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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 830
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The dragon seemed to be both real and illusory. Shrouded by a thick layer of turquoise elixir essence, it was only faintly visible and

highly mysterious.

Because of that, Austin was unable to sense its strength.

The illusory dragon lowered its head and gazed down upon Austin with its great piercing eyes for a brief moment.


A bloodcurdling dragon claw suddenly grabbed at him at lightning speed.

Austin dared not to make light of the dragon, and so he hurriedly delivered a punch upwards and dashed to avoid oncoming claw.


A muffled sound was heard.

Austin felt a tremendous force coming from the skies right before he was sent crashing out of control to the bottom of the well.

Despite being greatly surprised, with the help of his vital energy and physical strength, he managed to only drop a few hundred

meters before he was able to steady himself.

Due to the sudden force inflicted upon him, his blood and vital energy messed with his energy meridians, causing him to feel a

tightness in his chest.

‘This dragon is so bloody powerful!" Austin thought, as he tried to center his energy again.

He knew that he was no match for this entity.


The huge body of the illusory dragon above Austin spiraled down along the well wall rapidly.

Again, a giant dragon claw grabbed at Austin.

As the situation called for desperate measures, Austin started to exercise the Thunderbolt Movement Skill. In a flash, he was able

to descend another hundred meters

in order to avoid the new attack from the dragon.

After its second attack missed Austin, the dragon seemed to have stopped and instead decided to guard Austin on the well wall.

This new development gave Austin an insight as to what the dragon's intentions were. 'This beast must be standing on guard to

stopfrom escaping, '

he thought resignedly.

Without any new plan of action, he decided to observe the dragon above him for a few moments.

Its whole body was the color of cyan, and it exuded a thick fragrance of herbal elixirs continuously.

'Is it possible that this dragon was transformed from the accumulated waste elixir essence that has been in this Abandoned Elixirs

Cellar for years?"

With that, an absurd idea cto Austin's head. . . .

Just as Austin was polishing the plan that had popped up in his head and was staring at the cyan dragon along the well wall, all of a

sudden, something drastic happened beneath him.

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The space had suddenly turned extremely unstable and was beginning to somehow twist!

Austin could feel that waves of tremendous energy were accumulating in a rapid pace.

As fast as it started, it stopped.

Howl... howl... howl... howl...

Four deafening howls were suddenly rang out from the space below, and that echoed off the well walls!

Once again, the space moved incessantly, but this time, it was evident that something was moving down there due to the rumbling

that could be heard. .

With the help of his spiritual sense, Austin sensed another four dragons, all real yet illusory, and they were coming for him!

One was red, one was yellow, one was white and one was black.

Four dragons with different four colors were waiting for Austin below.

Horrifying waves of energy fluctuated around each dragon.

Five dragon, five colors. One would almost think that it was the end for Austin.

But then his idea cinto play.

‘Cyan means Wood, red means Fire, white means Metal, black means Water and yellow means Earth, ' he ran through his head, as

he began to calculate the new situation.

'All these five dragons share one common point.

They all have the thick fragrance of elixirs.

It is well known that those five elements compose everything in the universe.

Elixirs are no exception, '

he continued in his head, a smile forming on his lips.

'Could it be that these five dragons were the manifestations of those five elements? And that they were borne out of the waste

elixir essence that has accumulated here, in the Abandoned Elixirs Cellar?*

As if to confirm his theory, he began looking around once again-- first at the cyan dragon above, then at the four remaining

dragons down below him.

His wild guess was somewhat absurd, but it was the only explanation that was possible given all of the conditions he was facing.

But then again, he wouldn't be facing any of these conditions if he had just listened to Elder Drew's warnings. He did tell Austin to

not go deep into the cell, but he did, and that was what caused the appearance of the dragons.

"If Elder Drew made sure to warnabout a certain danger in this well, then he must have already known about these dragons

then," he whispered to himself. . . .

"Okay, Austin," he whispered, talking to himself. "How should you get out of here?"

He was already no match to the cyan dragon above him;

he wouldn't be any kind of match to the other four that were waiting below him.

And with that, he started regretting his stupid decision.

Because of his hardheadedness and greed for elixir essence, he got himself trapped inside this well!


The white dragon below Austin let out a low growl as it moved its body slightly.

While he was busy contemplating his stupidity, it had already closed in on him from below.

The Metal of the Five Elements signified sharpness, and the while dragon wasn't afraid to show the full extent of its


No doubt that it was the first one to launch an attack against Austin.

Aside from being its nature, the white dragon was also incredibly powerful. In the area where its white claws were, the air

evaporated, and the space twisted, collapsed and becvacuum!

Seeing this, Austin couldn't help letting out a sigh. Truly, he was no match for such a powerful creature.

And also, even if he was, the other four dragons would definitely swarm and tear him apart if he dared to do anything reckless.

"Well, desperate times call for desperate measures!"

After taking a deep breath, Austin linked up to the City in his pocket through his mind and he was able to get himself teleported.

Within a fraction of a second, he appeared on a street in the City.

Under Austin's control, he promptly turned the City into a grain of sand, and instantly plummeted to the bottom of the well.

He could hide himself in the City, but he would be unable to control the movement of it.

Silently, the City fell to the bottom of the well, through the mighty dragons. .

The white dragon missed its attack, but moreover, it found that the human before it had suddenly vanished.

It flew into a rage, throwing its head back while growling furiously.

Then, its huge white body spiraled up and down the well wall at rapid speed, trying to find any trace of Austin.

Now, Austin was inside the City, defeated and gloomy.

He had already spent over an hour in the Abandoned Elixirs Cellar.

He was sure that Elder Drew would cand look for him here in person

if he didn't go back in time.

He could by no means stay here for too long.

But despite that, he had no choice -- five dragons with horrifying strength were guarding him outside his little City.

He also entertained the possibility that Elder Drew wouldn't csave him, so he decided that he still had to try his best to escape

out of the well. With this in mind, he took a deep breath and teleported himself out of the City.

The moment he reappeared at the bottom of the well, the attacks began instantly.

The red dragon's claw slammed over head against him.

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It had now becclear that these dragons were extremely sensitive to

anything that was happening inside the well, because the exact moment he reappeared, all the five dragons turned their heads

towards his direction and lunged at him in an instant.

The bottom of the well inside the Abandoned Elixirs Cellar was as wide as a few kilometers, and so there was enough space for

Austin to move and dodge the oncoming attacks.

Austin exercised his Thunderbolt Movement Skill immediately and vanished. Moments later, he appeared in another position.


Before he could even get back on his feet, Austin found himself under attack once again.

This time, it was the yellow dragon who slammed its claw over his head!

'These beasts are too deft and quick!"

Austin groaned inwardly.

Once again, he hurriedly exercised his Thunderbolt Movement Skill and soared up, in an attempt to get out of the well.


A huge dragon tail covered with dense black scales the size of bowl rim made a heavy blow to his head from above before he could

reach his destination.

Working together closely, the five dragons started launching a combined attack against Austin.

Even Austin's swift bodily movement skill wouldn't be able to dodge the dragons’ combined attack. . .

Sneakily, a yellow dragon claw attacked Austin from beside and it landed squarely on his abdomen.

A horrifying and tremendous force surged up.

Greatly astonished, it was too late for Austin to teleport himself into his City.


The yellow dragon's claw directly reached into Austin's elixir field.

These five dragons were indeed formed by the waste elixir essence accumulated in the Abandoned Elixirs Cellar over hundreds of

years as illusory creatures.

Because of that, the yellow dragon claw easily penetrated Austin's body.

Also, the dragon was intelligent enough to realize the elixir field was the source of strength in a warrior's body, and with that

information, it made the move to destroy Austin's elixir field once and for all.

A warrior whose elixir field was destroyed would by no means be able to cultivate vital energy anymore, not to mention martial

arts skills.

At this moment, Austin was almost in despair. This attack would destroy him, and the dragons knew that! It sent a shiver down his


But all of a sudden, a ball of dazzling golden light burst out in his elixir field.

The yellow dragon immediately let out a plaintive whine!