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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1817
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Austin then ordered the new prminister to take charge of the whole imperial capital city.

Most of the royal troops had surrendered. In addition, the Merry Gang and the five other sects had more than one hundred

thousand members. That number was more than enough.

Then Austin instructed Violet and the gnto seize all the wealth of the royal family.

It was a treasure trove, and they were able to amass an abundance of treasure. Austin got a Space Ring from the emperor and also

discovered a large treasure house hidden under the palace's ground.

He also collected the Space Rings of all the ministers and generals who had been killed.

One exceptional treasure was the Space Ring that belonged to the elder of the Ji Clan.

Austin jumped with joy as he counted the treasures he accumulated.

The valuables in the Space Rings of the emperor and the elder of the Ji Clan, and the treasures he found in the royal palace's

underground treasure house, amounted to a great deal of fortune.

There were an abundance of vital energy crystals, magic treasures, spiritual pills, and superior pills, and all kinds of rare herbs,

natural materials and other treasures.

"This hefty fortune will greatly enhance the strength of our FlHoly Land,"

Austin murmured, feeling very satisfied.

The emperor's leadership was overturned. Soon, the news that the imperial capital city was now controlled by the Holy Heritor of

the FlHoly Land spread throughout every corner of the FlKingdom.

Austin took his role seriously. He started with an order saying that the entire FlKingdom would be free from tax. He

released slaves who had been serving their masters for three years. Prisoners were either released or getting their sentences

shortened. His orders spread and had becwell known throughout the entire empire.

People felt relieved, as they were now free from the ruthless rule of the previous emperor.

The whole FlKingdom celebrated with so much joy. It was a jubilant atmosphere as people danced on the streets. More people

gathered on the streets to join the celebration and their newfound freedom. Firecrackers were lit up ad there was a shower of

confetti to express their congratulations.

As the noble families of the FlKingdom realized that the royal family of the empire had been completely destroyed, they

becterrified of Austin.

Wanting to make sure that Austin wouldn't turn against them, they hurried to the imperial capital city and expressed their loyalty

to Austin. Each family swore to join the FlHoly Land.

Austin accepted each one of them.

After all, he needed as many people as he could have to run the new FlKingdom.

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Three days later, the three elders of the FlHoly Land received the news and rushed to the imperial capital city of the Flame


"Well, | was just waiting for an appropriate tto take back the control of the FlKingdom from the Ji Clan.

| did not expect that you could bring down the emperor by yourself.

We have to be careful. | don't think the Ji clan will let you off easily since you killed one of their elders,"

Elder Brendan said to Austin.

"Elder Brendan, the FlHoly Land and the Ji Clan have been at odds with each other for the longest time.

It's not a big deal to kill one of them."

Austin reasoned.

"That's right. Since our base was destroyed four years ago, the animosity between our FlHoly Land and those big sects cannot

end easily.

It's not a big deal to kill one more of their people.

If the Ji Clan takes revenge, then the FlHoly Land will deal with it."

Elder Brendan agreed as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Elder Sharp is no stranger to the matters of the FlKingdom.

He plans to establish teleportation arrays in several important cities within the territory of the FlKingdom, including the

imperial capital city. This is very important if we want to control the entire FlKingdom.

Our headquarters is inside the territory of the FlKingdom.

This will keep the FlKingdom under our control and will make it part of our territory,"

Elder Brendan responded.

"That's true,"

Austin nodded.

"Austin, you better stay in the imperial capital city of the FlKingdom in the following days.

Meanwhile, | will assist Elder Sharp in setting up a teleportation array,"

Elder Brendan instructed Austin.


Austin nodded.

In the next six or seven days, the situation at the entire FlKingdom had been stabilized and regained its normal order.

More than ten days later, in the FlKingdom, Elder Sharp had set up small teleportation arrays in smajor cities and the

imperial capital city.

With the use of these small teleportation arrays, one could be transported directly to the headquarters of the FlHoly Land.

This way, the FlKingdom was under the control of the FlHoly Land.

Under the leadership of Elder Brendan, a new emperor was appointed, and a new royal family was established.

Austin was there to help, but he had no interest in ruling a kingdom. He did not care who was appointed, and who would rule over

the place.

Soon, the news about what had happened in the FlKingdom had spread throughout the East Mainland.

Truth was, in the East Mainland, strength mattered in every decision. They considered the powerful big sects more important than

the less powerful sects. To protect their interests, most of the royal families attached themselves to these powerful big sects.

The destruction of a royal family was not new to them. It was part of life's natural flow and order.

However, because it concerned Austin and the Ji Clan, the news soon spread throughout the whole East Mainland. People were

talking about it everywhere.

Everyone's favorite part was, Austin had killed an elder of the Ji Clan in the imperial capital city of the FlKingdom!

Warriors who heard the news were stunned and asked for details. They could not believe that it was possible.

Everyone was greatly shocked when it turned out to be true.

"Has this Austin reached such a high cultivation base level?"

"This Austin from the FlHoly Land is so powerful!"

"That is unbelievable! We have to make sure we do not cross path with that Austin in the future. How dare he kill an elder of the Ji

Clan! He is so cold-blooded!"

The news spread across the East Mainland. People gossiped about it among themselves.

Not just the ordinary cultivators were affected. The news blew away all the members of the three prominent clans and the three

holy lands.

The fact that he could kill an elder of a prominent clan meant that Austin's strength had reached an extremely high level.

To a certain extent, such powerful show of strength posed a threat to the safety of those holy lands and the prominent clans.

If he was that strong, who could defeat Austin in the future? Even if they cfrom the holy lands and the prominent clans, it did

not guarantee their safety.

Once they encounter Austin, each of them would knock at death's door. They were afraid to suffer the fate of that elder.

The news bothered the people from the holy lands, the prominent clans, and the top-ranked sects that had always hated Austin.

The disciples of the sects warned each other not to approach Austin and to avoid him at all costs.

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"Austin! | will never forgive you!"

The patriarch of the Ji Clan shouted with so much rage, and it sent forceful tremors on the entire headquarters. It was so strong

that people even felt the tremors in the surrounding area.

The patriarch's chest heaved out of anger. His eyes glistened with his thoughts of revenge and murder. He looked so terrifying that

people turned away from him, afraid they would suffer from his wrath.

"Wretched Austin! | despised you! From now on, people from the Ji Clan are your mortal enemies!"

Flames of hatred burned in the eyes of the senior reclusive elders of the Ji Clan.

"Master, how about we send our disciples to the FlKingdom? We kill Austin, revenge the death of our elder, and take back the

control of the kingdom?"

a senior member of the Ji Clan asked the patriarch.

"I heard that the FlKingdom is impenetrable after it becunder the control of the FlHoly Land.

We need to think about it harder. We need to be very careful with our next move,"

the patriarch explained after he kept silent and reflected on the idea for a short while.

He knew that sending a large group of people to take back the control of the FlKingdom was a direct assault on the Flame

Holy Land.

Last time, Elder Sharp of the FlHoly Land defeated the armies of the seven sects alone.

Their defeat on that battle shocked the holy lands and the big clans.

The senior members of these holy lands and the big clans all realized that they could not provoke or bully the FlHoly Land as

they had done in the past. So much had changed, and they seemed to be surrounded by powerful people.

The patriarch of the Ji Clan did not want to act on impulse. There was too much risk fighting with the FlHoly Land and its


At the thought of this, the senior members of the Ji Clan fell silent.

A few days later, a piece of news spread amongst the people.

This piece of news shocked the entire East Mainland.

In a month, the four schools in the Middle Pilgrim Land were going to recruit new students from the whole Divine Continent.

Recruitment places would be set up in every region of the Divine Continent to accommodate the applicants.

The news swept through the land like wildfire. It was known all over the entire East Mainland in an instant.

It caused chaos in the entire East Mainland.

The four schools of the Middle Pilgrim Land had a great influence and high status in the Divine Continent.

Not only the East Mainland, but also the whole Divine Continent would be affected by this event.