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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2541
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"Austin, you're back!"

As soon as Austin flew over the Immortal End School, he heard Kevin's voice message through his spiritual sense.

Then, in the void not far away, a figure moved smoothly and quietly, with gliding steps towards Austin. It was Kevin.

"Master Kevin, your cultivation base seems to have improved a lot!"

Austin exclaimed in surprise and excitement.

Kevin was now at the premium stage of Immortal King Realm.

Austin had also reached the premium stage of Immortal King Realm. He could tell at a glance that Kevin's aura was extremely

formidable, and he was about to make another breakthrough pretty soon.

"Ha ha, | do feel that | will reach the Immortal Saint Realm. But I'm not sure when the twill come,"

Kevin said with a smile.

"Sir, are you here looking out for the foreign intruders from the Evil Shadow World?"

Austin asked.

Kevin was the actual leader of the Immortal End World and had been busy doing other things and running various affairs. However,

he now suddenly seemed idle, and he had stayed behind just to protect the Immortal End School in person, something that would

have been considered beneath him in the past.

So the minute Austin saw him, he instantly guessed the reason why he was hanging around.

"That's right.

Although the men from the Evil Shadow World haven't shown much malice to the residents of the Immortal End World, they are

very sly and still stay here all the time.

It seems that they won't give up until they have taken Caroline back,"

Kevin nodded and said.

"What? Do you think they are audacious enough to steal Caroline from right under our nose and take her away against her will?

That's just barbaric.

We shouldn't have to entertain such nonsense. The only right thing to do now is just drive them away. Stop being polite to them,"

Austin said coldly.

Caroline was Austin's loved one. He would never allow anyone to force her to do anything she didn't want to do or participate in.

"That thought has crossed my mind. | have been thinking about driving them away for a long time.

After all, the Immortal End School is the most advanced school in our world. We can't allow outsiders to act wildly and think that

they can do whatever they want here.

However, there are two masters of the Immortal Saint Realm accompanying those cultivators from the Evil Shadow World.

| am no match for them. So attacking them would cause more harm than good to the school, because it would mean a total


They keep telling our people that this is the domestic affairs of the evil shadow race, which has nothing to do with the Immortal

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End World, so we shouldn't interfere. However, they conveniently forget that Caroline is from the Immortal End World, and

therefore it's a total insult to us if they think they can just kidnap our people.

| have decided to order the four chaotic evil beasts to be on standby and drive them away if those people from the Evil Shadow

World dare do anything inappropriate.

However, they haven't done anything wrong so far, so we have no reason to attack them first.

Moreover, it is said that the Evil Shadow World is an extremely powerful world.

If we act irrationally and provoke the Evil Shadow World, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with the repercussions of our actions,"

Kevin said.

Now that Kevin had set his mind to protect and serve the Immortal End World, he was taking his responsibilities very seriously. He

had to think carefully about any decision he made and how it would affect the whole Immortal End World.

"Humph, sweak cultivators at the Immortal Saint Realm dare to mess around in the Immortal End World and think that they

can walk in and out as if this is an ungoverned and protected world.

They better think again because the Immortal End World is no longer as weak as it used to be, and now we are brave enough to

stand up to our enemies.

Weak people are always bullied by those who think they are stronger and get away with any atrocious behavior!

From now on, anyone who dares to offend the Immortal End World should be punished severely,"

Austin said coldly.

With Austin's current strength and skills, he was confident of his powers and wouldn't be afraid of a grand leader from the demonic


To Austin, a warrior at the Immortal Saint Realm was nothing!

Hence, without further delay, Austin's spiritual sense made its way to inside the Immortal End School.

"I can't believe this is happening again. Why are they pestering Caroline again and again?"

Austin looked sullen, while wondering aloud.

At that moment, at the Immortal End School, outside Caroline's cultivation cave, dozens of people stood on the ground in front of

the cave.

From a distance, the people didn't look much different from ordinary humans.

However, as soon as one got closer to them, the most peculiar thing they would notice would be their skin. It was pale and had an

unnatural hue of gray as if they were in the early stages of decay.

Their forehead, neck and other parts of their exposed skin had sstrange patterns running through their bodies as if they

belonged to soccult.

Apart from their strange physical appearance, they had an overwhelming energy and all gave off a very strong evil aura.

However, their eyes were their most striking feature and true to the saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. They were a

dead giveaway that the creatures were evil creatures because they were neither black nor white but grey and dark, which gave off

a dull luster and evil energy.

They were no doubt from the evil shadow race.

"Princess Caroline, please don't embarrass us or cause unnecessary commotion.

We are here to peacefully take you back to the Evil Shadow World.

If we don't complete the task and go back empty handed, we will surely be punished or even get sentenced to death,"

said a tall, thin middle-aged man.

His voice, which was amplified by extra energy, had the power to transcend great miles. His voice spread into the cave that

Caroline was cultivating.

"I said before and | won't repeat myself again. Don't callprincess in public before we can confirm this whole thing.

Leavealone and go back!

| won't go with you unless | have met my family and known what's really going on here."

From inside the cave cthe very agitated and angry voice of Caroline.

"Well, you have heard her state her wishes clearly.

Please go back first.

Our queen won't go with you unless she has seen her family.

If it is true that her family sent you here, you can go back and tell them to chere in person. Otherwise, she won't be convinced

to leave easily."

An old voice cfrom the inside of the cave. It was Priest Callum.

"Shut up!

I'm talking to Princess Caroline. You are just a servant and should know your place. Don't be rude and interruptagain.

As your punishment | order you to slap yourself!"

the tall, thin middle-aged man shouted outside the cave.

"Slap your own mouth so that next tyou will know when to keep it shut"

With the support of powerful energy, billowing sound waves rushed into Caroline's cave and enveloped the priest.


Priest Callum was thrown into the air and hit hard on a wall inside the cave. The massive impact made him almost lose

consciousness as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The tall and thin middle-aged man was a master at the Immortal Saint Realm.

He was way stronger than Priest Callum.

The priest was at a totally disadvantaged position and couldn't fight back or defend himself. He was courting death by defying

those warriors outside the cave.

"Are you all right, Priest Callum?"

Caroline was surprised and shocked by the sudden and unprovoked attack. She rushed over to get hold of the priest, took out a

high-level healing superior pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

"My queen, I... I'm fine. Don't worry about my wellbeing. | am more worried for you.

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These people are of unknown origin and their attitude is very unfriendly. | always felt that... pardon my intrusion, but | don't trust

them. Something is wrong with these people.

Please, don't go with them. My gut just... doesn't trust them,"

The priest added. He looked as pale as a ghost, and he didn't seem to have the strength to finish a sentence without stopping to

take deep labored breaths as if even breathing was a huge task.

Then he tilted his head and passed out.

"Ohh God! Please wake up! What's wrong with you? Why aren't you responding? Please don't die!"

Caroline was so anxious that she could feel her heartbeat ringing out like a set of fast drums. Her eyes were streaming with tears

like a river, although she didn't bother to wipe them off because she wasn't even aware that she was crying.

It was known to all that Priest Callum had been serving and protecting Caroline since she was a child.

To her, Priest Callum was like a father.

"Your Highness, please rest assured. The old man is alive.

| just wanted to give him a little punishment and put him in his place so that next the can behave himself in front of a princess

and his superiors.

A servant should know what to do and what not to do.

He is not in a position to make remarks until he has been ordered to do so,"

said the tall, thin and middle-aged man standing outside the cave.

"How dare you hurt Priest Callum! Get out! You have made my decision simpler. | will never go with you!"

Caroline thundered with immense authority.

"Princess Caroline, | must take you back one way or another.

| hope you won't make it difficult forand for you."

The voice of the tall, thin and middle-aged man turned cold and hostile.

"Well, you can try.

But | can assure you, nobody could make a scene in the Immortal End World and get away with it."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and a young man appeared in the sky and began to descend slowly.





