silence His Majesty who is going berserk over there?”

George noticed Arthur’s pleading eyes but wasn’t sensitive enough to guess his feelings correctly.


“…Nii-sama, what’s up with His Majesty hustling wild while covered in blood over there?”

Emma asked with a trembling voice after seeing the king slashing a monster while yelling, “WOO HOO!”

“Emma, don’t look!”

Only less than two years had passed since that local barrier hazard. The prince misunderstood that Emma trembled because she recalled that time and got worried.

“I-It’s a waste of monsters!”

However, Emma’s eyes were fixed on the king and monsters.


“The flying monster squirrels… the gloves have all been ruined since earlier.”


“William and Nii-sama too, what were you two doing letting this go on for so long until it became like this?! This is outright outrageous… Oh, Your Majesty, c’mon… Just what is this… Seriously…”

Emma stared at the king, shivering, or rather, trembling.

(Ah, the pile of slashed flying monster squirrels at His Majesty’s feet are all wasted… It’s a waste, but… His Majesty swinging a sword and being bathed in blood is so cool!)


William looked at his older sister with cold eyes after noticing she had been engrossed in admiring the cool old man since who knows when.


“…Anyway, Koumei-san. Can you stop that king?”

George asked Koumei while helping Emma and the twins get down from Koumei’s back.

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*trot trot trot* Koumei started running toward the king.

“Ah! Wait, it’s dangerous! George-kun, will that cat be alright?!”

‘The king in berserk mode is strong enough to defeat monsters bigger than him. There’s no way a cat that’s only big in size can stop him.’ Arthur panicked.

“It’s gonna be alright, I’m tellin’ ya. Look.”

George grinned and pointed at the king, and right at that moment, the cat trampled the king with its forefoot.


“ “ “Ah……” ” ”

The violent king turned silent.

“Huh? …Did it go splat just now?”

Arthur opened his mouth timidly, but no one locked eyes with him.


Author’s words:

Crisis: Ah… The King is in a crisis! Hey, Serious, the King is… ah, right. Serious has already…”

Serious: Wait, I’m still alive, tho?

Crisis: Eh?

Serious: Eh? I’m alive… right?

Crisis: …….

Serious: Eh? …Eh?

Rom-Com Geeky Lady: A reunion with the ghost of one’s dead lover… Does it not sound like a cheap storyline? Still, I don’t despise it.

Serious: Eh?