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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 3680
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"Arrest all of them!"

As Austin and his companions hurried to the ancestral land of the Wu Clan, members of the beast race rushed towards them. Soon

they were surrounded, trapped in a circle of beast race members while they stood in the center.

The battle just now between Austin and the medium-grade divine god of the beast race had already alerted and shocked the entire

Wu Star.

Numerous ferocious-looking monsters, creatures from the isolated alien spaces, and sgods of darkness arrived with murderous

will. Their goal was to block and defeat and Austin and his companions.

Austin stood in the center of the circle, staring out at the enemies surrounding him. He opened his mouth.

Instantly, the purple flying sword flew out, slashing with violence at everything in its path. It left a billowing trail of sword radiance.

Then it whirled towards Austin's opponents with a deep rumbling noise.

The speed of the flying sword was almost equal to the speed of Austin's spiritual sense. It reached its target almost as soon as

Austin willed it to happen.

It swished through the air with deadly accuracy.

The flying sword was incomparably sharp. Wherever it slashed, it cut through all the living beings standing in its way. The speed of

the sword left the members of the beast race with no tto resist or evade the attack. They were killed where they stood, sliced

into pieces and a mist of blood rising where they had fallen.

Austin's combat capabilities had always been like this. When he was up against cultivators who were inferior to him, or even at the

slevel, he could kill them in an instant.

He was even capable of fighting alone against a whole group of cultivators, and defeating all of them.

Around Austin, a vast expanse of vivid sword waves soared and danced like a glowing purple dragon. Austin roared and reinforced

the energy pouring out into the flying sword, fully intending to kill every single member of the beast race that rushed towards him.

Ennis, Fletcher, and Shepard followed closely behind Austin. They were not worried about fighting back, since it was clear that

Austin had it all under control.

The three of them watched Austin's purple flying sword slaughtering their enemies without mercy. Although each of them had their

own reasons to be angry with the beast race, the brutal sight sent a chill through their hearts.

"Legend has spoken of something called the Flying Swordsmanship. Whoever has mastered that skill is said to be capable of killing

people with ease, and capable of fetching things that are thousands of miles away. From what we have seen of Austin... is his skill

the Flying Swordsmanship?

It supposedly originated in a universe community known as the three thousand big and small universes,"

Ennis speculated, his gaze fixed on the dazzling radiance of the flying purple sword. Austin's control and mastery of the sword was

astonishing to him, as he had never seen anything like it.

"That's right.

Austin is using the Flying Swordsmanship.

He knows the skill because he is from the three thousand big and small universes, which is indeed where it was first developed,"

Shepard explained.

"I see. Then the rumors are true... The Flying Swordsmanship is really amazing.

Shepard, your friend is so young, but he has such terrifying strength. It's shocking,"

Ennis said, shaking his head in awe.

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"To be frank, Uncle Ennis, Austin's strength is much more powerful than you can imagine. You will gain a better understanding of

his abilities as you spend more twith him,"

Shepard said.

Austin and his companions moved with lightning speed.

They arrived at the ancestral land of the Wu Clan in the space of a few seconds.

There was a huge ridge rising up from the ground, shaped like an enormous sprawling dragon. Around them, countless peaks

soared high into the sky, as far as the eye could reach. The land was riddled with winding caves and places that emanated

auspicious auras.

Numerous divine mountains floated in the sky, shrouded in thick chaotic energy.

The overall effect was one of holiness and serenity.

This place was indeed sacred. It was the perfect place for cultivation.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the ancestral land of the Wu Clan was completely surrounded by the members of the beast race.

The strongest in their ranks were several dozen cultivators at the divine god level.

There was a premium-grade divine god, several medium-grade divine gods, and dozens of preliminary-grade divine gods among

the members of the beast race.

Given their immense collective strength, it was impossible for the Wu Clan to resist their attack.

However, there was an ancient array deployed in the ancestral land of the Wu Clan.

This ancient array had been set up by the ancestor of the Wu Clan, a powerful cultivator who had once been famous across the

whole Sea of Chaos.

That ancestor had led his kin during the most glorious era of the Wu Clan. He had been ranked among the top few martial arts

masters of the Sea of Chaos in his time.

Even now, the Wu Clan still benefited from the resources left by their ancestor. The cultivation methods and other resources

passed down within their clan had made the Wu Clan one of the most powerful races in the entire Black Cosmos.

The ancient array set up in their ancestral land was one of the treasures he had left behind.

Although this array had been eroded by the flow of tover the passage of years, it still had a strong power.

The army of the beast race had in fact been attempting to attack the array for several days now, yet they still hadn't managed to

do any serious damage.

Within the ancestral land of the Wu Clan, there was a group of martial arts masters who fought against the army of the beast race

with the power of the array.

"Humph! The most precious treasures and cultivation skills of our clan are all kept in our ancestral land. The beast race must know

this. It must be why they have been attacking the array so fiercely,"

Ennis said to Austin, sounding concerned.

He looked respectfully at Austin as he spoke, realizing that he needed to adjust his view of his companion. So far, he had been

content to regard Austin as a peer who was also a valuable ally.

Austin's display of power just now made Ennis realize that this young man was not only far stronger than him, he was stronger

than he could even imagine. He deserved the highest respect.

In this light, he was always polite to the young man.

After all, in the world of martial arts, a show of strength was the most effective way to win respect from others.

Even as Ennis spoke, he and the others arrived at their destination. The divine gods of the beast race watched their approach with

cold eyes.

"Well, brat, you are very bold!

How dare you kill our people?"

said an old demonic monster, who instantly locked his spiritual sense on Austin's powerful aura. He glared angrily at Austin.

This old monster was a premium-grade divine god.

An overwhelming demonic aura was emanating from him, so pervasive that it reached Austin although there was sdistance

between them.

Countless streaks of thick demonic laws wandered everywhere, like poisonous serpents, exerting a dark and forceful control over

the whole Wu Clan.

Austin could feel the old demonic monster redirecting sof that massive demonic power and demonic laws, aiming them in his


Moreover, the other medium-grade divine gods and the dozens of preliminary-grade divine gods also fixed their spiritual senses on

Austin's aura.

The divine gods on the side of the beast race were focusing all their attention on Austin.

They had already sensed Austin's power when he was killing the medium-grade divine god of the beast race.

However, the speed with which Austin attacked prevented them from coming to the aid of their peer.

The ease with which Austin had killed their people left them furious and frightened. This young man possessed an incredible and

terrifying power.

Thus, none of the martial arts masters of the beast race attacked immediately. For the moment, they only stared at him, probing

and sensing his power with their spiritual senses.

Faced with an attack by an injured medium-grade divine god and two preliminary-grade divine gods, Ennis, Fletcher, and Shepard

had no difficulty in dealing with them.

The old demonic monster laughed grimly. "Very good. You are one martial arts genius.

But, young man—haven't you learned to be careful whom you provoke? A genius who will not live to see the dawn is not much of a


Since you have dared to anger all of us, you are destined to be a genius who dies young!"

The old monster glared at Austin with his ferocious scarlet eyes.

A terrifying aura suddenly spread out forcefully across the whole space. It belonged to the premium-grade divine god.

Every creature present felt a strange sensation wash over them, as though they were now in the old monster's territory. They felt

like they were in a world ruled by the old monster.

"This old monster is horrifying!

We've been too reckless.

We shouldn't have chere like this!"

Cowed by the oppressive aura of the old demonic monster, Ennis, Fletcher, and Shepard began speaking all at once, unable to hide

their fear. Under the pressure of the old monster's power, their very legs felt too feeble to support their bodies.

They began coughing.

The three of them all spat out blood. Their faces had grown pale, and blood roiled in their bodies like troubled seas.

The force alone of the old demonic monster's powerful aura had severely injured Ennis, Fletcher, and Shepard.

'This old monster is extremely powerful.

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I must be careful,

Austin thought. His face had darkened when he felt the old monster's power.

However, he still stood straight, calmly meeting the glare of his opponent. The old demonic monster's power had no effect on him

at all.

He was unharmed because of the Chaotic Heaven Body.























