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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 880
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Frustrated and angry, Kurt swore that if he caught the damned human boy, he would torture him to death in the most cruel


As luck would have it, while he still fumed and raged, feeling on the edge, he received a message from Carp, sent through beast

soul energy.

Carp informed him that

they had found traces of the boy. They had clues to indicate that the boy had left the sea bed, heading to the Outer Third Ring of

the sea.

On receiving the message, Kurt, through his beast soul energy, promptly issued an order to

hunt down and kill the human teenager.

After issuing the order, he quickly jumped out of the sea, turned into a red light and chased Austin wherever he went.

Not to be left out of the action, the three other sea beasts of the Transformation Realm also jumped onto the bandwagon, right

behind Kurt.

Soon, all the beasts in the Second Outer Ring of the sea joined the chase. By the look of things, if Austin was going to survive the

onslaught, it would take a miracle.

The whole Second Outer Ring of the sea was in a frenzy, everyone on the hunt for the boy.

In the distance, across the vast expanse of the sea, a figure flickered in and out of sight, leaping forward.

That was Austin — staying relatively a safe distance ahead. As to how long that advantage would last, was anybody's guess.

But at the moment, he was quite satisfied with the speed of his Thunderbolt Movement Skill.

Using rapid improvements, Austin seemed to adept at tapping the spiritual essence of both wind and lightning.

Clearly he could feel the thunder and lightning that kept rumbling behind him as he moved.

To his advantage, Austin also had far better awareness of the wind in the surrounding space than before.

Riding on the slightest tide of available, he moved with far much ease.

In addition to Austin's vital energy, the Thunderbolt Movement Skills he was utilizing relied mainly on three forces —

wind, thunder and lightning, and his own vital energy.

Gradually, he began to immerse himself in two intent realms of wind and thunder at the stime.

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He knew that this kind of state was precious but easy to disappear.

If he did not make good use of it while it lasted, he would have to wait a long tfor the reappearance.

Hence, he focused all his energy using the Thunderbolt Movement Skill, without the need to worry about whether all the sea beasts

were after him.

Soon, he was so enraptured that he forgot about everything around him.

His soul, intertwined with the wind and thunder, and radiating a powerful force, was out of his control.

Images of wild gusts of wind and flashes of lightning filled his mind.

With every passing minute, Austin appreciated the essential law of the wind and thunder.

From tto time, he could feel a significant increase in his speed.

Thus gaining momentum with every surge of energy, in a short time, he was clocking several kilometers per minute.

Meanwhile, as he enjoyed using his Thunderbolt Movement Skill, Kurt chased after him seven or eight kilometers behind, riding on

a monstrous water python.

Running at full speed, he created such a powerful wave that he left a trail of destruction in his wake.

Not far behind him, there were three sea beasts of the Transformation Realm following him closely.

Kurt's beast soul energy sensed the presence of a human intruder, somewhere ahead. Without a doubt, it was the teenager he was

looking for.

What shocked Kurt, however, was how the boy could achieve the unbelievable speeds he was detecting.

When Kurt started the chase, the boy was barely moving.

At that pace, Kurt was pretty sure catching the kid would be a cinch.

Now, Kurt was even struggling to keep pace, which made him both desperate and angry.

Never had he expected a challenge this big from a mere boy at the Imperial Realm.

The impression Kurt had of the martial artists of the Imperial Realm among humans was something far less difficult than what he

was dealing with now.

Under normal circumstances, among sea beasts, the Transformation Realm where Kurt was at would compare to the Astral Realm

among humans.

Effortlessly, he could make minced meat of men at the Imperial Realm in their thousands.

That was as easy as a pie.

For a period of fifteen minutes, Austin swam in an incredible surge of the Thunderbolt Movement Skill

When at last the wave receded, he realized he was propelled even further and was hurtling at unimaginable speeds.

Quickly, he used his spiritual sense to explore what was happening behind him.

Scanning back, about six or seven kilometers, he detected four sea beasts at the Transformation Realm.

Likewise, he also used his spiritual sense

to scan the sea ahead.

He lifted his eyes and thought, 'lt seems I'm at the junction of the Second Outer Ring and the Third Outer Ring of the sea.’

Promptly, he summoned Olivia, the second princess of the mermaid tribe from the City.

At once, Olivia appeared on a giant palm tree that Austin had created with his vital energy.

"Look, Olivia, are we close to the junction of the Second Outer Ring and the Third Outer Ring of the sea?"

he inquired.

Studying the surroundings keenly, Olivia smiled.

"Yes, we are!

We are about to arrive at the Third Outer Ring of the sea.

You brought us here!

That's amazing!"

Olivia was so excited that she almost jumped on Austin.

"Ha-ha, I'll do what | promised you,"

Austin smiled.

"So, let's move! We are so close to our destination!"

With that, he sent Olivia back to the City, and used the Thunderbolt Movement Skill to shoot to his destination like a meteor.

Just then, he heard a rumbling sound, coming from the ahead.

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On the waves of that sound, many sea beasts jumped out of the water, forming teams.

Leading the pack was a gigantic white flood dragon, over a kilometer long.

Behind him, countless beasts leaped in and out of the water, forming a funnel-shaped barrier to block Austin.

The white flood dragon leading the onslaught had scales as big as a man's palm, and a head, very similar to the other dragons, but

without horns. Every move he made was confident and dignified.

With a single look at the dragon, Austin knew this was a high-level beast master.

Oozing of arrogance, then dragon began to taunt Austin.

"Ha-ha, poor young man. You didn't expect to meethere, did you?

Kurt just toldthat you're bringing that two bitches from the mermaid tribe to the Third Outer Ring of the sea, so | just laid an

ambush at the junction of the Second Outer Ring and the Third Outer Ring.

| knew you'd fall into a snare, and then I'd easily catch you.

My father always praised my eight brothers for being excellent and independent.

But he always scoldedfor being stupid and incompetent.

Today, | will present you

and the two bitches from the mermaid tribe to my old man, just to prove him wrong.

This givesjust the perfect chance to make him forever change his mind about me.

It's a once in a lifetopportunity to win my dad's approval."

The white flood dragon slightly swayed his colossal frame.

With his lantern-like eyes, squinting with excitement, he peered at Austin.


This guy is..."

An idea flashed through Austin's mind.


You are the son of the Cyan Flood Dragon King?"