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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 793
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Before Brent's Space Ring could hit the ground, Austin had already caught sight of it from the corner of his eyes. He quickly unleashed a vital energy force, grabbed the Space Ring and pulled it into his own Space Ring. Now the enemy's weapon bechis property.

"No!" Lu cried at the top of his voice.

"Austin, you bloody bastard! You will have a painful death for killing so many of our men!" Lu was now burning with hatred. His eyes turned red as if blood was about to spurt to his foe.

In his fury, Lu activated his level ten surge intent. Huge tides of great power were instantly formed from his fist, shaking the air in the entire area. They rushed towards the gnwith a thundering sound.

The little beast dared not to meet such waves of strength. He used his Space Teleportation and fled, vanishing into thin air.

The next instant, he reappeared beside Austin.

Having killed a cultivator at the medium stage of Master Realm, Austin certainly would not fear Lu, who had only reached the preliminary stage of Master Realm.

Using his spiritual sense, Austin broke into Lu's Soul Sea. Soon enough, a spiritual demon materialized in Lu's conscious mind, together with twenty Spiritual Sense Flying Spears.

The gnalso unleashed two to three spiritual beast claws into Lu's Soul Sea.

Under Austin and the gnome's coordination, Lu's spiritual soul had no way to withstand the attacks. Punches, stabs, and bites rained on his spiritual soul relentlessly, creating invisible but painful wounds.

The fiercest attack cfrom the spiritual demon--who clung onto Lu's spiritual soul--biting, beating, and slamming it like it was torturing its prey.

The pain and pressing attacks caused Lu to lose his balance in the air. He flung his arms around his head and was forced into a passive fetal position. After a few seconds, he couldn't stand straight anymore and started writhing with pain.

His relatively weak spiritual sense had made matters worse. Although he had reached the preliminary stage of Master Realm, his spiritual sense was still quite average--sometimes even weaker than sother cultivators of his level.

Austin and the gnhad obviously hit Lu's soft spot. The spiritual attacks from both Austin and the gnwere at least equal to those from two Astral Realm cultivators. There was no way that Lu could resist such kind of massive attacks with his weak spiritual sense.

Austin seized the chance to lunge at Lu. Before Lu could even see it clearly, Austin had already channeled all of his seven hundred thousand pounds of physical strength into his fist and struck it violently at him. This was the last straw for Lu, a Master Realm cultivator. It only took Austin several punches to smash Lu's body into pieces of flesh and bones, which eventually fell to the ground lifelessly.

Right after Austin ultimately defeated Lu, he sucked out the latter's Space Ring with spiritual sense and put it in his own.

After all, the collection of a Master Realm cultivator was likely to be of suitable value. Austin thought there could be ssurprises init.

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At this point, the stronghold of the Sky Sect had also suffered a heavy setback, with nearly eighty percent of its disciples killed by the hundreds of corpse demons driven by blood lust.

Those who were still alive were demoralized by the defeat and desperate to escape.

Through the burning fires and black smoke, one could see that the spots where the pavilions, terraces, and open halls once stood were now one mass of flame. It smelled death everywhere, like the fire that kept raging skyward was the only living thing left.

The whole place was ruined, and everything that involved the stronghold was totally wiped out today.

The wind had carried the sound and smell of the tragic incident to the nearby places. Many cultivators in the Daylight City had sensed the turmoil, and they all becalarmed.

Weak or strong, most of them sent out their spiritual sense, reaching to the stronghold and investigating the situation inside.

The castellan of the city had also dispatched several armies that rushed over the place.

Austin knew that the longer they stayed, the more perilous their situation would become.

Without any hesitation, he summoned all the corpse demons back to the corpse nourishing bag. Together with the gnome, he left the remains of the stronghold as quickly as he could.

Before he left, however, he had not forgotten to do one last thing.

He found a broken wall, and on its remaining part, he wrote, "This was all Austin's doing.". . .

News traveled fast. Within a few days, talks about Austin's rooting up the Sky Sect stronghold in the Daylight City spread around the whole Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom. The fact that Austin was a young man, who had merely refined at the premium stage of the Sky Realm, shocked most of them.

Soon, Austin's nwas spoken throughout the whole kingdom, and the young lad instantly becinfamous.

People at the headquarters of the Sky Sect were all in wrath hearing the news. The angry voice of the sect's leader and the many elders thundered throughout the headquarters. Many tables, chairs, and other objects at sight were thrown, knocked over, or simply reduced to dust under their fists.

From that day on, Austin's nwas put on the main hit list of the Sky Sect. He bectheir sworn enemy.

What was more, the Sky Sect had sent out every last of the Ten Prominent Disciples of Punishment Branch to hunt Austin down.

It consisted only of Master Realm masters, with its weakest one cultivating at the medium stage of Master Realm.

Each of them was really a talented cultivator, who was even able to easily match and kill people with higher levels than themselves. Killing was almost a routine for those men.

It was rather fair to say that they were of the first ranks among the young men in the Sky Sect. By sending them to hunt Austin, the Sky Sect's determination of taking their revenge was thus evident.

But the Sky Sect was not the only one who was in chase of Austin.

Several other noted sects in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom were also in search of him. They wanted something other than Austin's life.

The news that Austin had found a precious treasure in the Sunset Mountain had also spread. It was said that the treasure once belonged to an Emperor Realm master.

That information was enough to intrigue and excite cultivators within the kingdom. All of them, single-handed or in a team, were eager to find Austin and take the treasure from him. . .

After they left the Daylight City, Austin continued his journey--day and night. Instead of taking the main roads, he traveled through deep mountains and deserted roads to avoid being found.

Austin knew very clearly that once the Sky Sect found out what he had done in the Daylight City, a frantic chase after him would be inevitable.

He was a confident man, but never a presumptuous one who didn't know his position and situation.

And right now, he was in a perilous position, knowing that many cultivators--with higher cultivation base--were after him.

He might be able to deal with one or two Master Realm cultivators, but once the Sky Sect sent more of their master-hands to kill him, that would be a totally different kind of story.

Everyone knew that the Sky Sect was one of the most powerful sects in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom. It was comparable to the Veritable Demon Sect in terms of its overall strength and reputation.

Since Dahlia's father, who was a great master in the Veritable Demon Sect, could take Austin's life as if he was killing an insect, Austin believed that there must be someone as powerful as him in the Sky Sect as well.

And he was not wrong. After all, the Sky Sect boasted powerful disciples and leaders with excellent cultivation base.

At that thought, Austin had an increased sense of crisis and then quickened his pace.

Two days later, he arrived at a small mountain range, a hundred and fifty thousand miles away from the Daylight City.

He stopped for a rest in a secluded valley in the middle of the mountain. It was a rather beautiful place, serene and peaceful in the fine and warm weather--too far from the chaotic scene from which Austin had just fled.

Deep in the valley, Austin was sitting cross-legged. A golden seal was floating in the air in front of him.

The seal was one of the treasures Austin got from Brent, the steward of the Sky Sect he had killed days ago.

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It was a low-grade divine weapon, and Austin knew what to expect of such a weapon since his Purple Vital Stone was also one of that grade.

Now that the seal fell into his hands, Austin decided to own it and make good use of it.

He scrutinized it for a while but found nothing special. He then unleashed his spiritual sense and studied it from within.

Moments later, he found Brent's spiritual sense mark inside the seal.

Slowly and carefully, Austin doubled the strength of his spiritual sense and continuously attacked the mark. Breath flowed in and out for dozens of times, and the mark was finally erased by Austin.

He hurriedly imprinted his own spiritual sense mark on that sspot, and almost instantly, a strange feeling of connection rushed over him.

At the stime, information about the seal suddenly appeared in his Soul Sea.

Now Austin knew that the seal was called the Golden Emperor Seal, and as he had guessed, it was a low-grade divine weapon.

He stretched out his hand and pressed one of his fingers on the seal. His vital energy was then directed into it from his fingertip.

The next thing he knew, a burst of dazzling golden light broke out from the seal. In that beaming brightness, the majesty of an emperor could be felt, and praises of his followers could be heard. The feeling, although subtle, could make one humble.

Austin had felt something more about the magic seal. He learned that when it attacked, it could also demoralize the enemy, making them surrender like servants who worshiped their king.

So it was actually more powerful than the Purple Vital Stone in sways.

He decided to give it a try. With a wave of his hand, he pumped up its size over ten times and threw it sideways.

Boom! A tremendous crash drowned all the sounds in the valley.

The mountain, hit by the seal, shook fiercely with its force, and a massive hole over ten meters wide was dug around the spot where it landed. The mud and rocks, which splashed up into the sky, were now falling down like heavy rain, disfiguring the beautiful valley.

Austin raised his hand and fended off the mud that cat him. He waved again, and the seal flew back to him while shrinking back to its original size.

Feeling quite satisfied, he turned his attention to the two Space Rings he had just got. He took them out of his own Space Ring and studied them thoroughly.

One of them belonged to Brent, and the other to Lu.

Both Brent and Lu were Master Realm cultivators, which was the reason for Austin to believe that he could find prized possessions in their collections.

He hoped to find more practical things--divine weapons, books on martial arts, or other valuable treasures.

Weapons like the Golden Emperor Seal or the Purple Vital Stone, for Austin, would do.